Comfort in Your Arms

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The next morning began with some annoying birds chirping over Brett's head as he rose. The sun was slowly peeking out between the trees and he knew he technically 'overslept'. Or slept way more than usual. So he got up and trotted to the warm water pond to freshen up. Today's plan was easy: Get some more vegetables and make some wonderful soup for Eddy again! He promised Eddy and himself that he would do it so he started eagerly.

A couple of hours later a deliciously smelling pot bubbled happily over the fire and Brett sipped some of the broth. He made enough to last him a whole week, but with Eddy maybe just one day. But that was fine; Eddy should enjoy it.

Eddy wasn't back as early as he had been the previous day, but he was still back in the morning. He was walking over at that very moment, coming into Brett's range of view slowly but surely.

Brett looked up when the alarm bird chirped and he heard some soft hoovesteps. His face brightened and his most favorite deer was in his view.

"Eddy!" He jumped up and ran to him to hug him.

Eddy's ears had perked up from where they rested upon his fluffy hair when he heard Brett's voice and saw him, "Hey Bretty?"
He smiled, happy that Brett was coming to greet him so happily. The geep rushed to the deer and hugged him tightly around the waist, "I missed you so much! How are you? Are you hungry? I made you breakfast!"

He rubbed his cheek against the chest to scent the deer since he definitely stank of other deer. He wanted his smell on Eddy, not the smell of someone other.

"I missed you too, and I'm good. Thank you for asking, and thanks for breakfast, I am hungry and like food," Eddy leaned down, to sniff at Brett, he had a comforting smell. He loved the comfort the faun gave him.

"I know you like food, that's why I made a huge pot for you. But why didn't you eat in the herd? I mean, I love it when you eat my food, don't get me wrong, I was just asking." Brett took the deer's hand and together they went back to the happily crackling fire. The faun filled the prepared bowl and waited for Eddy to settle down so he could give him the food.

"I don't eat breakfast with them so I can be here sooner for you," Eddy softly explained and squeezed Brett's little hand.

"That is immensely cute and I love it. More time with you is more happiness for me," Eddy was so darn cute! The deer came as soon as possible. Brett knew Eddy liked to sleep in and be a bit lazy so that the deer was here in the early hours before he would usually wake up to spend time with him was cute. Worrisome, but cute.

When Eddy settled down Brett handed him the bowl and spoon and flopped right beside him. Ha rubbed his cheek over the arm and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of him until Eddy smelled more like him!

Eddy sipped the soup, letting it warm him up from the inside out. He always found the mornings to be more chilly, the kind that liked to nip at his skin. It was always nicer to stay in the den until the sun had warmed everything up a bit. However he would be anywhere Brett was and outside when the faun was. Luckily his winter coat was coming in, making him more fuzzy, "I like when you are happy."

"And I am happy when you are happy. But why does it seem you are not happy? Do you want to talk about that?" Brett looked up at the deer while he rubbed his hands over Eddy's side carefully. The deer didn't look happy at all when he was coming his way. Did something happen with the herd? He hoped that Eddy trusted him enough to talk about it.

"I'm happy Brett, don't worry," Eddy smiled down at Brett with an assuring look. It was clear that he didn't want to talk about anything that dealt with his herd. Along with his emotions that dealt with the herd. It was a subject that he wanted to keep hush hush.

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