Part 22

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Y/n POV:

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling in silence. The only noise heard is the night time traffic still going on outside and the rain lightly hitting the window from the outside.

I'm unable to sleep worry and guilt flooding my mind. How did Cassie even get those? Was she there the whole time?

If I talk to Minho she will release everything and it will not only effect me but changbin and the rest of the kids. This can ruin their careers. It can ruin everything that they have worked so hard for.

I close my eyes as warm tears fall down my cheek landing onto my pillow the cries hardening again.

Everything was becoming good again. My relationship with changbin is so good and we are both very happy and Minho and I were growing close again. I can't help but cry harder at the fact that now I have no other choice but to leave him.

Closing my eyes brings me back to the day he left me the same pain wracking my body as the memories play through my head re-living that day.

I get up from my bed wiping the tears needing to leave this room. I quickly change into leggings and a regular large t-shirt throwing in my converse leaving my hair as it is letting my natural wavy black hair fall over my shoulders. I grab the umbrella I packed bringing it with me. I stick my phone in my waist band and slip my key card into my bra. I grab my AirPods from my bed sticking one in each ear.

I place my hand on the doorknob pausing for a moment. Should I at least tell one of the boys? I'm not very familiar with the area..

Pushing the thought away I open the door walking out of my hotel room. Closing it quietly behind me in attempts to not make an echo down the hallway. I successfully get the door closed as quietly as possible the only noise is a little click the echoed slightly.

I stand outside my door for a moment playing 'Grow up' by Straykids. I listen to a lot of their music but I love there ballads the most.

I walk down the hall drowning in my thoughts and heavy feeling reaching the elevator. I press the button hoping it hurry's before one of the guys come. I can't be with one of them right now because I know if I get the slightest bit of comfort I will fall apart. I need to keep it together so it's better I work through it alone. I've done it with everything else I can get myself through this.

The doors open and I step in pressing the button for it to close. I stare off waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor. I look up at the numbers that go down signaling which floor I'm on. It feels as if I've been standing in here for years everything feeling so slow.

My eyes burn from crying and just want to close they feel so heavy. I can't close my eyes without the day he left replaying in my mind. My eyes build the tears back up starting to stream down my face.

The doors ding but they are faint grabbing enough attention to walk out the doors that are now open.

"Y/n?" I hear my name being called and I look up seeing lix.

Felix POV:

"Y/n?" I call almost running into her. She looks up at me and here eyes are red and puffy not to mention her wet eyelashes.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I ask trying to read her eyes. She seems so distant and broken inside I've never seen her like this before. She smiles nodding her head attempting to reassure me. "Yeah I'm okay" she says trying to brush off the matter. I scan her seeing her umbrella and shoes.

"Where are you going? I thought you were asleep" ask her. "I'm just going on a stroll." She says softly still smiling as tears well in her eyes.

She notices that I notice the tears and drops her head slightly no longer making eye contact with me.

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