Part 34

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~3 days later~

3rd person POV:

*beep beep...beep beep...beep beep*

Y/n's alarm clock goes off but can't find the energy to get up to turn it off. She lays in her bed staring at the door as she has done all night long. The emptiness that lays in her heart drowns everything out the beeping soon fading.

There's a light knock y/n doesn't seem to notice the door opening slightly. "Noona.." Jeongin calls out softly to her peeking his head in her bedroom.

"Noona it's time to get up okay? We have to get ready." He tells her coming in her room closing the door. He sits on the edge of her bed resting his hand on her leg that lies underneath the covers.

Y/n looks at him with such sadness in her eyes. "Did you get any sleep?" He asks her. Y/n shakes her head slightly tears now streaming down her face.

"The guys ran to the store to get things for breakfast...after we are finished we will go." He tells her with a sad smile. Y/n turns away from him facing the opposite direction now pulling the covers over her head.

"If you need me...just call out okay? I'll wait for you out in the living room." He reassures her.

Y/n stays silent staying under the covers for a few minutes after he leaves the room. Her feet touch the cold floor standing up she goes out of her room the dorm quiet aside from the show Jeongin is watching in the living room.

She goes to the bathroom leaving the door open washing her face. She goes back to her room quietly closing the door sitting at her vanity not looking herself in the mirror. She grabs her brush brushing her long thick black hair. She puts it up into a ponytail then getting into a pair of black sweatpants and a loose black crop top throwing a black jacket over her.

Y/n sits at the edge of her bed pulling out her phone listening to an old voicemail Seojoon left just days before leaving back to America.

"Hey Noona... I know your at work right now but I just wanted to give you a heads up so your not mad at me later but I ate all your cookies...they were really good. Thank you for keeping my stomach full. Also I may not be here when you get back I'm going to go into Seoul to meet with an old classmate. Looooovvvve you."

Y/n laughs at his goofiness the laughing very quickly turns into crying. She holds her phone closet to her chest replaying the voicemail quietly sobbing.

Y/n hears the guys talking their way into the dorm with that She word her tears taking a deep breath attempting to calm herself down.

Y/n gets up going out of her room leaving her phone on her bed. "Hey, we grabbed some breakfast instead from your favorite restaurant" Han says smiling with a couple bags of food in his hand. Y/n gives him a small smile of gratitude sitting at the table with the others.

Y/n POV:

I sit here staring at my favorite breakfast not the slightest bit wanting to eat it. I'm surrounded by people that love me yet I can't help but feel a wracking feeling of guilt that seeps deep into my soul. Why can't he enjoy a meal? Why is he not able to be around people who love him? Why wasn't it me? He should be here.

Changbin sets his hand on my leg attempting to bring me a sense of comfort. I give himself a reassuring smile letting him know I am okay. But I feel no sense of comfort. I feel a numbness not from him but from everything. I feel suffocated like every second my breath is getting sucked from my lungs, a longing feeling lays on my body. But the most I can feel is heartbreak.

I've had this feeling in the past, Seojoon was there for me, it was the worst pain and I never wanted to feel it again. But this time the feeling is one million times worse. Because I've not lost my little brother.

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