Part 29

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Cassie takes her purse pulling out her phone going

through it for a moment before handing it to me.

"Just keep sliding to the right." She instructs. I look at her taking the phone hesitantly looking at the screen scared by the truth.

I go through the pictures one by one seeing my best friend and the girl I've loved all my life together. Suddenly my vision gets blocked by the welding tears and the voice of Cassie drowns from the anger, betrayal, rage and hurt.

3RD person POV:

"Felix that looks so amazing!" Y/n nearly squeals her eyes lighting up at the brownies with a beautiful  designed happy birthday wish to y/n and Minho in yellow frosting flowers frosted beautiful along the sides.

"Oh thank you Noona!" Felix says his warm eyes disappearing into crescents while his cheeks slightly turn pink the complement giving him a soft warm feeling In  his chest from the complement.

"You really out did yourself felix! I'm going to go grab my phone to take a picture." Y/n says them going to her room. Y/n goes into her room grabbing her phone off of her bed reading a message from changbin.


Binnie💕8:42pm- I will be home soon 😘

Y/n 8:50pm- Good because I miss you.

Binnie💕: I can't wait to have you all to myself

Y/n turns her phone off sticking it in her back pocket with a cheeky smile on her face. Y/n goes out of her room all the guys sit around the living room playing Mario cart.

Y/n walks back to the kitchen taking a picture of Felix's brownies he made. Everyone sits In the living room playing Mario cart with each other aside from y/n who watches and roots on the boys.

Twenty minutes go by until Changbin walks through the door with Chan and Jisung. The three of them chatting as they enter the dorm.

"Is Lee know with you guys?" Hyunjin asks. "No, he's still not home?" Chan asks them hanging his coat on the hook by the front door. "I just checked his location it shows he was ag a restraint about ten minutes ago?" Jeongin says looking at his phone.

"Did he say anything to you about a dinner tonight?" He asks y/n. "It wasn't in his schedule" she says a tad bit confused.

"The other hosts may have lured him in to a birthday dinner. We know he had a hard time declining." Seungmin tells them focusing on the game.

"Can you come here real quick?" Changbin asks y/n walking over to her on the couch holding her hand. Y/n stands up from the couch following him as he leads her to her bedroom.

"Ooooooo" jisung teases some of the other members start whistling. "Not where I'm sleeping please?"  Seojoon begs in a whine running his temples. Y/n laughs shaking her head embarrassed following changbin into her room closing the door behind them.

"It's nothing like that." Chan says with a huge grin. "Changbin got her the best birthday present." Han says with a smug smile.

Seojoons eyes light up "what is it?" He asks in a whisper.

Y/n POV:

Changbin sits me down at the end of my bed pulling out a card sitting next to me. I feel a knot forming in my stomach unable to tell his emotion. "Is everything okay?" I ask him taking his hand into mine.

"I know you didn't want anything else for your birthday...but I have one last present." He tells me putting the card in my hand.

"Oh binnie, you didn't have too." I say with a smile. Tears welding in my eyes. "Oh please don't cry you haven't even opened the gist yet" he chuckles wiping a single fallen tear. "I'm just so grateful for you." I tell him kissing his cheek.

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