Chapter 29

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Scott p.o.v

I found my self in a local cafe the tv in the background was stating Mia's death everytime someone came through the door made me anxious the vision of her taking her last breathe was on my mind how could I kill her? I have to control my anger or I'll be in this alone "hey you look as if you need a coffee" the sweet voice came from the opposite table
"yeah you could say that or maybe just a good nights sleep"I let out a chuckle trying not to look to anxious
"so what could be troubling you so bad it's stopping you from sleeping" she asked picking herself up from her seat and joining my table I place a smile on my face but returning my gaze back towards the tv as soon as they announced that it was just an accident and she had let a candle lite which lead her to her death I felt a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders "did you know her?" The girl asked trying to get my attention "urm nope well I don't think so I might have seen her around I haven't long moved to America"

"So what brings you here?" I wanted to tell her to mind her own business and to get away from me but I had to keep my cool.

"Girl issues, came to find my girlfriend turns out she's with another boy!" I said not meeting her gaze

"Some moron stole your girl aye? Well we have all been there before haven't we, you'll get over it we all do" she was staring down at her lap at this point

"Don't you just wish you could get revenge on them though, I mean wouldn't you like to cause them the pain they caused you!" I said this time reaching out rubbing my thumb over her hands she raised her head looking in my direction

"To be honest all the time!" I could sense the anger in her voice and I could see the evil in her eyes she seemed like a total different person which made me like this girl even more.
"If there's anything you'd like me to do just call me" she grabbed out a pen and wrote her number on my sweaty hand I returned the smile but my phone buzzed cutting us off 'I'm sorry I best take this."

"Colton this best be good" my throat was dry as I spoke causing my voice to crack

"Scott it's over!" The line went dead meaning he hung up the anger flushed through my body my veins bulging out from my skin as I squeezed my phone my face turned red I looked up to the girl opposite me "there is something you could do for me that's if your up for it?"

Colton p.o.v

The second I hung up the phone Sophie had crashed into my chest "it's finally over" she mumbled into my warm body. I squeezed her as she wrapped her arms tighter around my waist "yeah it's over" I replied before kissing her forehead. Something told me that it wasn't over this easy something would go wrong but hopefully that was just a feeling which would fade away.

"Well you have to go into hiding now as Liam will be here any minute!" She said a smile spreading across her face as she playfully nudged me into my room.

I heard a knock at the door and before long the door had swung open I was waiting to hear the happy welcomings but there was nothing but silence. Until it was broken by her screams

"Who are you! What the hell do you want? Colton! Colton help!" I ran out off the room to see her backed into the corner tears streaming down her red face. There was lose spit on her lower lip as she pleaded for her life I turned my head towards the door to see a small figure holding a gun pointed directly at her.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house! Why are you doing this please just leave us be!" I found myself crowding around my sister trying to protect her "please just don't hurt my sister"

"I have to! He told you if your turn against him she'll get what she deserves!" Her voice seemed to sweet almost as if she had never been in such a situation before. Her hands where shaking and her voice trembled as she spoke "I'm sorry it's you or her!"

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt