Part 39

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Y/n POV:

My eyelids are so heavy it takes almost strength for them to open. The only thing I can think about is the throbbing in my head. Each time my eyelids part the bruising behind my eyes gets worse and worse. My eyes rest on the small baby pink alarm clock that reads 1:00pm.

I feel the small breaths of a person hit the side of my neck. I feel panic rise in my body not remembering who could be in my bed. I close my eyes tightly damning myself into hell for the situation I got myself in. Memories of last night play in my head visions of lee know running his hands through my hair.

His soft lips kissing every inch of my body. I open my eyes fully remembering everything that happened last night.

I lay in Minho's arms feeling an overwhelming sense of comfort yet a disturbing amount of guilt. A ball forms in the pit of my stomach immense pressure forcing itself out from my throat. I quickly throw my legs from off the side of the bed removing myself from the warmth of Minho's body.

I get up too quickly almost falling back on to the bed quickly trying to catch my balance. Quickly leaving the room I quietly close the door running down the hall to the bathroom.

I throw myself on the ground by the toilet vomiting almost immediately. The squeeze in my stomach is so intense tears fall from my eyes. I tie my hair up into a ponytail keeping it out of my face. Once I feel my stomach settle I get up washing my face with the warm water relaxing me.

I quickly but thoroughly brush my teeth drying my mouth with the hanging hand towel. I feel a pounding in my head that is so bad all I can think about is going to get medicine.

My feet drag along the floor as I walk myself to the kitchen with one hand laying on my head the other being used for support against the wall. Finally I make my way to the living room in front of me sits Hyunjin, Seungmin, Felix, and I.N are all gathered in the living room looking at me quietly.

I feel my stomach drop slightly reading each of their faces. What feels like is eternity only last a couple moments before their eyes look elsewhere. I walk over to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water then heading towards the medicine cabinet grabbing a few Tylenol swallowing it down with some water.

3rd person POV:

Y/n walks back over to the living room Hyunjin stopping her before she goes to her bedroom. "Y/n, I think we need to discuss something." Hyunjin tells her. Y/n turns around her face now looking at them. Tears start pooling in her eyes her throat becoming tight.

"I cheated on Changbin with minho." She blurts out.

After getting it off her chest she can't help but start crying hiding her hands in her face. "Y/n..." Felix begins in his deep raspy voice. "You need to get yourself together and focus on what you are going to do next" He tells her. "It's unfortunate, the feelings you have for both of them."

"Unfortunate?" Seungmin asks Felix his brows knitting together starting to get angry.

"What's unfortunate is the fact you cheated on Changbin with one of his best friends, that's what's fucking unfortunate." He says raising his voice scolding her.

"Seungmin let's chill out" I.N instructs Seungmin trying to calm him down. "No fuck that!" He almost hours swiping a glass on the table causing it to shatter all over the floor a loud crashing sound making everyone jump. "Seungmin stop" Felix says getting up from his seat as Seungmin n starts walking over to y/n backing her up into the wall.

"You have no idea how hard any of us worked to get where we are today. You need to fix this or your going to ruin everything." Seungmin tells her. Y/n looks up at him with her big watery doe eye her bottom lip slightly quivers trying to keep herself together.

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