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And just like that Percy was gone, shutting the door behind him leaving the two males in shock. It was about 2 seconds before Nico started hyperventilating. I assured him it'll all be alright and to calm down, placing a paci between his lips a kiss on his forehead before rushing out after Percy.

"Percy, wait!" I ran to catch up with him, he turns facing me " what's up?"

" How much of that did you see?"
" You picking up and tickling Nico, you guys calling eachother baby and daddy, and Yeah, that's it"
He acts extremely nonchalant as if we're just talking about lunch.
" Wait, you're not surprised or freaked out or anything"
" Nah man, I'm pretty sure I've seen it all but if you guys wanna talk later, I'm free"
"I think that's be good, for Nico's sake, speaking of which I should go make sure he's ok" I sigh shaking my head "Poor kid"

Percy places a hand on my shoulder
" Hey man, I'm here if you need me, alo dont forget the cabin meeting, it's after lunch"
" Thanks man, see ya later"
Percy runs off to lunch " See ya"

I run back to the Hades cabin, opening the door to see Nico sucking his paci, anxiously pulling at the bed sheets " What did he say?" He seemed desperate to know standing and coming over to me. I ran my fingers through his soft dark locks " He was honestly, fine with it but we're gonna talk more later, ok?"
"ok daddy"
"Now I bet your hungry huh?"
"Baby come you gotta eat, let's go"
Nico huffed, took out his paci and followed me to lunch.

Third person pov

Lunch was uneventful as ever, just some casual banter then they were off to the head of cabins meeting. Nico was still screaming inside cause of Percy, he didn't want to see him right now but he also didn't want to upset his daddy so he kept quiet.

Everyone was sat around the ping pong table with Chiron and Mr D at the top of it. Nico kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Will noticed and laced his hand with Nico's under the table and squeezed to let him know it was ok. Nico appreciated the gesture and squeezed back.

"Now" Chiron finally started, bringing everyone's attention from their separate conversations to the top of the table. " There has been talk with camp Jupitar and we are now trying to 'intermingle' our two camps" Mr D sighed heavily at this a took a swig of his diet coke. " At the end of the week we will send around 30 campers to camp Jupiter and they will send 30 campers here. It will be more of a cultural exchange and you will not be registered for service with the New Rome army, I would like for all of you to attend but if you have a problem please come to me"

Will thought to himself, this was perfect, Nico had told him all about New Rome before and it sounded perfect. Chiron went on about the trip and everybody was hyped, the greek campers would be given the New Rome experience, as if they were graduated and living in the city. They'd be supplied with an apartment and allowed to roam around and enjoy the city for what it is.

The romans were extremely organised with the trip. Camp half blood on the other hand had barely planned anything. It really fit in with the camps atmosphere.

Chiron wrapped up the meeting with reminder that cabin heads were expected to attend but if there was a problem to come to him.

It was free time now so Will and Nico decided to take a stroll through the strawberry fields. Nico was still quite worried about Percy and Will could sense how tense he was.

" Hey Nico, I've got an idea!"
" What?"
"Do you wanna watch Disney movies till dinner? We can set up in your cabin and-"
Will was cut off by Nico jumping into a hug, obviously in little space.
"Yes Yes Yes!!!"
"Alright, let's go baby!"

Authors Note:
really surprised that anyone is reading this to be honest. lol

If any one has requests or anything, fire away!

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