chapter 26

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Alana p.o.v
I felt the warmth of Dylan's chest as he pulled me closer the sharp pains rising up my legs leading towards my lower back. The tears fell from my upper lip running down his topless chest. "Dyl I can't feel my legs"I managed to say in between my hiccups "it's okay everythings going to be okay" he hushed whilst hoisting my body towards his as he spoke he placed me onto the soft bed and gently pressed his soft lips against mine "I'll get you some help just stay here" he said whilst running towards the door "is that a some kind of joke O'Brian" I said trying to crack a smile "you know what I mean just don't try to move okay I'll be back with help in no time!" He said before taking off. The door shut behind him which left me staring at four boring white walls I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Toms number remembering the argument from the night before after a couple of rings I was met by his tired warn out voice "hey what's up?" He muttered down the phone
"How are you and Amelia?" I replied sounding overly confident
"I ain't going to lie Lans but I honestly dont know you see last night when you left I walked out and Amelia obviously came after me when she bumped into Scott who attacked her!" His voice becoming more clear and my heart beat quickened amolst bursting from my chest,
"She's okay I put her to bed last night and she's still sleeping she looks so peaceful despite the bruises that are place over her body I'm sure she'd love to see you when shes awake?" He paused waiting for a response but what could I say "urm well about that I doubt I will be able to"
"What do you mean Alana where are you!" He voice became more tense
"Tom I'm in America at Dylan's but this morning when I woke up I had a little trouble and lost all feelings in my legs Dylan's gone for help but I'm scared what if I can't ever walk again"
"Alana you pulled through a flipping. Coma I'm pretty sure you can pull through this aswell. Listen your strong don't give up frightening not yet."
"but tom I'm bored of frightening I just wants to be normal."
"look we all face obstacles in life that we have to fight and we will be facing them for the rest of our lives it's a part of life nothing will ever be normal just remember that I believe in you we all believe in you. You just need to believe in yourself."
" I guess your right love you tom I hope everything works out between you and Amelia, I'll call you later."
"Don't give up Love you too alright speak soon bye"
"Come in!"I yelled whilst trying to pull myself into a sitting position. "hey beautiful this is Dr Jones he's going to help, I'll leave you to it" he had a weak smile placed on his face and I could see he was struggling to deal with this but why has it affected him so bad?
"hi Miss Reilly I understand you are having problems with your legs well I have looked at your results from the hospital and there was nothing serious to worry about after being stuck in a coma your legs isn't use to being used you will need to use these crutches to support you for now it may take a couple of weeks before you can walk again without any support but I wouldn't worry to much" he briefly smile before passing me crutches.
"thank you and Dr I will be able to walk again won't I."
"yes! hopefully soon well I wish you all the best if you need to ask any more questions just call this number." with that he walk out of the room closing the door quietly behind him. Leaving me staring at the ceiling before long I felt my eyelids closing letting the darkness take over me.

Dylan's p.o.v

I walked out of the room leaving her with the doctor he had already told me she'd walk again which I was pleased about I sat on the couch waiting for them to finish talking. I decided to turned on the TV to pass time but nothing exciting was on. The screams were getting louder and louder the haunting images were floating around my head that's when I realised I had drifted off into a deep sleep and I couldn't wake myself.
*I found myself in a dark room which seemed really familiar. A woman around her mid 20s with long brown hair knelt in the in the middle of the room placing her hands on a young boys face who was about 5 years old they both looked petrified
"listen baby mummy's going to be fine you go hide I'm just going to find daddy."
She gently pressed her lips on his cheeks before leading him towards the wardrobe. That's when I realised this was no dream it was a fucking nightmare and that young boy was me.
"okay baby you hide in here you will be safe. I will come back for you in a bit okay just stay quite and dont come out promise me sweety?"
"promise! mummy I'm scared"
"Me too baby but I'll come back I promise I love you plus you have Mr snuffles to look after you until I come back" I watched as she passed him a small brown teddy before walking Away closing the wardrobe door behind her. She walked towards the door where I was stood I could help but let the tears roll down my cheeks once again the memory of her leaving me in that dark wardrobe replayed in my head. "no don't go out there stay with him please don't go don't leave him! don't leave me! Plea-please! I couldn't help but scream at her hoping I could change things but it was useless she walked straight past before stopping at the door I let out a sigh of relief thinking she heard me but I was wrong "I love you baby and I was will!"I watched a her tears escaped her eyes I wanted to hug her I want to hold her but I couldn't.
I felt myself collapsing to the floor screaming as she walked down the stairs waking me from the deep sleep. My body felt tense and my breathing was heavy my hair was stuck to my face as it combined with the sweat.
I need your help please.
I clicked the lock button and threw my phone to one side before entering the kitchen I ran the cold water cupping it in my hands before bringing it towards my face. Letting out a long sigh glad that nightmare was over.
*Buzz, buzz*
Sure Amelias still sleeping meet me at the cafe in 5 minutes.
I grabbed my leather jacket and car keys and ran out of the house and climbed into my car before heading to the cafe. When I arrived there was no sign of Thomas so I decided to order us drinks ready for when he shows up. Ten minutes past and as I was about to text him he walked through the door he looked tired and rough he had cuts bruises placed over his face "What the Fuck happened to you?"
"liam that's what happened anyway enough of that prick what's up?"
"tom I can't cope no more I keep having theses horrible flashbacks from my childhood and I seriously can't cope with it anymore."
"What sort of flashbacks?"He asked rather confused
"My mum" is said under my breathe not wanting to really explain Thomas only knew bits off what happened I could never really bring myself to tell him but I knew if I was going to tell someone it was going to be him.
"look Dyl I don't know the full story all I know is that it caused you a lot of pain as child."
"that's why I'm here. I thought if I finally get it out in the open and tell someone maybe it will just leave my thoughts and stop haunting my memory"
"Dyl only tell me if your certain about this I know how much it hurts you."
"yeah I'm sure. I trust you Tom anyway when I was five my dad got himself in a lot of debt. He was scared he wouldn't be able to provide for me and my mother. He started working later and later when one night he seen a man attacking a women. So my dad being the good man he was decided to help her but it turned to be her that was in the wrong she had a gun and that man was trying to save his own life until my dad interrupted and was the reason for that man's death"
"Dylan that's not his fault he was a good man he was only trying to do the right thing-"
"I haven't finish, that man was actually part of a very well known gang they wanted revenge on my father for getting him killed. So one night when me and my mum was walking home happy as ever these two men attacked her I didn't understand back then but yeah they did stuff. Stuff I can't even bare to say. She managed to escape them before they killed her and that night my mum and dad packed our bags but before we could escape the whole gang turned up my dad told us to run and hide and that's when my mum took me to her room
Her words are constantly playing on my mind listen baby mummy's going to be fine you go hide I'm just going to find daddy then she placed her lips on my cheek before leading me towards the wardrobe. To hide she promised me she'd come back she promised tom. I sat in the wardrobe waiting for her return but all I could hear where the piercing. Screams they went on for at least an hour. Thomas I can't get them out off my head it's driving me crazy after the screams past I decided to leave my hiding spot even though my mother said not to I held Mr snuffles tight towards my chest as I walked down stairs I found my father stood over my mother's body she sacrificed her life for him. Well so I thought turns out my Father was the one that killed her they forced him either her or me and if he never they'd kill all off us even though I probably would of preferred that my dad couldn't cope with the fact he killed my mum he became a alcoholic he couldn't even bare to look at me he said I reminded him of her. That's when I decided to become an actor I knew I couldn't end up like him I had to be a better person and I guess this whole situation with Scott kinda reminds me of everything and I don't know how I feel about this! Tom I want out. I don't want to be involed in this. I can't risk losing anyone else."
So will Dylan just give up? thanks for reading <3

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