chapter 15

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Thomas' p.o.v

That morning I was woken up by dylan he came rushing into my room and jumped onto my bed.

"what are you so happy about?"

"well I have decided to give alana a chance so we are going out for the day to catch up!" Dylan squealed he litrally looked like a thirteen year old girl that just met harry styles.

"okay but I thought you weren't letting yourself fall for her again?"

"we are just friends. But we did speak all night and it was like she had never left"he ran out off my room and entered the bathroom I lead backdown pulling my blanket over my head trying to stop the sun from blinding me when I heard Dylan's phone buzz I looked beside me to see he had left his phone on the edge off my bed I grabbed it expecting a text from alana but it wasnt.

I sat there on the edge of my bed running my hand through my hair as soon as I heard the bathroom door open "dyl!" I yelled

"yeah whats up!" I entered his room to see him going through his clothes

"what the fuck dyl your suppose to be my fucking best friend and yet your kissing my girl friend some fucking friend!" I felt a lump in my throat as I tried to hold back the tears. It makes me sick knowing he watched how much pain she caused for me and when we finally work through it he fucking kisses her. I threw his phone at him as I left the room I grabbed my coat and ran out of the house I walked down the road to find myself outside a pub. I sat sat there drowning my thoughts in alcohol when I felt a hand on my shoulder

"what the hell do you want I dont want to speak to you! you make me sick!"

"But Tom you wasn't meant to see that message please can we just talk" Isabel pledded

"As If I never want to speak to you again your a fucking joke!"I turned back to face the bar when I felt her tug on my arm I pushed her off me so she stummbled backwards
"Don't fucking touch me! You know what to the worst part about this is you tried to stop me from speaking to Amelia because you were a jealous bitch but yet you were there fucking kissing my best mate!"
"Please Thomas just hear me out none off this was Dylan's fault I kissed him"
"Well I knew that he isn't like you your a prick and I'll never forgive you for this but he's still in the wrong he sat there knowing what you did and he didn't tell me! I hate you Isabel I truly fucking hate you!"
I looked up to see everyone staring at me as I screamed at her "stay away from me Isabel I mean it!"
I quickly drank the rest off my drink and slammed the cup down on the bar "stay away I mean it!" I yelled as I walked straight out of the pub. I found my self stumbling down the street until I ended up at Amelia's house I knocked on the but there was no answer I lowered myself to the floor and let the tears escape my eyes how am I going to face Dylan I took it out on him and it wasn't even his fault. I sat there as the tears stained my cheeks when I was interrupted by a sweet voice,
"Tom are you okay" I looked up to see Amelia's smile fade as I met her gaze
"Tom what's happened?" she place her stuff on the floor as she dragged me up into a hug
"I hate her! I truly fucking hate her" I cried. She lifted my face until I was looking at her "it's okay Tom everything will be okay!" But with out thinking I leaned down and slowly pressed my lips against hers. "Tom your drunk!" Amelia giggled as I gently pulled away.

"No! Amelia I think I've fallen for you!"

But we he still feel the same in the morning when he sober??short chapter I know but thanks for reading ❤

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now