chapter 17

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Dylan's p.o.v

I rolled over and grabbed my blanket and dragged it up over my face I don't want to wake up yet. I didn't want to return to reality where I mess up everything. I wish I could stay asleep forever I would never fuck anything up that way. Suddenly my phone rang but I just ignored it but it rang constantly I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it as I listen to the same ringtone over and over again,

"what do you want!"

"Sorry to bother you Mr O'Brien this is Dr Smith calling from the-"

"wait did you say doctor" I sat up confused at why they would be calling me

"yes. I am sorry to be the one telling you this but I am calling to inform you that Alana Reilly is in intensive care I am guessing you are a relative or close friend we found your number in her phone when she was brought into the hospital. We will update you on her progress but so far we haven't had a response we would advise you to come in for support just in case she wakes up" my grip on my phone tightened as he spoke "excuse me can I ask what happen?"

"well we are guessing she was crossing the road when a car hit her the car didn't stop and there wasn't any witnesses i'm sorry Mr O'Brien"

" thank you"I said hanging up the phone. I felt the anger hit me how could anyone just drive off how can they live with them selves the tears rolled down my face as I thought about Alana led in a hospital bed all alone. I chucked on my jogging bottoms and a t-shirt and made my way to the hospital.

As I was sat in the waiting room alone for about half an hour I decided to text Amelia


"Amelia you need to come to the hospital a.s.p Alana's been hurt badly and they are not sure whether she will make it!x

Dylan x

Amelia's p.o.v

As I read the text from Dylan I felt my phone slip through my hands as it crashed to the floor my best friend had been lying in a hospital bed and I had no idea. I looked up to see Thomas staring at me with wide eyes "Melia what's going on?" he asked "I-I can't lose her again! I cant fucking lose her!" I felt Toms hands grab me as he looked down at me confused "what the hell are you going on about?" he muttered

"Alana's in hospital Tom lying there on her death bed we have to go!"I grabbed my coat leaving Thomas stood there completely stunned at what I had just said "Thomas we need to go!"I yelled snapping him out off his thoughts. The car ride was completely silent and then finally we arrived. I walked up to the front desk to be greeted by a small women "i'm here to see Alana Reill-"

"Amelia!" I was cut off by Dylan as he crashed into me his tears soaking my shoulder as he cried "i'm going to find the bastard who did this!"

"dyl, what happened?" tom said causing him to look up suddenly the had both crashed into each other. Thomas held Dylan tight for the second time as he cried over Alana.

we sat there in the waiting room and let Dylan inform us on what he knew when a doctor came out "urm excuse me are you here for Alana?"

"yes yes we are! whats happening? Is she okay?" I replied as I stood up to greet the doctor

"i'm sorry to tell you this but Alana managed to pull though during surgery"

"why are you sorry that's a good thing"Thomas interrupted

"please let me finish sir, after surgery she should of woken up. She is stable but I'm sorry to tell you this but Alana is in a coma it could take days even months for her to wake up"


so will Alana pull through or not? thanks for reading !!xx

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu