Twenty Two

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Third Person pov

Nico sat at the kitchen table, swinging his legs. His two stuffies sat on the chair next to him. Will made some quick scrambled egg and toast, slipt it up between two plates, one was plain but the other had seperate sections and was decorated with stars.

Nico was nearly drooling, he reached out, attempting to grab his plate as Will brought them both over. He set the two plates down and put a bib that read little monster around Nico's neck.

Will swapped between feeding himself and feeding Nico. The eggs tasted great and Nico loved every bite. Once both plates were clean, Will whiped Nico's face with a wipe.

"Now did you like that baby boy?"
Nico simply nodded his head not feeling very verbal
"Words baby"
Nico shook his head
"Nico how old are you feeling"
Nico held up one finger, having regressed even more over food

Will was overjoyed
"Aww I have an itty bitty baby Nico"
Will picked Nico up, ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek. Nico whined and hurried his head in Will's shoulder.

"I think it's time for your bottle my little king"

Will grabbed out a baby bottle and filled it with milk.

"Do you want it heated?"
Nico nodded into Will's neck
" Ok baby"

Will heated the bottle in the microwave, checked the temperature on his arm and made his way over to the couch. He cradled Nico in his lap and eased the bottle into his mouth. Nico guzzled the milk down.

"Nico slow down, you're gonna get a tummy ache if you drink that fast"

Nico slowed down slightly and focused on hearing Will's heartbeat or feeling his warmth as he slowly sucked on bottle. When the bottle was finished, Will quickly ran back to the kitchen to put it in the sink and came back with Dubh and Little King Trash Mouth. He gave them to Nico, who hugged them and giggled.

"Alright baby, Daddy's gonna put on a movie for you but I have to check something while it's on ok"

Nico nodded
Will stuck on the Lego Batman Movie and Nico was immediately mesmerized by it. Will snuck out to the kitchen and grabbed the New Rome brochure scanning to find the one good looking activity. The Healers event, it looked incredible and would be an amazing learning opportunity for Will. But what about Nico.

He could change and feed himself, that wasn't what Will was worried about. He was worried about little Nico getting lonely, he needed someone there to make sure Nico was ok. Annabeth's offer weighed over Will's head. This was gonna be a tough pitch to Nico, but he could probably do it.

Either way the movie was on so the talk was gonna have to wait.

♤♡Time Skipolicious◇♧

"Hey Nico, can you be big for a second?"

The movie was long over and the two were just cuddling on the couch.

"Oki Daddy"
Nico focused and brought himself back to his regular age
"What's up?"
"So um, I am going to gone all day tomorrow"
"What!? Why?"
"There's a healers event that would be a huge opportunity for me to go to Nic-"

"But what about me? I don wan you to leave me. Don wan be alone!"
Will could tell Nico was slipping
"Nico you need to calm down"
Will pulled Nico into a hug, in an attempt to calm him down but Nico wriggled and squirmed
"Don wanna calm down!"
"Baby you won't be alone tomorrow, Uncle Percy and Auntie Annabeth are gonna watch you"
Nico thrashed, his tantrum becoming more intense. He eventually got out of Will's grip and when Will reached out to touch Nico, he slapped Will's hand.

Realising what he'd done, Nico tried to apologise

"Da-da d d Nico so so rry"
Will took a deep breath, kept himself from becoming angry and took Nico by the hand to the Nursery.
"Nico we do not hit"
"Am sorry"
"I know but you're still getting punished"

Nico knew he wasn't getting out of this, he broke the rules and was facing the consequences. Will sat down in the chair in the corner of the Nursery and pulled Nico over his knee. He unbuttoned Nico's onesie and pulled down his diaper and tutu.

"Nico I am giving you 5 spanks, do you understand why?"
"Because I *hic* hit Daddy and threw a *hic* tantrum"
"Ok then"
Will landed the first slap and tears already brimmed at Nico's eyes. It hurt Will too, to see his precious boi like this. He finished off the rest of the spanks quickly, wanting this to be over. Nico cried at his sore butt as Will pulled him up into a hug.

"Am sorry Daddy"
"I know you are baby, you were so brave, let's get some cream on your sore tushy"

Nico sniffled and whimpered as Will carried him over to the changing table, discarding the diaper and grabbing some cream. Which Will rubbed on Nico before putting him in a new comfy diaper with a skull pattern. Will fixed Nico's onesie and tutu before carrying him out to the sitting room and sitting him in his lap on the couch.

"Alright baby have you calmed down? Cause I need to continue with what I was saying"
"Yesh Daddy"
"Now Nico, Uncle Percy and Auntie Annabeth are going to keep an eye on you while I'm gone"
"Bu- I don wike being wittle awound dem, It make me feel vun-ar-a-bel"
"Baby they're just they're to make sure your safe and you remember what Percy said, if it makes you happy, he's ok. And Annabeth offered to look after you"
"But dey gonna see me, don wan dat"

"They won't 'see you' Baby, you can change and dress yourself"
"I thought only Daddy do that"
"Well I think we'll make an exception, considering I won't be there"
Nico shoved his face into my chest
"I miss you tho"
"I know baby, I'll miss you too but it's only a day and I know how brave you are"

Nico peered up at me
"your the bravest little boy I know"
"how many little boys you know?"
We both laughed and cuddled eachother, the earlier punishment forgotten about completely.

Authors Note
Hey lads, it turns out the small ending was cut out when I published this chapter so I'm sorry about that. Only realised now so thats my bad 😅

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