Twenty Nine

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Annabeth fell down into bed beside me

"Seaweed brain, you alright?"
When I didn't respond she sat up on her elbows and leaned over me.
"Perc.. are you ok?"

I covered my face with a pillow. And annabeth pulled it away.
"I call for healthy communication here percy, either tell me what's up or just say you don't wanna be questioned"
I whined to myself, I didn't know what I wanted.
"Perc, babe you can tell me anything."

I took a second before deciding what to say
"Sometimes when we cuddle... it makes me feel small"
Silence filled the room for a moment.

"Oh Percy, I'm sorry"
She started, sounding sympathetic.
"You're still the bravest strongest hero I know even when we're cuddling-"
Annabeth said, misinterpreting my words. I groaned and she stopped.
"Not that kinda small, just-"

"Recently I've been thinking..."
"Oh that's new"
I whined a bit, this conversation really annoying to have, then annabeth started rubbing my back. I sighed.
"You know my mom and I are really close"

"Oh no is this gonna be an Oedipus thing you mamas boy?"
She joked, easing the tension but still making me frown
"Absolutely not, please can I just talk for a second"
Annabeth nodded respectfully at my request.

"Ok, when I was younger, when Gabe was still around. Sometimes I used to act like a really small kid, and my mom would dote over me, and he'd get annoyed... um-"

I flipped over onto back and annabeth switched to playing with my hair. I found it soothing
"Sorry I'm not that good at explaining"
"No percy you're doing great, just keep it up"

I took a breath.
"So we kept doing it. Mom liked looking after me and I liked the extra attention. It would just be watching movies or making cookies, nothing extreme"
Annabeth listened intently despite me not being the best with my words.

"You know my bed wetting stint, after tartarus..."
I looked away from annabeth, still ashamed of that period. She pulled my gaze right back.
"Course I do, I was doing it too seaweed brain- sorry, go on"
"Well I felt small alot then. I'd iris message my mom and she'd help me a bit.

I took a deep breath.
"And um, with everything that's happened with nico. I've been thinking"
I squirmed and annabeth ran her fingers through my hair, making me melt.

"I miss being looked after, I miss not having the world on my shoulders.."
I pulled at my pyjama shirt as I drew out saying what I needed to. Annabeth waited patiently.

"...I wanna try being little, properly"
It hung in the air a little while.
"Ok... can I ask questions?"
Annabeth asked as she pulled my head towards her. It nestled perfectly in her lap as she continued to play with my hair. I hummed as a response.

Annabeth began

"Is this... sexual?"
I snapped my neck towards my girlfriend. Darting up in bed.
"Nononononono this is the furthest thing from sexual. Sexual-uh-ness is in another room"
I desperately tried to assure her and he nodded again, fixing my neck back to where it should be and lowering me to the bed once more.
"That's perfect seaweed brain, I just wanted to check"

Annabeth continued.
"Do you want me to be involved or did you just want me to know?"
"Well you were really good taking care of Nico"
"So were you"
I smiled but then frowned.

"I'm not like Nico though. I don't think I've ever had that headspace thing, and I don't want it to be sexual, it's just sometimes I like kid stuff- sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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