Twenty One

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Third Person pov

Annabeth walked through the streets of New Rome with Will, they had been searching for around half an hour to no avail. Will was trying to mask his worry and slight anger but wasn't doing a great job, mumbling to himself. Annabeth tried to keep small talk.

" So, Will I saw that healers day thing is on tomorrow, you gonna go?"
" Eh,I don't know if I will after all of this thats happening "
"Do you want to go ?"
"Yeah I do! It's just what about Nico, I have to make sure he's alright "
"Will you should go, the actual point of this trip is to go to these things, like me and Percy are going to a fighting demonstration on Friday, you should enjoy yourself"
"Its all day! I can't leave Nico alone for that long, he's really dependent and I'd worry"
Annabeth thought for a second
"What if me and Percy keep an eye on him, we won't crowd him, but if he needs help we'll be there"

"Honestly that sounds good, but right now we should focus on actually finding Nico, where in Hades is he?"

As if on cue, a rainbow shimmered in front of the two. They were getting an Iris message, luckily they weren't any people on the small street they were walking through.

Percy appeared in the mist.
Annabeth immediately started on him

"Percy what are doing? We don't have that many drachmas, and you should be out here with us"
Percy interuppted her
"Well I had to use an Iris message because I have a situation back here and I can't come and get you"
Will was confused
"What do you mean a situation?"

Percy reached out of frame and pulled in Nico, whose eyes lit up upon seeing Will
He cut himself off after realising Annabeth was there too. Will shoved Annabeth a bit to the side, to get a better view of Nico.
"Gods, Nico! Are you alright?"
Nico nodded his head but stayed silent and kept his head down. Percy spoke up.
"He's been pretty quiet since he showed up"
"Ok we'll be back in maybe 20 minutes, so see you then"
"Alright, bye guys"
Percy said before wiping away the mist with his hand.

Will took off, with Annabeth in pursuit through the New Rome streets, excited to see his baby boy again.


"So they're gonna be back in a while, do you wanna do something till then"

Percy tried to get Nico to talk but Nico refused. When he first fell into Percy, he just started crying, and wouldn't walk so Percy had to carry him back to his apartment.

"Are you hungry"
Nico was but shook his head. Percy frowned a little at Nico's answer, knowing that Nico was probably hungry.
"Do you wanna watch some tv?"
Nico shrugged, Percy took that answer as a yes and flipped through the channels. He watched Nico, trying to get a reaction. Nico looked up once Percy had flipped to Nickelodeon. Spongebob was playing and Nico was captivated.

While Nico watched the yellow sponge and pink starfish build sandcastles Percy slipped away to the kitchen. There wasn't much but Percy grabbed a banana. He walked back to the couch and handed the banana to Nico. Nico let out a very quiet thank you and Percy sat back down.

Nico tried to open the banana but was fairly horribly. I mean how do they expect him to open these things they're impossible. He let out a little whine of frustration cause he wanted the damn banana. Percy took the banana, making Nico whine again but handed it back opened. Nico was amazed. How did he do that???

The two happily watched spongebob while Nico greedily ate the banana.

Around 20 minutes had passed and Nico squirmed in his place. His full pull up was cold and uncomfortable, he just wanted his Daddy. Nico felt very little and wanted to be held. The Gods must have been on his side because at that moment Will practical broke down the door, Annabeth in tow.

A smile spread across Nico's face
He was cut off by a bone crushing hug from Will. He couldn't breathe but that didn't matter.

"Nico, I was so worried, are you ok?"
Will released his grip on Nico slightly
Nico quietly mumbled into Wills t shirt
"Wanna go"
Will ran his fingers through Nico's hair
"Ok baby"

Annabeth and Percy were watching from the couch and Annabeth interrupted the moment
Nico blushed and hid his face in Will's neck. Will pecked him on the forehead.
"Shut up Annabeth"
Percy spoke up too
"Yeah shut up Annbeth"
This got Percy shoved off the couch.

Will said his goodbyes, but not before Annabeth reminded him to think about tomorrow. The two crossed the hall to their apartment and stepped inside.

Will carried Nico to the nursery, sitting them both in the rocking chair. Nico snuggled into Will and began to cry.

"Why the tears Baby?"
Nico sobbed and sniffed loudly
"I sorry Daddy"
"I'm sorry too baby, do you wanna talk about it?"
"No, too wittle"
"Well how old are you?"

Nico switched between held up 2 fingers.

"Ok then, let's get you out of these big boy clothes huh?"

Nico nodded and Will began undressing him. His pull up had slightly leaked through to his jeans and when Nico noticed this, he started to cry again. Will brought him to changing table while consoling him.

"It's ok baby, it's not your fault, accidents happen"
Nico sniffled as  Will changed him into a thick white diaper. But soon stopped as the soft diaper comforted him. Will sat Nico up, and sorted through his new selection of clothes, excited to dress up his baby boy.

"Now what colour do you want to wear baby?"
"Black!" Nico cheered as he clapped his hands . Will wanted Nico yo start wearing more colour so he negotiated.
"How about black and blue?"
Nico nodded quickly
"Ok baby boy"

Will picked out a onesie, thigh highs, a pacifier and clip plus two other items he didn't show right away.

He dressed Nico in the onesie and thigh highs, then showed the other two items

A hair bow and a light blue tutu

" You wanna wear these Baby?"
Will didn't want to push Nico too hard but thought he'd look real cute in them.

Nico blushed hard but nodded his head, hiding a smile behind the hands covering his face. Will smiled and kissed Nico on the cheek. He continued in dressing Nico, finishing by clipping the bow to his hair and the paci clip to his onesie. He looked adorable.

Will swung Nico up onto his hip and carried him over to the mirror

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Will swung Nico up onto his hip and carried him over to the mirror

"Who's that pretty baby in the mirror"
Nico looked in the mirror , almost not recognising himself. He giggled and slurred through his paci

"That's right baby boy, it is you!"
Will kissed Nico's nose and he giggled even more

"I missed you Nico"
"I missed you too Daddy"
"And Nico, I know two others who also really missed you, close your eyes"

Nico scrunched up his entire face as Will reached to an above shelf, pulling down two stuffies.

"Open your eyes baby"
Nico opened his eyes and squealed pulling the black dog and the raccoon  into his arms.
"Thank woo Daddy!"
"What's the raccoon name Baby?"
"Lil Kang Trash Mouf"
Will laughed
"Little King Trash Mouth?"
"Ya! Ooo like it Daddy?"
"I love it baby, now are you and your stuffie squad hungry, did you  have breakfast yet?"
"I no have breakfast but Percy gave me a banananananana, I couldn't open it but he could! Uncle Perce is magic! I still hungry tho"
Will chuckled again at Nico's story
"Well how does eggs sound?"

"Good Daddy!"

My Little Death Boy (Solangelo ddlb)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα