chapter 30

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Alana's p.o.v
"Dylan I think I'm pregnant" I couldn't bare to look at him, I countinued to stare at the ground. The situation became really awkward. Silence filled the air the only sound was the light thumps of my own heart beat getting louder. It was the only thing that was keeping me sane "look I'm sorry" I mumbled my gaze still glued to the floor there was still no response but I couldn't bring myself to look up to see that he had left. A tiny bit of hope was still there when I heard his his heavy breaths which meant he was only inches in front of me I looked up to see he had a confused expression on his face but other than that he was smiling which has to be a good sign.

"Why the hell are you apologising?" He laughed before placing his warm hands on my waist pulling me closer towards him "I'm going to be a dad?"

"Maybe" I whispered into his chest the corners of my mouth forming upwards into a smile. I felt incredibly guilty at this point how can I be so happy my friend had just died. We might not have known her long but she still meant a lot and I still can't get over the fact she's dead.

"Hey, why are you crying?" His voice was soft as he pushed away the tears "there's no need to cry?"

"Sophie, she's gone and I never got to say goodbye she managed to escape her past only to pay for it in her future" by now the tears were streaming down my face smudging my mascara across my cheeks. "Dylan they are all slowly disappearing who's next? You? Tom? Who's knows? We need to get out off here before its to late!"

"No! No way I can't leave Thomas-" His face was full of pure horror

"Dylan! thomas and Amelia can come with us. Just please think about it. We need to act quickly before he strikes again!"
His mouth still remained open sweat formed on his upper lip he slowly nodded before pulling me into the back towards the door. I lost my footing and began to stumble but he managed to stop me before I hit the ground dragging back to my feet.

Thomas' p.o.v

"How could this happen? How could I be so stupid?" I silently sobbed into my hands my knees still felt weak. I had a cold empty feeling inside of me but it was soon filled as Amelia's arms snaked around me for comfort I tangled my fingers in hers and squeezed her hands they were shaking from shock maybe even fear. Who knows who's next on his list.

"Thomas you ain't to blame for any of this! please don't blame yourself. if anything this is all my fault, it's my fault for that idiot being in America he came for me why can't he just take me and get it over and done with! It's my fault Isabel shot Sophie if I hadn't fallen for you, you and Isabel would still be together you'd be happy and Sophie well she wouldn't have gotten shot!"

My eyes snapped in her direction sudden anger ran through my body "Amelia don't you ever blame yourself for any of this I fell for you and that's the reason I'm here with you and not Isabel I didn't love her I never really did I just enjoyed her company. So will you just shut up because I love you Amelia dean I do." She was now sat in front off me the tears in her eyes were slowly fading away "please Amelia I love you but I can't watch you blame yourself, look we can mend all the broken parts we can make this work!" I placed my hand on her chin bringing her face closer to mine "I mean it I love you Amelia!" I whispered placing my lips on hers I felt her whole body jump as back door swung open Alana and dylan quickly entered the room there faces were really hard to read I parted my lips to speak but he beat me too it.

"Look I don't care what any of you say we are leaving and your coming with us!" He walked over to the sofa and grabbed his phone and keys "guys please we can't let him take anymore lives please just come with us" his face softened when Alana stood by his side then Amelia pulled herself to her feet and joined them in agreement
"well I guess we're all in but Dyl what's to say he won't follow us? Where will we go? We're famous dyl paps will leak our location within days? There's no escaping this!" By look on there faces they knew I was right.

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now