Chapter 37

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Dylan's p.o.v
"I should of gone I've let my best friend go alone! I'm a terrible friend. What if he gets killed! I wasn't there to help him! Should I ring him?"  My voice was shaky I was frightened scared to death of losing my best friend.
"Hey hey Dyl, it's going to be okay he isn't alone he has Liam he will be fine"
"But Liam shouldn't be there I should!" I felt the tears filling up in my eyes "I let my best friend down!" The tears finally ran down my face I felt Alana's arms wrap tightly around my body. "He's going to be okay?" I nodded my head in agreement I couldn't bring myself to speak because deep down I had a horrible feeling that he's going to get hurt.

Ava's p.o.v
"Help!" I choked on the thick black smoke. I tried to pull myself up but My body was to weak. I let the tears flow from my eyes. I led there as still as possible as I watched more and more of the floor fall apart. I could help but think about the memories me and Thomas had shared as children it just made me cry even more. The smoke become thicker as the fire spread. "HELP" I screeched using the last bit of energy I had before my head collapsed to the ground my vision became blurry as my eyes tried to force themselves closed. "Ava? Ava where are you?" The voice came from the distance but I had no energy to reply nothing but slurred whispers escaped my mouth. I knew this was the end I couldn't fight it no more it was to hard "love you Tom." I whispered before giving up.
"Ava! Wake up! Wake up!" The sound of the door smashing against the wall woke me my eyes widened as the fire had got bigger "help me" I slurred trying to reached out my hand.
"Thank god you alive Ava listen to me we have about two minutes until this floor collapses okay?" The boy stood in the door way with a jacket over his mouth and nose I couldn't breathe or move. "Who are you?"
"I'm here to help you!" He said approaching stepping over missing floorboards and trying to avoid the fire. "Don't touch me" my eyes widened as he got closer and I didn't recognise him "don't hurt me please I just want my brother!"
"Ava I ain't here to hurt you I came to help"
He looked behind him watching more and more of the floor collapse "Ava we have to move now!" He screamed grabbing me around the waist and pulling me up to his chest and running for the doorway through the fire and over the missing floor "faster!"I screamed looking over his shoulder watching the room fall apart behind us. "Thomas I need to see Thomas" I whispered before we hit the floor.

"Ava wake up mum said you have to wake up!"
"Thomas? Leave me alone! Let me sleep!"
"But Ava mum said you have to get up I'm leaving soon!" I felt his hands shake my shoulder trying to wake me.
"But Thomas I don't want to wake up"
"Well tuff wake up! Wake up wake up!"

Thomas' voice faded and a rush of pain travelled to my head "Ava wake up! We made it wake up" I forced my eyes open to see the boy looking over me. "Who are you and where's my brother?"
"Liam, I'm a friend of your brothers and I need to get you out of here!"

Niall's p.o.v
"What if they are in trouble what shall we do?"
I said pacing in circles "Liam still hasn't come out what if he's hurt"
"Niall stop freaking out" Louis shouted standing in front of me holding my shoulders.
"Louis, Niall's right Liam should of been here by now I'm calling the police!" Harry spoke jumping down of the hood of his jeep.
"No need they are already here." Liam's tired warn out voice came from behind us my face lit up knowing he was alive I spun around pulling him into a hug and not letting go "your okay?"
"Yeah I'm alright"
"Good don't you ever dare do that to me again" I scream at him punching him in the arm. "Sorry Niall" he sniggered but his eyes was fixed on Harry as he walked the girl over to the car giving her water and a blanket "she's going to be alright Li"

Amelia's p.o.v
I watched as Scott's fist clashed with Thomas' cheek sending him to the floor. Scott smirked then turned to face me "Amelia I could of changed!"
"You couldn't Scott even if you wanted to this is who you are! This here the physco killer that's who you are now!"
"Don't say that I ain't a physco!" I watch as tears stored in his eyes.
"Why are you doing this then Scott!"
"Because we love each other Amelia and I need you!"
"I don't love you no more Scott! I haven't for a long time I fell in love with the sweet caring Scott not this! Remember the first time you asked me out?" I watched as he nodded his head. "You had just Finished basket ball training and you were all smelly and sweaty but you still approached me. You still had the courage to stand there and ask me out. Everyone hated me because I had you. I was your girlfriend. People would say I didn't deserve you they would talk behind my back but that didn't bother me because it was me that was always by your side holding your hand not them and our first date that was perfect you were so sweet Scott I love'd you once I really did and I'm sorry Scott but I no longer love you. You ain't the Scott I fell in love with."
Tears began to stream down my face as I remember the old him.
"Your right all of you are right I'm a monster none of you deserved it. Especially you Amelia I guess I always took you for granted guess I didn't realise how much you meant to me how much I loved you I'm sorry I really am. I'm sorry for everything his sister was right I don't deserve you!"
"Scott you can still fixed this just hand yourself into the police. You can fixed this!
"No" he said collapsing to his knees and dropping his gun by the side of him.
"Put your hands where we can see them!" Seconds later the room was full of armoured police there guns were all aimed at Scott
"I'm sorry Amelia" he reached his one hand down to the floor. I watch Thomas drag himself up holding his cheek.
"Don't move!" They continued to shout at Scott.
"I'm sorry for everything!" He screamed before raising his gun and pulling the trigger. I watched as his whole body collapsed to the floor blood covering his face. I couldn't help but scream in pain I guess a little part of me did still love but not like I did before. Tears streamed down my face as his body led still on the cold concrete ground more and more blood surrounding his body. Thomas made his way over to me wrapping his arms around me pulling me tightly to his chest.

It was over.
Finally over.

falling for a fangirl(Thomas Brodie-Sangster)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum