chapter 2

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Alanas p.o.v

Amelia ran straight through my bedroom door as if a murderer was chasing her I knew something was wrong and I'm betting it was Scott,
"Hey what happened to you?"
"Bumped into Scott again"looking down at her wrists.
I walked over to her and she winced in pain as I grabbed her wrists.
I pulled up her sleeves to see two big purple bruises forming around her wrists"what the hell did he do to you!"
As she sat there and told me evefthing I could feel my self getting angry my body felt tense and I just wanted to hit him "I swear he'll get what's coming for him!why can't that creep just leave you alone!"
"Lan it's fine honesty I can deal with Scott" she said trying to smile. I hate seeing her this hurt just because he's the hottest guy in school doesn't mean he can treat girls this way especially as she's my best mate.
I finished off setting the computer.
"Hey I forgot to tell you I have a free house for the whole week and your mum said it's alright for you to stay the whole week!"Amelia basically shouted with excitement.
"What!shut up a weeks sleepover this is going to be fun!"I squealed,
"Hey we're live so...Hey guys Alana and Amelia here some off you may not remember us but if you do hiii"I said into the computer screen which probably sounds really weird.
We both sat there as the comments came flooding in

Becca123: omg your actually doing them again!!xx

Jamie_smith:hey your back!!

Lexiloo97: I love you guys!!missed you so much xx

"Wow, never realised you'd miss us that well we have decided we will be doing a lot of broadcasts from now on as we have nothing better to do than entertain you lot!!so wanna a game?" Amelia said happily.

Olly99098: hey play truth or dare

987maytommo:yeah truth or dare!!xx

Liloforever: omg your accents!!!xx

"Okay so guys you dare us or ask us questions and we'll answer them yeah? Is that okay with you Amelia?"
"Yeah sounds great and we don't really have strong accents do we?and give us your best questions"

Liloforever: are you kidden you have really strong bristish accents I die for one!xx

GavinH: Alana I dare you to do a handstand and try drink a glass off water at the same time!x

"Easy" I got up and done a handstand against the wall whilst Amelia tried to pour water in my mouth it resulted with me having water all over my face.

Matty675: Amelia would you ever date a fan?

"Off course you guys are amazing"
"Wait how does Amelia get all the easy ones?"I said pretending to cry

LivvyCuthbert: because your funny and who are your celebrity crushes??xxxx

"Well mine has got to be Dylan O'Brien and Amelias is Thomas sangster!big maze runner fans!"

Isabelsangster: I love you guys! Good taste and do you ever fangirl?xx

We both looked at eachother and begun to laugh
"Of course we fangirl what girl doesn't but I don't as much as Alana"
After a long hour hour of broadcasting we decided to wrap it up for the night and said our goodbyes and signed off.
"Well that was fun we best head back to mine now"
"Yeah we have to do that more often"
Amelias p.o.v

The week had gone by pretty fast I had a call from my mum she has decided to stay in Ireland for another week with friends from work. So we have more to ourselves and for our broadcasts. We've been broadcasting everyday this week and earned lots off amazing fans and hopefully we can draw some more amazing people into our little fan base.

I heard a familiar beeping noise but couldn't quite work out what it was I sat up and stretched out my legs i looked to the side off me to see if Alana was awake but she was far from it I just giggled at her as she wriggled around on the bed trying to get comfortable I looked over to see a red light flashing on my laptop I walked over and grabbed and returned back to where I was originally sat as I logged onto my emails I scrolled through my messages one stood out I clicked on it and waited for it to load as I read through the email I couldn't help but scream I felt Alana jump as she sat up
"What the actual hell Li it's 7:00am what are you screaming about?"
"Sorry but read this"

Dear Amelia
I'm writing this email to you and Alana. I'm aware that your email has been leaked by some fans off yours. I am hoping this is your actual email and isn't some fake as I'm writing to ask if you would like to attend my show I will be asking you a lot of questions about your livestreams. I've watched you from the beginning and I'm very pleased that you have decided to carry on with your broadcast as many people such as myself find you ver entertaining. Coming on my show could be the start off something big for you guys you can Become internet sensations and you could even make great actors. I hope you respond to this email as I'm looking forward to meeting you guys. I'm a big fan.

Yours sincerely Ellen

"Holy shit, the fricken Ellen Degeneres wants us to be on her show I love that women she's amazing why the hell would as he want to interview us have you seen the celebrities she's had on that show that's unbelievable Li you have to respond to this right away!"

Dear Ellen
Hi, it's Amelia and Alana we've read your email and we were so stunned that you noticed us and we were so glad you find us entertaining. I don't really know what to say except we'd love to be on your show we think your amazing.
Love Amelia and Alana

"This has to be a dream Li"
"I'm pretty sure it's real Lans"
"Pinch me, OWW!I didn't mean literally "

We were getting ready to go shopping when we heard my laptop ding we immediately stopped everything we were doing and ran to the other side of the room to read the email.

Hi girls,
It's Ellen, I'm so happy you agreed to attend my show. Everything will be played for including transport, hotel and food. I will have a taxi pick you up at 5:00am on Monday morning as your flight leaves at 7:30am I know it's early but the sooner the better. I will have a driver pick you up from the airport and bring you here. I can't wait to meet you!
Much love Ellen

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now