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Nobody's pov
The rest of breakfast went by smoothly. With delicious pancakes and solid musical bops, everything was great. Nico slipped out of headspace after finished his second pancake. Will remembered what had happened earlier with Jason and figured now was as good a time as any to tell Nico, now that he was big.
This wasn't gonna be an easy talk

" Ok Nico, plan for the day"
Nico leaned back in his chair
"Go on"

Will dramaticly waved a spatula around as he talked
"First, we go shopping, you have no clothes, it's an absolute disgrace and I won't stand for it"
Nico protested
"But the shops are always packed and I have enough clothes-"

Will put the spatula to Nico lips, cutting him off
"Shoosh my humble smol boio, you have a solid 3 outfits"
Nico pushed the spatula away

"exactly enough"
"anyway what I wanted to say was that Jason came over to give me the details about dinner tonight"
Nico groaned loudly
"Ugggh I forgot about that"
"Hush death boy, now Jason also invited us to come back to Annabeth and Percy's after dinner to watch movies and stay over"
"Nico we can't say no"
"Yes we can it's very easy
There I just said it"

Will sighed
"We live across from them, Nico, we can't say no, how about we just stay for a movie or two and we don't stay over, ok?"
"Alright fine, but only because I'm so gracious"

Will kissed Nico's forehead
"Of course baby"

Ok now comes the hard part, Will thought to himself

"Nico something else happened while Jason was over"
"He heard you call out in little space, he heard you calling for 'Daddy' "

Nico's breathing hitched and his face turned pale, even more than it already was if that's even possible. Sobs racked his body and he began shaking.

"NO he couldn't have heard NO"

Will dashed to Nico's side, picked him up and brought him to couch and began to rock him, trying to console him. Nico rambled though his cries and Will just let him go off, knowing that he couldn't do much right now

"He can't have heard! He wouldn't know! Oh Gods what does he think! NO no NO!"

Nico's rambling soon quietened along with his cries. His breathing evened out a bit but he was still shaking. Will took the opportunity to speak

"Nico, baby, Jason is very caring and would never judge you"
"How do you know that?! You can't know that!"
"Baby did Percy judge you? No, he saw this makes you happy and accepted it. Jason and Percy are very protective of you"
"Yes really! I had prove myself to them before I could even consider dating you!"

Nico giggled at what Will said and Will smiled at Nico's laugh
"Baby, you know Jason would never hurt you, and trust me if he did I would kill him"
Nico laughed
"I'd like to see you try"
"Hey! I could take him"
"Sure you could Will, sure you could"

"Now Nico we have a big day ahead of us, so we better get changed cause I trust you don't want to go shopping dressed as a little panda, now do you?"Will smirked

Nico blushed as he remembered his apparel "Shut up"
Will rubbed his nose against Nico's
"Never baby, never"

Will dragged Nico off the couch and too the nursery. He picked out, no surprise black jeans, and a black t shirt but before changing him, Will took Nico's chin in his hand and looked deep into his eyes. Practical making Nico melt

"Nico I'll say this now, how about later we pull Jason aside, you can talk to him or if you want i can talk. just so all this can be cleared up, huh?"

Nico nodded
"Sounds good, Daddy"

Will got Nico changed into his clothes and a pull up just in case. Will also got dressed into a pair of jeans, converse and a white t shirt. And so they ventured off into the streets of New Rome. Bound to get lost


Piper was worried about Jason, he had been acting weird while showing her, Annabeth and Percy around. He seemed distracted.

The group had stoped for food at a small cafe, at this point every one had noticed Jason being spacey so they confronted him.

"Jason, you feeling all right? You've been pretty out of it all day"
Piper put a hand on his shoulder and shook him as he didn't respond

Jason snapped out of his train of thought
"Bro seriously what's up" Percy twirled a breadstick between his fingers before shoving it into his mouth. Annabeth had been absorbed in a book but looked up to join the conversation
"Yeah man, I mean I've practically been leading this tour"

Jason sighed
"Something weird just happened at Nico and Will's "
Percy's brow furrowed
"What happened"

"well I had just told Will about the plans for tonight when I heard what I think was Nico yell out"
"Yeah so-"
"No man, it was what he yelled, I'm pretty sure he was calling for Will, but he called him Daddy"

Annabeth leaned back in her chair
" Are you sure?"
"Well I'm pretty sure cause after he yelled, Will kinda freaked out"

Piper thought so a sec
"Wait Annabeth you read all those lifestyle books that my Mom donated, right?"
"Yeah well I mean there wasn't much else to read, I gotta read something!"
"Shush, was there anything about calling your significant other Daddy"
"Well that's kind of a broad term, did Nico sound younger or anything?"

Jason thought back
"Yeah actually, yeah he did, he was slurring his words"
"I mean it's a bit farfetched but they could be into ddlb"

Percy suddenly started choking on the many breadsticks he was eating. Annabeth raised her eyebrows
"Percy ya alright there"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine I'm cool

cool cool cool cool cool
No doubt no doubt no doubt"

Jason leaned towards Percy
"What do you know"
"Bro I have no idea what you're talking about" Percy tried reaching for another breadsticks but his hand was swatted away by Annabeth.
"No Percy, you know something about Will and Nico, tell us"

Percy's pov

What do I do? I can't tell them, Will and Nico deserve privacy. But they already figured it out. Gods should I just tell them? I don't know what to do. I've been silent for way too long that's practical an answer. Annabeth is giving that look

"Percy, are they into ddlb?"
Piper had spoke up
"Percy you can tell us, we wouldn't judge them, seriously there's some freaky kinky shit out there, this means nothing"
Jason turned to Piper
"How do you know about 'freaky kinky shit'?"
"Jason, don't even ask"

Annabeth interrupted them
"Anyway, Piper's right"
"About freaky kinky shit?"
"No seaweed brain, that we wouldn't judge them, Nico and Will are our friends and let's be honest you and Jason are very protective of Nico"
Jason piped up
"That's true"

I couldn't help but agree
"Alright fine, Nico is a little and Will is his caregiver, I found out by accident.  If they want to tell us, they can tell us, ok?"

Everyone agreed to let them come out if they wanted to and to not pressure them into it. Piper raised her glass

"Well, to Will and Nico

oh, and kinky shit!"

"To kinky shit!"

We're getting so many weird looks.

My Little Death Boy (Solangelo ddlb)Where stories live. Discover now