chapter 34

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Scott's p.o.v
"Listen I don't want to hurt you." I mumble to ava who was struggling on the floor.
"Then why am I here!" She screamed. My head switched in different directions as her voice echoed through the empty building.
"Look I'm not a bad person. I just like to get my own way and by having you I will soon get what I want!"
"Your twisted. You should be locked up. You've killed people!" She continued to yell. I pressed my hands against my head not wanting to hear what she had to say but she just got louder and louder until something snapped. I lashed out at her swing my hands several times towards her chest pushing her to a little room.
"I don't want to do this but you leave me no choice!" I snapped wrapping ropes tightly around her arms.
"They will find you! Your going to prison were you belong!" She argued trying to wriggle out off the ropes.
"Sweetheart no one's going to find us. You can scream as loud as you want no one will hear you. we are in the middle of nowhere." A sly snigger escape my lips.
"Rot in hell you bastard" she spat.
"Now sweety don't waste your energy we have an eventful night ahead of us."
"What do you mean eventful!"
"Well let's hope your darling brother comes to the rescue and brings his good friend Liam!"
"Who the hell is Liam!"She screamed with a hint off confusion.
"Liam is the reason for this he stole Amelia! Good God you sangsters are really stupid!"
"No Scott your the stupid one. In fact it is my brother who's with Amelia and he didn't steal her. She left you because you are a sick twisted arsehole who's going to get everything he deserves!"
"You know nothing!"
"You killed alanas parents!"
"Wait, how did you-"
"You almost killed Amelia! You put Alana in a coma! You killed mia!"
"Shut your mouth!"
"You made Isabel kill sophie and got her killed in the process also making her brother kill himself because he couldn't bare to live another day without his innocent little sister!"
"Shut up!"
"You killed people Scott! Left others broken! Your a freak! A murder!"
"Shut up! Shut up!"
"A sick twisted murder! A killer!"
"I said shut up!" I pushed her backwards causing her to crash against the ground smashing her head on the floor. "That was your fault you made me do it. I told you to shut up but you didn't listen!" I screamed but there was no reply the only movement came from the small pool off blood that formed from the cut on her head.
Scott please let ava go. I'll do anything please just let her go. I'll come back to you Scott. I'll be yours again. Just let her go.

I looked over to Ava who still led silently on the ground.
Promise? If you double cross me I will Kill her! Meet me at the old warehouse in almond farm.
I glanced over at ava before turning my back and locking the door behind me. Waiting for Amelias reply my hands began to shake rapidly what if she lied what if she double crosses me. I ran into the other room grabbing a small hand gun from the side leaving behind the rest off my weapons.

Amelia's p.o.v

"Thomas I can not sit on this stupid tour bus waiting for something to happen why can't I come with you!"
"Because Amelia you'll be safe here me and Liam are going for help we will be back shortly. I promise!" He said the fear showing in his voice. my phone buzzed causing a scene but I just replied like it was nothing and everyone seemed to just shake it off.

Yes Scott I promise.I will be there in about ten minutes. See you then.

"Okay, I'll stay here. You go get help. I'll be here when you get back. I really do love you Thomas I really do!" I felt the tears storing in my eyes knowing I was breaking our trust and going back to that monster but it was for Thomas. For his sister. He will leave them alone if I just go back.
He leaned in softly kissing my lips. That moment seemed so special and I'd always be greatful to have him but I knew I had to go I had to leave him and for the best reasons. "I love you too Amelia I will be back very soon" and before you knew it he was gone. I found my self sat in the bathroom thinking everything through when there was a knock at the door "urm sorry I'll be out know!"
"Oh sorry hun, just wanted to check if you were okay?" I opened the door to face a shortish Brown haired boy."I'm fine thank you" I replied walking back towards the sitting area everyone had gone to bed so it was really empty.
"Look I'm not stupid I know what your going to do!" The boy had appeared again I shot him a confused look "your going to him aren't you. Back to Scott?"
I couldn't help but let the tears roll down my cheeks as I nodded towards him.
"Sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!" He said stepping closer to me.
"You didn't!" I said placing a smile on my face.
"I'm louis by the way" he sweetly smiled
"I know who you are" I chuckled.
"Listen I ain't going to stop you. I just think there's a better way to do this."
"Yeah, like how?" I huffed looking down at my hands.
"Well you definitely can't go unarmed and why don't you set him up have back up. look you can go in get a confession and he'll be arrested instantly. He wont expect it."
"I guess your right but-"
"No buts we'll help you!" The voice had change. The Irish accent caused me to look up to see two more guys in the room, Harry and Niall.
"Sorry we over heard heard I hope you don't mind!" Harry spoke in a softer slower voice.
"Yeah leave the weapon and police to us." Louis responded.
I nodded leaving everything in the hands off three boys I hardly knew but something told me they were right and I had to trust them.

So will she go with Louis, Niall and harrys plan and whats going to happen with ava will she save her on time❤❤

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