chapter 12

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Weeks past and Alana still hadn't returned. As the days went by we learned to move on. Dylan and Amelia still struggle from time to time but they are coping. we all kinda drifted a bit after she left the boys were busy with the filming off the scorch trails and Amelia got offered a job as an receptionist at a school near her new house. We are still good mates but we don't get much time to spend with each other.

Amelia's p.o.v

the movers put everything in it's place and I finally had a place to call home. It wasn't that from the hotel me and Alana stayed at which was kinda upsetting we had some pretty amazing memories there but they were all destroyed when she decided to get up and leave.

I placed the drinks on the table an started to unpack all the food soon enough there as a big spread on the kitchen table I decided to go get changed from my jogging bottoms and into something more decent I decided to chuck on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white floaty top I stuck my little brown ankle boots on and brushed through my hair suddenly there was a knock at the door and the guest started to arrive one by one. not long after my house was full off familiar friendly faces I walked out into the kitchen to see Dylan helping himself to the food,

"typical Dylan!"

"Amelia! Tom I found her!" Dylan said whilst crushing me into a hug.

"toms here already?"

"yeah off course he is and we brought some off the maze runner cast along if you don't mind"

"off course not I've met most off them any way" suddenly I was cut off by the ringing off the door bell "i'll get it you go find tom!"Dylan shouted as he ran down the hall way I found tom making him self at home in the dining room "Thomas Sangster what are you doing here?"

"well im trying to find this annoying little girl I used to be close with have you seen her?" I was then suddenly being crushed by Thomas.

Amelia im pretty sure this very attractive young lady is here for you"Dylan yelled I walked out to be greeted by a very red and embarrassed women as I got closer I screamed

"mom! why are you here and in america I thought you couldnt make it!"I squealed as I squeezed my mothers waist "its nice to see you hunny!"

as the night went on. I introduce my mum to everyone she seemed to be very fond off Dylan which im not surprised hes very charming when he wants to be

the night went on and it was time to call it quits as the guest started to leave I said my goodbyes until it came to my mum "your going?"I asked "yeah I could only get today and tomorrow off so I head back tomorrow morning wish to see you soon darling really miss you" I felt the tears build up as I said goodbye to my mum and soon enough she was gone.

I walked into the living room and crashed onto the sofa and began to cry the last time I seen my mum was before she went to Ireland and now she has to go and so soon I looked up to see two familiar faces "oh hi didn't realise you were still here" I said in between a giggle.

"yeah were still her why are you crying?"Dylan asked

"oh just seeing my mum just a shock really"

"well I hope you haven't decided to go back as we have decide we need to hang out more we have drifted these past weeks and it hasn't been the same so what do you say Amelia Dean?"

"Well I cant refuse an offer like that it would be great hanging out with you guys!"

Alana's p.o.v

it was going around that Amelia had gone and got a house out in america so it looks like shes really staying then I really miss her. I don't know where I belong out in america I miss home but not as much as I miss the boys and Amelia when im back in Britain I knows what I done was wrong but hopefully they can forgive me well I hope they do as I will have no where to go I sat there thinking to my self as the plane took off I got out my phone should I text her or would that be to full on we haven't spoke since I left what if she hates me suddenly I was snapped out off my thoughts and brought me back to reality I looked to the side off me to see a small girl with brown hair sobbing to herself

"excuse me are you okay?"I asked concerned about this girl she turned to face me her eyes widened and she squealed"your Alana Reilly!" I was shocked by this girls actions "sorry little fan girl moment im Sophie I watched your broadcasts from the beginning!" she held out her hand for me to shake it "oh so nice to meet you if you don't mind me asking why was you crying?"

"well long story my mum has a new boyfriend and I kinda hate them both they kicked me out knowing I had no where to go so I decided to go to america I have a job lined up out there so I should be okay for know"she said as a smile appeared on her face "yup hopefully I can find what im looking for in america?"I replied sitting back in my seat

"which is ?"

"Amelia" I said under my breathe

as time went by I felt more and more anxious I don't even know where she lives how am I suppose to find her I needs her to know im sorry. as I was leaving the airport me and Sophie said our goodbyes turns out we actually have a lot in common than we thought "well see you yeah hopefully we can meet up sometime" I suggested

"yeah maybe if your ever near Tilary primary school let me know" Sophie said

"wait Tilary primary school that's where Amelia works are you staying in the hotel near there?"

"yeah why are you?"

"yes guess we will be seeing each other more than we thought!"I squealed we decided to share a taxi and hotel room until we both find a permanent place.

the day went by and I decided to text Amelia I felt nervous what if she doesn't want to know me. What if she hate me. Well there's only one way to find out


hi long time since we spoke last but I really miss you and I was wondering if we could meet up as im in america at the moment maybe at the coffee shop not far from the hotel?xxx

Alana xx


what really this isn't some joke is it? and why didn't you say you were back!xx

Amelia xxx


off course it ain't some joke so you up for meeting me?xx

Alana xx


off course how about 1:00 o'clock tomorrow?Xx

Amelia xxx


sounds great see you then!xxx

Alana xx

I cant believe after all this time she is still willing to meet me and knowing we haven't spoken she still seems like the same Amelia I grew up with.


sorry boring chapter.. and how will Amelia break the news to Dylan that Alana's back or will they leave him to find out by himself.

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