chapter 11

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Thomas' p.o.v

The moment Amelia screamed Dylan's name I knew something was wrong I made my way into the room with the help off Dylan we entered the room and found Amelia sat on Alana's bed she had tears streaming down her face. I looked in Dylan's direction you could tell he was scared he looked petrified his eyes were wide and he seemed to be speechless until he finally spoke "what's wrong? Amelia tell me whats fucking wrong!" the expression on his face change from petrified to angry but as soon as Amelia said "shes gone!" he just flipped I had never seen him like this and it was horrible "what do you mean she's fucking gone?"Dylan bawled as he moved towards Amelia and grabbed the paper she was holding

Amelia, Thomas and Dylan,

guys I know im being selfish by going with out saying goodbye but I couldn't do it I could not physically say goodbye to the most important people in my life i'm really sorry its just I don't belong there hopefully one day we will be reunited and hopefully soon but I just cant possibly stay. My future is back in Britain and Amelia I know we have grown up together and I will always have your back even if we are miles apart, your literally like my little sister I understand you wants to stay but not matter how far away you are you will always be my sister and we will meet again some day, some where. I love you Mimi and I always will i'm really sorry but like we always said we will always find each other and I promise you that will happen you cant lose me that easily Mi your my bestest friend and I cant tell you how much i'm sorry. Thomas well what can I say you are my best mate im sorry I cant be here to tell you in person but you are truly amazing please look after Amelia and Dylan i'm counting on you Thomas Sangster! Some day Tom we will be reunited and hopefully it will be like I never left i'm sorry I really am love you tom! Finally Dylan. Well this is going to be hard but I told you from the beginning I couldn't stay but you had that charm to convince me to stay that charm that I fell in love with and I tried I really did I tried for you but I had to go before I got to attached I love you Dyl and I always will but I don't belong in America. It's mad how fast the night changes at one point I was sat outside a coffee shop with the most amazing person and now i'm running away from him but I wants you to know that I fell for you Dylan O'Brien I fell for you hard and that's why its so hard to write this I love you Dyl. You know I never really knew what love was like but I felt it when I looked in your eyes but the memories they hurt and I know this will probably affect you the most but I wants you to promise me something just promise me you will never forget about the time we spent together and please protect Amelia that's all I ask i'm really sorry.

love Alana

as Dylan read the note I could see the tears streaming down his face

"this is bullshit if she loved me then why did she go!why did she fucking go!"Dylan yelled I walked towards him as he collapse to the floor I let the tears roll down my face as I sat the hugging my best friend trying to comfort him "its okay Dyl"I said rubbing his back as I hugged him tighter "please just tell me your okay"I looked up to see Amelia had gone I could hear her crying from the other room its hard seeing people I love cry "Dylan please just say something"I cried into his shoulder "the worst part about this is that I never got to see her for one last time, I truly loved her tom"he said before crying into my chest again"I know you did dyl but we are going to get through this okay?"

"no I don't want to get through this I just wants her back!"Dylan yelled as he stood up

"I know Dyl but shes gone and we cant help that"I said trying to calm him down as I stood up so I was level with him.

"you don't fucking get it do you Tom I've lost her for good"he screamed

"your not the only one we've all lost her! Amelia's lost her fucking best friend"I yelled back but as I did I felt the force off Dylan's fist colliding with my face as I led there on the floor blood dripping from my nose I watch Dylan standing there stunned at what he did

"Tom I'm sorry I didn't mean to what have I done?"he said tears flowing from his eyes

"it's fine your upset I get that we all get that but we have to stick together to work through this"I replied whilst taking his hand as he dragged me up towards him and pulled me closer to him we stood there crying on each others shoulder when we heard Amelia scream out in pain. We ran into the room to find Amelia sat there blood running from her hand she had smashed a photo off her and Alana and cut her hand she sat there crying surrounded by glass we ran over and pulled her up towards her I checked her hand them pulled her in for a hug we all stood there crying on each others shoulder as we let the pain sink in "shes really gone hasn't she"Amelia said in between her hiccups.

Amelia's p.o.v

As I sat there watching Dylan cry into Toms chest and I couldn't take it how could she just leave without saying goodbye my best friend has just walked out off my life with out a goodbye. I stood up knowing I couldn't watch them cry for much longer I walked into the next room to find a picture of me and Alana from the Ellen's show I picked it up and admired the photo until the memories flooded back I collapse on to the floor and held the photo close to me as I replayed the memories in my head. Her words were constantly on my mind how will we find each other, how will we be reunited when she walked away she left me I threw the photo to the ground as I let the tears burst out. I looked down at the ruined photo and just cried into my lap every time I think off one memory a thousand others float back. She just left and I can't see her no more I let the tears roll down my cheeks and begun picking up the glass when I felt the glass pierce through my skin I let out a scream and seconds later tom and Dylan came running into the room I turned my face so they couldn't see how much pain I was in. Tom grabbed my hand and investigated it but seconds later I was pulled into a group hug we stood there crying to each other "shes really gone hasn't she?" I asked but there was no answer just a few more sobs from the boys.



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