chapter 18

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Dylan's p.o.v

We walked into the hospital room to see Alana led in the bed strapped up to wires "this isn't right its like she's not even here"I said placing my hand on hers as I sat beside her bed

"Dylan you just need to speak to her she can still hear you! we need to try anything to bring her back!"Amelia responded

"it still isn't right who would do some thing like this?" Tom finally spoke up

"Tom it's okay shes going to make it. I'm going to ring her family and inform them"Amelia said trying to comfort Thomas

"tom how can she be so positive?"

"I don't know Dyl shes strong that's all I can say"

"I just don't get it her best friend is lying in a hospital bed and she ain't even crying how can this not affect her?"

"it probably is. It's just not everyone shows there emotions"I turned to face Alana's frozen body

"Alana if you can hear me please wake up I need you. I need you more than anything. I need you to be my girlfriend again. I need you to hold my hand. I need you to laugh with me as Thomas does stupid things. I need to see your beautiful smile. I need to see those big amazing blue eyes that I feel in love with. I would sacrifice all the memories we made just to be able to spend my future with you. I just need you please wake up please!" the tears were streaming down my face at this point. I looked up to see Thomas facing the wall running his hands through his hair "you don't have to hide tom"

"urm what? im not! hide what?"

"tom you can cry you know. You don't have to hide its better to let out all your emotions otherwise they will just build up inside off you which could result badly and I cant risk losing you either"I felt Thomas crash into my chest as my t-shirt absorbed all his tears suddenly Amelia came running through the door "Amelia whats wrong?"I asked generally confused

"this can't be happening"

"what Amelia what are you going on about?"Tom said his tone was so smooth as he walked towards her

"no don't come near me stay away!"

"Amelia what the fuck is going on"

"this is my fault all of this is my fault why didn't I just go back to Britain!"

"Amelia tell me what the hell is going on" Tom said his tone was not so smooth this time

"there dead her parents they were in a house fire and they never made it. There dead Tom that's whats fucking wrong and its all because off me that she never got to see them for the last time because I was selfish I only cared for myself. she came back for me! She left them for me but now they have left her for good!she will never see her parents again! they are fucking dead how can this happen? they were such good people they didn't deserve to die! There are bastards out there that actually deserve it and they didn't!" I watched as Amelia fell to the floor but as we tried to comfort her she moved away she believes it was all her fault all of it from Alana being in a coma to her parents being dead

"Amelia this isn't your fault. Listen to me none of this can be your fault. Look her parents may have been good people but they are in a better place now and they will be watching over there beautiful daughter telling her to fight for her life as shes not ready to become an angel yet. If she was ready she would've left already so that proves she isn't ready to leave yet she's fighting Amelia shes fighting for us! for you! so you listen to me this isn't your fault!"

Amelia's p.o.v

Dylan's words really meant something he was right but for some reason I can't help but think this is all caused because off me.

"thanks Dyl, but do you mind if I can speak to her?"

"sure call us when your ready for us to come back in" Dylan said as he placed his lips gently against my forehead.

"she loves you Melia so don't think like that okay?" Thomas said as he pulled me in holding me tight. I watched as they both left the room as soon as they were out off sight I ran to the side of her. I gripped onto hand as I began to cry

"wake up please wake up. You cant leave me again! this isn't fair you told me we would always be with each other and if you die we will be separated and I cant have that but im not ready to leave this place not yet. Please just wake up you can't leave not now! I've just got you back and now your going again you promised me we will be together again so you have to wake up you cant break that promise! please Lana please just wake up!" I lowered my head onto the bed as I screamed out in fear, fear off losing my best friend for the second time but this time I wouldn't get her back!

Sophie's p.o.v

"Mia why did you hurt her? What's has she done to you! what did she do to deserve any of this?"

"its not what she's done to me its what she done to Scott he wants Amelia back and i'm going to help him!"

"you ain't going any where near her just back off and leave her be cant you see what your doing is wrong?"

"I know its wrong you stupid cow but i'm in to deep so if I'm going to prison from this I might aswell finish the job"

"what do you mean finish the job"

"well listen here scott is going to hurt everyone who amelia loves until theres no one left to hurt other than her! first Alanas parents then alana i'm guessing the next one is you!"she said whilst pushing me to the ground

" wait you killed her parents and tried to kill her! your fucking sick whats wrong with you!"

"yeah it was such a tragic house fire poor people couldn't make it out and will you just shut up!" she said bringing her fist down towards my face I felt my head smash against the cupboard as her fist collided with my nose. I decided to drag myself up to face her but I turned and ran for the door but before I could reach it I felt her push me into it with all her force,
"arw leaving so soon! I dont think so bitch" she said as her knees dug into my ribs and me punching me.I spotted a vase just inches away away I managed to stretch out my arm and grab it bringing it towards her as it smashed against the side of her head releasing me from her grip and causing her to wince in pain as blood dripped from behind her ear. I managed to get up and leave the room I ran down the hallway clutching my ribs as I struggled to breathe. I slide down the side of the wall as I waited for the elevator to arrive and trying to catch my breathe when I heard

"excuse me are you alright?"

"no you have to help me please?" I begged

"what the hell happened" he said kneeling down beside wiping the blood from my face I looked up to see him investigating the bruises and cuts on my face

"wait you know Amelia right?"

"Yeah I do why?"he looked really confused at this point but I need his help desperately.

"Liam you have to help me!"

So Scott and mia has teamed up and are after Amelia and are willing to destroy anything in there way! Will Alana pull through before its too late?thanks for reading ❤

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum