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Nobody's pov

Normally Will would have punished Nico for cursing but decided to let it slide just this once. Will pulled Nico onto his lap and cradled him lightly.

"First off Nico, I need you to tell me all about your little space"
Nico went into detail about how he found out about the world of littles, is now diaper dependent and that his little age is around 3 years old.

"Now Nico, as my baby there's a set of rules you need to follow"
"Yes darling Rules, we can always add to or adjust the rules later but for now they'll work"

Rule 1. You will call me Daddy at all times in headspace, you can me Daddy out of headspace If you want.

Rule 2. I will change and dress you and no taking off your diaper/pull up without my permission

Rule 3. No shadow magic without my permission.

Rule 4. Always tell daddy if something is bothering you

Rule 5. Never hide something from me or lie to me, I will eventually find out

Rule 6. No fighting with me or others (unless for demigod purposes)

Rule 7. No cursing

Rule 8. No backtalk

Rule 9. No touching yourself

Rule 10. No smoking, drinking or drugs

Rule 11. No disobeying Daddy

Rule 12. You will wear what I  pick out for you unless I say other wise.

Rule 13. You will eat 3 meals a day with snacks, I know you've been skipping out on meals and it's not healthy dammit.

"Is that all alright"
"Yeah I guess" Nico was quite annoyed about the shadow magic rule, and being made eat but it was worth it to be Will's baby.

"I also had a talk with Chiron, so now you're cabins schedule is the same as mine, you'll sit at the Apollo table and eat with me and and I can excuse you from activities, all for your 'mental wellbeing'"

Nico chuckled and hugged will tighter
"thank you daddy!!"
"You're welcome baby, now let's get you dressed."

Will grabbed a towel (idk where he'd get it from) and spread it on the ground. He picked up Nico and layed him on top of it. "Nico, where is your changing stuff?" Nico pointed under his bed "In the box"

Will pulled out the box and rummaged through it to grab stuff he needed to change Nico. Internally squealing at the boxes contents, he grabbed what he needed returned to Nico to change him.

At first Nico resisted Will taking off his onesie, he didn't want him to see his body, but Will gave him a reassuring look and Nico nodded to continue. Will swiftly changed him and set him back on the bed. Will walked over to nico's trunk filled with clothes and searched for something for Nico to wear. "One of these days I'm bringing you shooping nico-" He pulled out one of the many pairs of black jeans and a camp half blood t shirt, the non black item of clothing plus a pair of socks"-Your wardrobe really needs a pop of colour"

Nico huffed at the statement as Will walked back over to dress Nico. He pulled the shirt over Nico's head and helped with the socks and zipper before getting hugged by Nico. Will was slightly taken aback at first but hugged back.

"I love you Will"
"I love you too Nico

now let's get some breakfast"
"Okay... Daddy"

Will walked towards the cabin door, with Nico in tow. The two headed to breakfast just as the rest of camp began to wake up.

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