chapter 9

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Amelia's p.o.v

as walked through the door the paparazzi were taking pictures off me and liam and asking if we were together liam stated we were just close friends and nothing more but the paparazzi were having none off it they followed us until we ended up in a little cafe not far from the hotel they waited outside for us to come out some even tried coming in and taking photos

"are they going to be there all night"I asked but suddenly liam got up out off his seat and walked straight outside

"excuse me could you just go away so I can enjoy a nice catch up with a friend!" suddenly they all backed off and walked away liam came back in and sat down "well that was easy" Liam said followed by a little giggle.

"yeah it was so how long are you staying?"

"only a couple off days we set out for Japan Tuesday morning"

"really so that gives us two days to hang out"

"yeah I guess. Plus would you like to come see our concert tomorrow night your friends can come if you like? it would give us more time to hang out"

"yeah sure that would be amazing and are you sure this wont cause any problems?"

"it'll be fine now tell me why was you crying?

I looked down at my lap "well I've been hanging out with Thomas and Dylan lately and they are both so sweet and we've become great friend but Thomas' girlfriends doesn't want Thomas speaking to me and if he does then they are over"

"well do you like like him?"

"no, yeah, I don't know a part off me is falling for him but the other half is telling me to stay away and don't mess with his relationship"

"Amelia your the type of person that always does the right thing to keep other people happy but I think this time you should do what makes you happy"

"but I can't be the reason there relationships ends and before I came along there relationship was going good I cant mess with that"

this isn't just about Thomas is it?"Liam said squeezing my hands I could feel the tears forming in my eyes I took a small breathe "well last year I had some difficulties with this boy"I paused to I let the tears roll down my cheeks

"what do you mean difficulties!" I could hear the anger in his voice as he spoke

"well I was dating this boy called Scott he was a total ladies man, like every girl in the school wanted him but he chose me for some unknown reason and everyone hated it. It all started when he asked me to go prom with him he was perfect and my mum loved him she would tell me he was the best thing that had ever happened to me but it was all to good to be true he started going to parties and sleeping around when I told him I never wanted to be with him anymore he lost his temper and threw me into the kitchen table where I hurt my head but it wasn't a serious injury just a lump he begged for my forgiveness so me being the the nice person I am I forgave him I thought he had changed but turns out he was sleeping with this girl named Mia and when I found out I started shouting at him saying he'd never change I could see he was angry his eyes were black and it just wasn't him he told me that I would never be able to leave him. I told him to leave but he refused and when I tried to push him out off my house but he threw me to the floor and just kicked me in the ribs and wouldn't stop I called out for my mum but she never came I thought that was the end I thought I was dead but then I heard the front door open and my mum came in to find me on the floor she took me to the hospital turned out I had a bleed on the brain and some broken ribs I hated him but I couldn't bring myself to report it I thought if i didn't he'd leave me alone after that but then he began hanging around with my friends just to get to me and a few weeks ago before I came to america he kept turning up out off the blue telling me that i'd never get away and he would get me back I felt trapped but when I came here I felt free and knowing how I felt when I found out about Mia that killed me so i'm pretty sure Isabel would feel the same I have to stay away from him Li I can't be the cause of there relationship ending" I looked up to see a shocked Liam he had tears streaming down his face and he was just speechless.

"Amelia I don't know what to say. I hate myself for not being able to help you at those desperate times but im telling you know he's not going to hurt you anymore and if you feel that is the right thing to do then just try distance yourself away from him but if im honest I think you'll be better of sticking by him I can see by the way you both look at each other that you both need one other. Just try not falling for him it will be hard but distancing yourself may bring you closer and is that what you really want."

I let Liam's words sink in and hes right I wouldn't cope without Thomas I need him even know we are just friends I need to speak to him

"thanks Li you always knows what to say I think its time we head back know"I said standing up still hand in hand with liam we walked out the door and headed back for the hotel when I got back I seen Alana sat on the couch

"hey whats up I thought you'd be in bed by know"I said but Alana just glared at me "where was you Mi and don't lie?"

"I was out with liam why?"I said why is she being so funny with me what have I done wrong ?

"When was you going to tell me about you and liam"she said I could see the smile creeping through

"you really believe all that crap"I couldn't help but laugh at the fact she believe all the rumors

"so it isn't true you ain't together"she said with a sigh of relief

"no off course not plus if we were you'd be the first to know"I said until we both began laughing but then I told her

"Lan I told him about Scott"I said as the tears rolled down my face she suddenly stopped laughing and wrapped her arms around me

"what did he say"

"he cried and told me he won't let him hurt me again but he wont be there all the time will he and we we will be going back to Britain soon i'm scared Lan I don't want to go back I don't want to feel scared all the time I don't want to be petrified about leaving my house or attending school i'm fed up off all of it I just wants to be myself and here in america I can do that"

"so what are you saying Mi?"

"I wanna stay"

"but what about your mum, school, the girls and josh and the boys they will be lost without you. your the reason for this friend group if it wasn't for you none off us would even know each other and what about me what will I do without you!"Alana began to cry as she sat there and cried on my shoulder I thought to myself could I really leave my friends, school, my best friend and my mum im the only one she has

"I know but Lans I can't stay there. I will go back and finish school we only have a couple off weeks. My mum will understand I was going to leave eventually and our friends have each other I just can't stay there. everyday scared of what may happen this has gone on for to long and I just wants to escape it and you can stay too you know this place as much as I do and I knows you hate it back in Britain and we always planned to travel anyway!"

"but I cant just leave my family I just don't know" I sat there and watched her walk out off the room as she shut the door behind her I just collapsed to the floor and cried into my lap but I knew I couldn't go back.


what will she do stay or go and will her best friend stay by her side or will they go there separate ways?

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