chapter 4

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Alana's p.o.v

we had to leave the show early as Tim organised to take us on a tour and show us around as we will be staying here for a while so we might as well get to know the place. After a long two hours of exploring and a long shopping spree at the end it was finally time to head back to the hotel. we had became pretty close to Tim he was kinda like a father figure, he was very caring and kind and he's a pretty good shopper to.

"night Tim"

"goodnight girls see you tomorrow hopefully"

we said our goodbyes and headed towards our room we packed away all our shopping and got changed into our pj's ready for the night as we led in the room clueless what to do we began talking about the day.

"I cant believe we actually meet one direction and you never told me Liam Payne was the special friend that convinced you to actually show your face!"

"Well I didn't think it was the right time"Amelia giggled.

"What do you mean right time its freaking Liam Payne any times the right time"

we both sat there laughing until Amelia broke it

"I cant believe we ran from Dylan O'Brien what was that about I mean the times you have planned to marry the kid and we run at the chance of meeting him whats that about?"

"I freaked out okay he would off thought we were right freaks taking pictures off his door"

with that we were both in fits of laughter again

"hey look what i brought with me"Amelia said whilst pulling out her maze runner DVD

"sometimes Amelia I wonder why we are friends then times like this remind me"

"couldn't leave home without it i'm married to the freaking disc" she giggled

"so lets watch the movie"I squealed

"NO wait!"Amelia basically screamed I looked at her with a confused expression

"we need munchies there's vending machines downstairs i'll go get some"

"you idiot I thought something was wrong but such a good idea let me just ring my mum to let her know how our day has been"I said going through my bag but I couldn't find it anywhere.

"Amelia have you got my phone"

"nope you had it last down in reception you've probably left it there"

We both grabbed our keys and locked the door "hey how about a race considering you said the stairs are much easier than the elevator"Amelia suggested "sounds fun i'm going to kick your arse Amelia Dean"

"Oh your so on Miss Reilly" and with that we both ran off in different directions I just kept telling myself I was going to win, I couldn't let her beat me I could feel the Adrenalin taking over me as I could see the door at the end off the corridor until something underneath me caught me by surprise and brought me face to face with the floor I looked to see what it was. Someone had left there gym bag in the middle of the floor seriously what idiot does that. I heard the door open but I never even bothered to acknowledge them.

"what the hell who leaves a bag out side in the middle of the floor like seriously who do think you are cant you at least put it to one side not in the way, I could of seriously hurt myself don't you care for others safety!"

"Off course I do I was coming back out to grab it but then I heard you trip so I came to see if you were okay"before you new it the boy began to laugh which really started to annoy me I got up to face him and i'm glad I did.

"umm umm you should really be more careful where you leave things!"

"well I will know for future reference and to be honest people usually go for a jog outside not on the corridor of a hotel and especially not in their pj's"he laughed again

just then I remembered I was very far behind Amelia. She's probably already on her way back up I just ran with out thinking.

"well it was nice meeting you!" I heard him shout

"you too"I shouted back

"names Dylan!"

but with that I was gone down the stairs and out into the main lobby there was no sign of Amelia which means she's in the lead.

Amelia's p.o.v

I ran down the corridor and pressed the button to the elevator lucky for me the doors opened first time, it was going rather slow so I decided to put my headphones in and listen to music as soon as the doors opened I grabbed my backpack that I brought to carry the food back to the room and ran straight out off the elevator and straight to the vending machines I got as many munchies as I could and ran back to the elevator I seen that the doors was closing and it could take forever to come back down so I decided to run as fast as I could to catch it.

"Yes just in time!"I pressed the 9 button in the elevator and stood there waiting for my stop when I heard a strange noise someone had pressed for the elevator to go back down which caused it to go down instead of up, a group of people gathered into the elevator pressing a variety of buttons which lead to many floors except mine finally I was the only one left in the elevator I decided to press the 9 button again hoping to make it back to my floor I stood there in silence when I heard some one laugh I turned around to see a boy stood in the corner.

"oh im sorry I didn't see you there what floor would you like?"

"urm its fine looks as if we are on the same floor."

as he came closer my eyes grew wide and i'm pretty sure I cursed.


"pardon whats that?"

"urm nothing I just think I forgot something"I said trying to cover up the fact I swore

"well its nice to meet you"

"yeah you too i'm Amelia by the way"

"so what brings you here to the elevator in your very fluffy rabbit onzie?"

"well basically me and my friend wait what?" he looked at me rather confused then I remember I was stood the in a pink fluffy onzie my hair was a natural disaster and to top it off I had no make up and my glasses on great..

"is there something wrong?"

"nope just remembered that I was in my pj's and i'm actually in a race with my mate first one back to the room wins"

"well that sounds fun we can't let her win know can we?" as the elevator doors open he grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder we bother began running towards the room suddenly"I notice my phone in pocket crap what if he seen this that would be embarrassing I pushed my phone further into my pocket and carried on running

"well this is it, I guess i'll see you around?"

"well I hope so you have to let me know if we beat her or not! Well it was nice meeting you Amelia and by the way i'm Thomas"and before you knew it he was out off sight like it never happened I opened the door and explored the room and changed my phone case how embarrassing would that be if he seen that he was actually on the back off my phone. I jumped on the bed waiting for Alana to get back.

"YES i won i won!!"


sorry for any mistakes but hopefully its going to get more exciting now!!!❤

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