Chapter 10-Sera

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One week went by after their concert and when the world knew about "us." Also my birthday was coming up. For the pass few days I was pissed off. I get off guard easily. I was on twitter the other day and this one fan was really rude to me.

You and Harry don't belong together! He can't go out with a normal American girl. I'm sorry, but you don't deserve Harry!

Since then, I wasn't talking to anyone except Harry. Yes, I trusted him way more than Carly. He didn't know about the tweet yet. But Carly and Harry knew I was pissed off. I couldn't talk to Carly. Yes, I dislike that but Harry meant everything to me now. I knew my birthday was coming up and I should be excited for it. But how can I after that tweet.

"If I'm so called 'normal' I want to know what their definition of 'abnormal' is." I half-smiled

"Fuck! I hate this world! Why will no one accept me!" I cried out in the room I was staying in while everyone had their concert. I needed alone time. When I said that, I remmeber saying that same thing just about 7 years ago. Before I met Carly, no one wanted me. Carly and I met each other because we were the same. No friends with difficult lives. "I hate this shit! Why wouldn't that bitch just accept me!" I cried out again. I then heard my best friend come in. "Fuck" I muttered under my breath.

"You okay?" She asked in her calming voice.

"I don't want to talk about it! Don't ask me! I'm fine!" I yelled out. I knew I hurt her feeling or she misunderstood me.

"You have a sister" was all I heard before I was in my own little world. I was calm for a second. I had a real life sister that I didn't know of. Then I reaturned to my piss mode.

"Get out!" I yelled out. She walked out. I know she didn't leave. I heard her but she didn't finish walking. I didn't care. I went over to Harry's chair and calmed myself for the first time. I had a bloodline sister that I never knew and I was the oldest. I acted like a mother when I was 4 years old to my little brother and I never knew about a sister.

"Do I really have a little sister. So I shouldn't feel like shit. A sister that must had knew about me when she got older and she found me. Thank you for whoever did this." I whipered into a pillow.


After the concert was over, I explained everything about twitter.

"Don't listen to them. Who ever she was, is not a true fan. If they are true fan, they would had kept it to themselves or support us." he explained. I gave him a hug. "You know, there someone waiting for us backstage. She requested you. Only you." I looked at him. He gave me a kiss and I nodded in agreement. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer. Which does help keep me calm. I then saw a young girl. I then slowly back away again. My sister Rue. God! She looked so much like me!

"Um, Hello?" I said. She just looked up at me. I saw Bella next to her. I guess they became friends while I was pissing off in the other room. I didn't know where Carly was but I didn't care. I wanted to see her later anyway. Rue wasn't saying anything. I guess she a bit shy.

"Sera? Is it really you?" I nodded. "It really is you!" She yelled out and almost made me fall over. Luckily Harry caught me and Rue gave me a tight hug. Just like Carly does when I'm upset.

"How did you know about me. I mean, I never knew I had a sister. My grandparents never told me"


The rant Sera had actually had happened once or twice with more swearing and many days long. Also Latona helped me with this again.


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