chapter 32

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Thomas p.o.v
"Dyl, he's gone. He's with his sister now. We have to leave!" I whispered the room was silent and awkward. I wanted him to look at me. To speak to me but he never did he just continued to stare into coltons eyes that still remained open. The tears still stored in the corner of his eyes it was the only thing that seemed normal made it seem that he was still there looking at us. Almost as if he was going to say something but deep down I knew that all he could see was the darkness. I guess I just never wanted to believe what I had just witnessed. "Dylan please just look at me" I felt my voice crack at the end we hadn't made eye contact since colton first arrived.

"Okay, okay I just need to speak to him"he replied but still not meeting my gaze which scared me "he's gone Dyl-" a voice called out from behind me. I pulled my hands up and shushed them to be quite.

"Dyl, if you speak to him you promise me that we can leave straight after?" I asked, the boy deserved to say goodbye properly and I wasnt going to be the one to tell him he cant. He nodded his head "right give him his space come on out we go-" I said in a strong tone trying to keep up the brave act everyone seemed to have lost all hope so someone had to be the leader and that someone had to be me but who am I kidding I have no idea how to be a leader Dylan's the strong one not me!

"No Thomas can you stay?"his voice broke through my thought as I moved towards the door. His eyes switched back and forth at the people leaving the room tears had stained his cheeks, coltons blood covered his body, patches of his hair had been tugged at causing it to stick up, the only colour that remained in his face was the redness of his eyes. He look almost crazy. I felt Amelia's fingers in twine with mine pulling me for my thoughts I looked to My side to see her nodding in Dylan's direction his eyes were now fixed on mine and I suddenly felt a cold empty feeling in my gut almost like I had given up on all hope the hurt in his eyes told me nothing will ever be the same. They've broken him they have broken my best friend. "Please, please Thomas please" he continued to sob. I couldn't bring myself to speak the lump grew larger as I watched the boy I once knew slip away. Coltons blood smudge over his face as his pushed his hands to the back off his head rocking back and forth begging for an answer.

speak to him! Come on you wimp your bestfriend needs you Thomas if you don't do this you may lose him forever. just speak to him! I screamed at myself my hands became sweaty as the shook rapidly knowing that I could eventually lose him "okay, okay!" I managed to say my voice was scared and shaken but it was better than nothing I pulled my hand away from Amelia's and turned to face her "just give us five minutes please" I whispered she nodded and pulled me closer to her. Her arms snaked around my waist as I rubbed her back.

"Look after him, make sure the both of you walk through that door alive please Tom" I managed to squeeze her a little tighter to signal things will be okay and I'll make sure of it. It felt good to hold her so close to me almost to good to let go but I knew I had to.

A few minutes after Amelia had left I had sat down next to dylan and let him cry on my shoulder before he lifted his head and shuffled towards colton "remember every summer we'd steal your dads alcohol and climb out onto the roof and talk about the future but I never planned that one day I'd lose you" his voice broke several times before he carried on "you know you never really got to know Thomas but I was planning a guys night so you could get to know eachother I guess it's a little late now but you would've love eachother." It was hard hearing him talk like this. the hurt in his voice was unbearable the tears had now stored in the corner of my eyes ready to leak. "You were the reason I loved baseball and now we are never going to see another game together. I've lost my baseball buddy! Thomas is English I can't watch baseball with him?" He chuckled trying to stay positive he fell backwards onto his bum next to me. "Why him Tom out off everyone why him?" He said turning his face in my direction his eyes were wide with fear and the tears stained his cheeks.

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora