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Nico's pov 

I splashed around in the bath Will had run for me. I don't know how but he got the water to just the right temperature and it was amazing. There were even bubbles too! Will had already washed my hair and was currently washing my arms.

"Who's my clean little boy?"
"Me Daddy Me!"

Will continued to clean me while I messed around with the bubbles. They were so shiny, I love bubbles!

"Alright Nico time to get out"
I whined
"No Daddy, no wanna get out"
"Nico if you dont get out of the bath, we're going to be late and if we're late I'll have to explain to every one why we were late. Do you know what I would tell them Nico?"
"In gonna tell them that you were a little drama queen who wouldn't get out of your bubble bath, do you want me to tell them that, huh Nico?"
I huffed but stood up, shaking my head. Will lifted me out and wrapped me in a fluffy towel. It made me giggle. He dried me off real quick and carried me back to the nursery.

My hair was still fairly wet so a towel was put around my shoulders to keep me from getting wet again.

"Ok Nico I'm going to put you in a thin pull up so it doesn't show through your new jeans, this means you have to tell me if you've used it, ok?"
"Ok Daddy"
"and Nico I just want to make sure that you're ok with telling Jason, if you dont want to tell him you dont have to"
I thought about it, part knew Jason would accept me and so would every one else but another part of me kept trying to push it's way to the front. 'he'll think you're a freak' the voice said 'None of them care'. I hoped to the gods that voice was lying.
"Y-yeah I wanna get it over with"
"You're so brave baby, you know that right?"
I nodded and began ageing myself up
"I know Will" I kissed him. He kissed back. This is love isn't it?

Percy's pov

"Seaweed Brain! You ready yet?"
"Coming Wise Girl, just gimme a few more seconds"
It's fun annoying her
" Oh my Gods Percy we are gonna be late cause of you"
Annabeth rounded the corner and threw a hairbrush at me

"Agh! What the hell?"
"You're so slow, oh good your dressed, now come on! Im dying, waiting out here"
Annabeth dragged me to the door and I mumbled just loud enough for her to hear
"Wow thanks, you look great too but who cares anyway psh sh sh"
Annabeth kissed my cheek
" You look fab Seaweed Brain"
"Why thank you my dear"


We walked into the restraunt that Jason had told us to, it was small and cosy, overall pretty nice. Piper, Jason, Nico and Will were already sitting at a table. Jason smiled at us and waved us over.

  We sat down and took a look through the menus that were already there. Jason told that apparently the pizza here is great and I would never turn away good pizza.  Jason also got pizza, Annabeth got some fancy pasta that I'm not even gonna try remember and Piper got the veggie version. Will ordered a pizza for him and Nico to share. Nico stayed fairly quiet throughout the dinner but that's not exactly out of the ordinary.

"So-" Jason started " How did shopping go for you two today"
Will answered for Nico and himself
" It went pretty well, I managed to broaden Nico's wardrobe to more than just black, so overall a good day, how was the tour"
Annabeth answered
"New Rome is beautiful! But being honest I was practically leading the tour cause Jason was out of it like the whooole time."
Jason laughed

"Yeah I guess I was"

When our food came I was basically drooling, it looked so good. We ate in comfortable silence with conversation sprinkled between.

We finished the food, which I must say tasted as good as it looked Jason we payed with the gold cards. These gold cards are seriously overpowered. Who in Hades came up with the idea, how has New Rome not already toppled

(Author Nervously Laughs)

Everyone was super giddy walking home, Nico even laughed a few times. Even though we walked to the restraunt just fine it took us ages to get back. Everyone thought we had to go a different way and there were so many arguments that lead into laughter. Eventually we made it back to out apartment. Nico excused himself to get some water and we all took up spots on the couch and floor we had a bunch of great movies lined up. It was gonna be a great.

We were just waiting for Nico to come back when Annbeth suddenly jumped up and grabbed a book she'd been reading.

"Lads! I've been meaning to tell you about this play I've been reading"
Oh yeah it's that play she told me about
"Wait is that the swag soldier or something"
"The Swaggareen Soldier, Seaweed Brain honestly he reminds me of you"
Piper interjected
"Ooo How?"
"He's an absolute idiot"
Will cut it
"Wait is that the play by Plautus?"
"Yeah how'd you know it?"
"Had to study it, The main dude  thinks everyone likes him"
I finished what be was saying
"But really everyone hates him, ha absolute loser"
Annabeth snorted
"Its actually really funny h-"
But she was cut off by Nico standing in the door with tears in his eyes, the shadows around him growing and changign

"I thought you guys liked me
His face twisted in anger as tears fell down his face
"Turns out I'm just a joke"
Will tried to reach out
" Nico what's u-" Nico slapped his hand away and let the shadows envelop him. He yelled at us in a childish way as he began to disappear
"Oo guys are stoopid!"
Will started to panic and tried again to touch him but he was nearly gone
" Nico please, listen, don't go" I could see tears in his eyes as Nico screamed in sadness and frustration and melted into the  shadows.

Nico's pov

The giddy walk how was making me feel little. I whispered in Wills ear to let him know, he asked if I could stay bug for a just a bit longer till me get to the apartment. When we finally got back I was starting to slip, I excused myself to 'get water' but really I was just doing breathing exercises to help me stay big.

I was about to walk into the living room to join Will and everyone when I overheard their conversation.

"He's an absolute idiot"
Everyone laughed, were they talking about me the voice at the back of head was getting stronger. My emotions getting stronger, made me slip
"Dude thinks everyone likes him"

What was Daddy saying?

"But really everyone hates him"

What? Uncle Perce doesn't hate me, they don't hate me, do they?

"Absolute idiot"




So this is what they think of me. I'm such a fool to think I could trust them. It's all a lie.

I cut those meanies off and shadow travelled away. I don't want to see them ever again!

Author's Note
I really suck a conversations with loads of people so I hope this sounds ok

But also damn another chapter
please comment, my ego isn't getting stroked enough in isolation and my hubris is shrinking.

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