Twenty Five

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Will's pov

The healers event was amazing, I've learned so much and I can't wait to tell the other Apollo kids about it!

But right now all that matters is my precious baby boo Nico and that he is ok.

It was around 9 by the time the event finished and I stuck around till the last second. I didn't give Percy or Annabeth much of a bedtime for Nico but hopefully he'll be on his way to bed by the time i'm back.

The event wasn't to far from the apartment so I walked to and from.

I arrived at our apartment after around 30 minutes of walking. I used my keys and walked up the stairs, listening, I couldn't hear anything but the walls are quite thick. I opened the door to find Percy and Annabeth watching tv and Nico nowhere to be seen. He's probably just asleep

"Hey guys!"

Percy and Annabeth looked up from the tv. They spoke in unison
"Hey Will"
They both laughed and Annabeth continued
"How was the healers thing"
"Ah it was fine, but I'm really glad I went, where's Nico?"
Percy answered
" Well right now he's in the time out for calling Annabeth an idiot, then me stupid, then he pushed me as I went to put him in his crib"

"For Zeus' sake, I'm sorry guys"
Annabeth shrugged it off
"Its fine man, and just to give you a full report about Nico's misbehavings. He locked himself in the bathroom when we told him to eat his lunch and then we had to flood your bathroom to flush him out"
"You what??"

Percy reassured me
" We cleaned it up, it's fine"
"Alright, how long has Nico been in time out?"

Annabeth checked the clock
"10ish minutes"
"Ok I'll go get him, you guys stay here, he has to apologise and say goodbye so just wait for a minute"

"Cool cool cool"

I headed to the nursery and opened the door to find Nico, his head shushed into the pillow and the blanket covering him.
"Nico? Your time out is over, come on it's Daddy"
Nick sprung up, the blanket still covering part of his head.
He jumped up and down and held out his arms for me to pick him up. I obliged and picked him up
"I missed you Nico"
He snuggled into me
"I missed you too Daddy"

"Now I heard that you've been very naughty to Uncle Percy and Auntie Annabeth"
Nico's head dropped
"Am sowy Daddy, I just weally miss ooo"
"I know baby but you can't disrespect them like that, now let's go apollogise so you can get ready for bed, but we are not done with this conversation"
"Oki Daddy"

I walked out carrying Nico to Percy and Annabeth, who had turned off the tv and were now just talking.

"Nick do you have something you wanna say to Uncle Percy and Auntie Annabeth?"
Nico mumbled quietly
"Nico, speak clearly"
"I'm sorry!"

Annabeth smiled
"We accept your apology Nico and I suppose we should be going"
They walked out together and Percy waved goodbye
"remember were always here if you need anything"

After we yelled a goodbye back at them, I started the process of getting Nico ready for bed. His diaper was a little wet so I changed into a thick night time diaper and his teeth were brushed. But before bedtime I sat Nico on the couch to talk.
"Nico you know you were very naughty today right?"
Nico nodded his head
"Verbal answers Nico"
"Yes Daddy"
" Nico I am going to punish you again because I asked you to be good and kind to Annabeth and Percy but you weren't, you were disrespectful and naughty. Do you understand?"
"I do"
"Nico tonight you'll be sleeping in your crib"

Nico's face dropped and tears appeared in his eyes
"No! I wanna sleep with Daddy!"
"Nico if you kick up a fuss you won't be sleeping with stuffies either?"

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