chapter 25

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Coltons p.o.v

"I'm afraid the deals off" he said disappearing onto the darkness .

I stepped back realizing I've been played. He went back on his word he said I'd see my sister again if I got her address. Fuck what have I done that poor girls going to be in trouble because of me! I walked back towards the her street to warn her when I received a text


If you really wants to see your sister again then you'll have to do me a big favour!!!!

My hands turned red as I gripped onto my phone


Forget it!! Just tell me where my sister is!

The tears formed in my eyes this could be another scam for all I know my sister could be dead and he's just going to get me involed in all this shit and drag me to prison with him well he has no chance I will find my sister some how dead or alive!


To bad I'm sure your sister would love to hear you've given up on her!


You leave my sister the fuck alone I swear if you touch he I will break your neck!


Too late for that your sister could be dead by now and ain't you a big man finally standing up for yourself! By the way your sisters screams are getting weaker last chance join me or your sister dies!

I had no choice I couldn't let my sister die. I couldn't live with that but can I really live with destroying this girls life? For all I know is this girl had had a horrible past and is trying to escape this guy and now I'm helping him get to her. Can I really do this?


Fine deal but if you go back on your word then I swear I will go to the police myself!! Now where's my sister!


Good choice. CA29 5WB this is the postcode you will find her there!

I threw my phone into my coat pocket and ran down the streets to find my car. I finally came across I jumped into the drivers seat trying to catch my breathe. I tapped in the postcode in my GPS and followed the route to find myself infrint of a very big building.

Dylan's p.o.v

I heard her slight moans in the morning as she stretched out her body knocking me in the rib-cage. The sun scorched my eyes as I opened them looking in her direction she was led on her stomach with her one knee pulled up in line with her waist with the quilt in between her legs she scrunched her nose whilst clutching the blanket tighter. I let out a soft giggle before getting up and closing the gaps in the curtains blocking out the sun.
The warm water crashed against me. I ran my hands over my face pushing the hot water from my eyes and letting it run down over my abs. I grabbed the white fluffy towel and wrapped it around my body just below my v-line to let it absorb the water before grabbing my jogging bottoms and throwing them on. I tensed my stomach as it pressed against the cold sink as I rinsed out my mouth. I took a step back looking at my reflection in the mirror hanging above the sink to notice I had a smile growing on my face as I ran hands roughly through my wet hair. A sharp pain stung the side off my head when I heard piercing screams coming from outside the bathroom I froze on the spot not knowing where the screams were coming from and what was causing them. The screams got louder and louder almost unbearable like they weren't natural as if they were all in my head. I held my hands tight against my ear begging for the noise to stop. I sat in the corner of the room pulling on the tufts of lose hair whilst rocking back and forth the screams were haunting and I couldnt bare them. Minutes past and I was still begging under my breathe for them to stop, the room begun to spin and the screams were banging against my skull looking for a way to enter my mind but I tried my best too ignore it but the haunting memories from my childhood came rolling in my mind become full of nightmares from the past. I begun to bang against my head hoping for it all to pass but it never I stumbled to my feet and came face to face with my reflection the veins were bulging out from my skin and my eyes were bloodshot. My whole body became tense and the screams were still stabbing me in the side of the head the haunting memories still swarming around my brain the tears formed in the corners off my eyes as I mumbled for them to stop. The mumbles turned to cries as I brought my shaky hands towards my face screaming into the damp soft towel. I was about to scream out loud for it all to stop but before I did the screams faded until it was silent like it had never happened as if it was all in my head. The bathroom door swung open as I pulled on the handle and ran into the bedroom glancing around the room my back was arched as I clutched my knees catching my breathe. Suddenly my eyes became wider and my breathing quickened as I heard Alana struggling to pull herself up from the floor "hey hey whats wrong?"I shushed her as I dived to her side "dyl there's something wrong!" her tone became tense as she hissed in pain "what! there cant be they said you'd be okay!" I cried. Her big blue eyes meet mine her eyes became watery soon enough the tears rolled down her face I pulled her towards me letting her cold tears run down my bare chest "dyl I can't feel my legs" she stuttered.

Colton's p.o.v
I ran through the car park and into the main reception the postcode had tooken me to the hospital. I swear if he has hurt her I will kill him.
"excuse me I'm looking for my sister is she here?" I said giving the short old woman a heart attack as I appeared from nowhere. I couldn't help but have a weird feeling about this it seemed wrong but I had to find her. I exchanged details and ran towards the lift that would lead me to her. "Come on you stupid elevator!" I cursed putting my fist into it banging on the doors before giving up and running for the stairs I could feel my face turning red as I exhaled deep breathes whilst I ran up the stairs before coming across the third floor "finally."
I found myself sitting outside preparing my speach I collapsed my head into my hands before taking another breathe before pushing the doors open I looked down towards the bed were she lay a boy to her side who I seemed to recognize they were both sat there smiling and talking for once she seemed happy I cleared my throat and both heads snapped in my direction they both gave me strange looks which was quite odd. I cleared my throat for the second time "look I know I messed up but i'm sorry I should have never left you there but I had no choice I'm really sorry!" I said looking up from my hands. She sat there with wide eyes in confusion "excuse me who are you?" I was scared this would happen her fragile face looked bruised and I wasn't there to help her "you don't recognize me?" I asked the hurt in my voice broke through. I felt a massive lump in my throat as she spoke "no I'm really sorry I think you have the wrong room I'm so sorry" her voice was soft and smooth which was something I wasn't used to. I was used to her regular screaming and cries I turned my back to walk away she was Cleary fine with out me that boy beside her obviously makes her happy and that's all I care about. "Wait who are you?" She asked before I reached the door.
"Lets just say we were really close as kids until we got separated. I'll never forget you!" I turned back towards the door holding my breath to prevent the sobs. I stood for a second hoping she'd say something but she didn't I pushed the door open whilst walking out. I swung my fist towards the wall before collapsing towards the floor "why did I leave? how could I let them take me without her! I always promised I'd go back for her but it seems I'm to late she's already forgotten about me! about her own brother!" I mumbled to myself crying into my hands until my thoughts were interrupted. I tilted my head in there direction
"It's really you? My brother?"
"Yeah soph it's me!"

So Colton's finally found his sister who happens to be friends with Amelia but will Colton betray his sister and carrying on working with Scott? And what will happen with Alana will it just be a false alarm or is she seriously hurt?thanks for reading❤

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora