chapter 24

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Liam's p.o.v

I sat there impatiently waiting for Sophie to wake up. I sat there admiring her features I'm glad she's okay I really like this girl and I have no idea why she just seems different suddenly her eyelashes flickered open.Revealing her beautiful blue eyes the edges of her mouth curved upwards as she pulled her self into a sitting position she winced in pain as she sat up straight "hey hey take it slow don't push yourself" I said standing to her side

"Liam I can do this plus the more I push my self the faster I'll be out off here" she said gritting her teeth as the pain traveled through her body,

"I have to tell you something" I said as I buried me head into my hands

"Liam what's wrong?"she asked reaching out for my hands and pulling me towards the bed I sat down in front off her "I kinda told Amelia that Scott is here in America. I had no idea I thought she knew but turns out she never and she acted so weird like she completely freaked out" I said pulling on my hair in frustration "Amelia knows well this isn't going to go down well" she said shaking her head but for some strange reason her smile never faded.

"Why ain't you angry at me?"

"because I can never get angry at you, Liam you saved my life you didn't mean to mess things up by telling her you were just trying to do the right thing!" She said reaching out and placing her hand on my leg for comfort I looked down to where her hand was placed then glanced up to see her smiling I couldn't help but stare into her eyes she was beautiful "Sophie?"I said not removing my gaze "yes Liam?"

"May I kiss you?" I whispered her cheeks blushed a light shade of red before she nodded I leaned down placing my both hands on her face and cupping  her cheeks as I carefully placed my lips on hers as I removed my lips buts our heads still remained closely together. "Soph I-I-" suddenly my phone rang cutting me off I couldn't removed my gaze from Sophie she was just to beautiful it rang a couple of times invading my thoughts

"I think you should answer that"she said looking down at my pocket.

"Yeah I should shouldn't I" I stuttered grabbing my phone from out of my pocket checking who was calling

"Hey Amelia what's up?" I asked rather concerned we haven't spoke since she left the hospital in complete shock.

"Liam I need your help!please you have to help me!" She gasped my jaw dropped in confusion what the hell is going on?

"Amelia what's wrong?" My tone becoming more serious I looked up to see Sophie sat looking rather scared.

"Tom-" suddenly I heard a big thud causing her to let out a piercing scream I couldn't make out the voices I could just hearing Amelia fighting off who ever had attacked her I started screaming down the phone for her to reply for her to tell me she was okay the tears ran down my face as I angrily paced around the room "Amelia answer me what has he done!Amelia answer me please!please!" I sobbed into the phone seconds later I heard her shaky scared voice "L-Liam are you still there?"hearing her terrified voice made me even angrier "yeah I'm going to kill him!" And with that I hung up my phone I looked over to Sophie who had made her way of the bad clutching her ribs as she walked closer to me "Liam whats happening?" She asked clutching my arm for support I help her back over to the bed trying to work things out in my head "Amelia she rang me asking for help she said tom but before she could finish I heard a big thud followed by her screams and struggles hes done something to her and I aint waiting around to find out, Sophie I need to go check if shes okay!"I sat her back onto the bed and kissed her cheek as I turned away when I had reached the door I heard her call my name "Liam"she hesitated before speaking again "just come back in one piece okay?"I nodded and turned away heading straight out into the hospital car park I found my car and climbed in I kept replaying her screams in my head what sort of idiot could attack a girl like that I punch my steering wheel in anger knowing that I wasn't able to help when she needed me all I could do was listen to her scream out in pain as that physco attacked her.

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