chapter one

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*Buzz, Buzz , Buzz."
The sound of my alarm clock rang in my ear. The worst part about school was waking up early. I swear if there was no such thing as school I would sleep all day and all night.
*Buzz, Buzz, Buzz.*
I reached out my hand to turn off my alarm clock I threw my blanket to one side and stretched out my legs and let my feet touch the cold floor. It's meant to be the summer not the winter.
"Amelia you better be up Alana will be here soon!"
"Yes mum I'm awake, just getting into the shower!"
I got out of the nice warm shower when suddenly the cold air hit me I quickly got changed into my uniform and applied some mascara; my eyelashes were already quite long so I didn't need to wear a lot and I let my long curly blonde hair dry naturally. A few seconds later there was a knock at the door.
"Alanas here!"
"I know mum, I'll be there now!"
"Well hurry up I don't want you being late!"
I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs to be meet by Alana;Alana and I have been really close friends since primary school. She was a lot taller than me but hey who isn't, she has short blonde hair and she doesn't wear a lot off make up unlike some girls at our school.
"So hey lan,"
"Hi, you ready for school?"
"Is that a stupid question you know I hate school it bores me,"
"I know same but we have Mr Wright today so I don't mind, he has a pretty good bum" and with that I couldn't help but burst out with laughter "lan he's like 50!" I managed to say before laughing again ,
"Well he's looking good for 50" she said whilst wiggling her eyebrows,
"Ew you really are disgusting!"
As we walked through the gates of the school we were greeted by our crazy looking friends; Jessica, Becca and Emily,
"Hey girls, where are all the boy's?" Both me and Alana said in sync which was really weird,
"Well Aaron and Scott are both over by the benches"Jess replied,
"Josh is trying to chat up Kate again but failing terribly"Becca said whilst pointing in his direction,
"Jake and kieran are over there"Emily said whilst giggling at the two of them acting like complete dweebs.

Four hours with Mr Wright was exhausting but it was finally lunch time,
"So hey Josh seen you with Kate earlier"I said whilst winking at him,
"Your just jealous because I wasn't talking to you"
"Yeah right Joshua, you would totally die if I hit on you"
"Oh shut it curly!"he managed to say before Alana cut him off
"Oh my God will you guys just quit it I have more important news Dylan O'Brien just uploaded another picture and he's topless!"she squealed
I just giggled at her inner fangirl realising itself "okay do I look that crazy when I fangirl?"
"Okay, okay no need to shout."
"So I was wondering fancy hanging out later, you can come over mine if you like, oh we could start our videos again?"I decided to cut her off as she was rambling a lot.
"Lan, your rambling again, gosh you do that a lot and sure I'd love too."
*Beep, Beep,Beep.*
The bell rang signalling that lunch was over. Only one hour left in school and then the summer holidays I can't wait!
"Alana,is it me or has this hour dragged?"
"Probably because algebra is so boring and plus we have 2 minutes left so I ain't complaining now" she replied she's always so positive I don't get it. Like seriously how do we even get along we are the complete opposite.
"Class put your books away and get ready to leave I don't want to see any off you for 6 weeks now get out off my classroom" Mr Wright joked as we packed our books away
"Have a good holiday class"
"You too sir" we all replied
"Mum I'm home I'm going over Alanas" I ran up into my room and got changed into a pair of light blue skinnys and a baggy jumper I sorted out my very messy curly hair and ran down stairs to find a note on the kitchen side.

Hey melia,
Sorry I ain't home I've been called out on a very important meeting with work and had to go away I won't be home I for the week I've made sure there's plenty off food in the house and I've left some money just in case you need it and Alanas mum has agreed that it's okay for her to stay the week, so have fun no parties I trust you okay! Loves you baby girl see you in a weeks time don't cause any trouble!
Love mum
I threw the note to one side and grabbed my bag. I slipped on my white low converse and headed to Alanas.
"Hey beautiful"
I turned around to see Scott leaning against a wall,
"Urgh, what the hell do you want Scott?"
"Well that's not a nice way to greet me is it now"he said as he got closer to me,
"Why? What are you to me? Now I have to go bye Scott" as I turned around to walk away I felt him tug on my hand pulling me towards him,
"Whats the rush you know one day you will be mine"
"Pfft seriously Scott your really annoying me now just go back to Mia I'm sure she's missing you"
I felt his grip gain tighter as he pulled me even closer,
"I don't want Mia I want you"and with that he crashed his lips on mine I managed to pull away and escape his grip, I started to run to Alanas when I looked back I could see him standing there with a smirk on his face I seriously hate that boy, why does my friends even like him he's a jerk.
I reached Alanas house and I didn't even bother knocking I just ran straight in,
"Oh my gosh,darling are you okay?You look as if you've just seen a ghost"
I'm fine Mrs Reilly thanks for asking, where's Alana?"
"She's up in her room go straight up"I ran up to Alanas to see her setting up the computer ready to start our broadcasts.
"Hey what happened to you?" Lana asked with a very confused look on her face
"Bumped into Scott again"I said investigating the bruises that were forming on my wrists

Sorry if its rubbish I'm new at this promise it will get better❤

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