Twenty Four

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Annabeth's pov

Looking after little Nico was fun as heck! Will had given me some rules for Nico but I hadn't needed to enforce them. Little Nico was curious, clingy and pretty chill as far as the afternoon was going. We had moved from our apartment to watch movies because Nico wanted to get his stuffies.

Little did I know the absolute hell that would unleashed when lunchtime came.

One of the rules Will gave us was that Nico had to eat all his lunch and dinner. Nico's eating habits were a big deal to Will and I respected that.

I was on the couch with Nico, watching the my little pony movie when suddenly Percy appeared from the kitchen with three plates of dino nuggets, chips and peas. I was gonna make lunch but Percy stepped up an I must say they look pretty nice.

" Oh my gods Percy, Dinosaur nuggets?"
"Yeah! They're cool right"
"I haven't had these since I was a kid"
" I think I had them once but they were dyed blue"
"What other colour would they be"

We all tucked in, at least me and Percy tucked in. Nico moved his food around the plate and took a bites but not much else.

I really noticed that Nico wasn't eating when me and Percy were nearly finished but Nico's plate was still almost full.

"Come on Nico, Will said you had to eat"
Nico whined
"No wanna eat! too full"
Percy tried to convince him
"How about you take a few more bites, for me, okay?"
Nico crossed his arms and stayed silent.
I put down my plate and took Nico's fork, spearing a nugget and brought it to his lips
"Just another bite Nico"

Nico hit the fork out of my hand and pushed his plate off his lap, knocking some food to the ground. Nico ran away to what i thought was his room. Percy and I jumped up and ran after him only to find his room empty. Percy looked inside the honestly bomb ass tent and found nothing
"where is he??"
"I don't know! Maybe he shadow traveled again"
"Aw how the hades are we gonna tell Will"
"Wait he might just be somewhere else, gods we're idiots"

Me and Percy looked in rooms till we found the bathroom door locked. I knocked on the door
"Nico you in there buddy"
"Go away!"
Percy called out to him
"Nico just come out of the bathroom"
"Never! No wanna eat lunch"
The door was locked so there wasn't really anyway to get in. We didn't have keys for the bathroom door and it probably wouldn't be a good idea to smash it. With no current way to open the door we cleaned up the mess Nico made, putting what was left of Nico's lunch on the table so we could reheat it later.

"Annabeth I have an idea but it might sound kind of insane"
" Shoot"
" we could flush Nico out"
"What do you mean flush him out"
"I could overflow the sink or the bath in there and flood the bathroom, forcing him out"
"You want to flood our friends bathroom"
"I can put the water back after, it's fine"
"I mean we don't have much other options, just don't traumatise Nico please"
"Cool cool cool"
We walked back to the bathroom and tried to talk Nico out one last time
"Nico please just come out, we're not mad"
"No! you can't make me"
I gave Percy the go ahead.

Nico's pov

They can't force me to eat. They're not my Daddy! I sat in the bath and laid my head back. I could wait here all day, my diaper was still fairly dry and could hold alot, there's no way I'm coming out. I suddenly squeaked as I felt my back become wet. The bath was gushing out water. I tried to turn it off but it was stuck. I stepped out of the bath and yelled out again finding the floor wet too. The sink was overflowing and I couldnt turn it off. What was happening??

I didn't know what to do, so I called out Annabeth and Percy.
"Uncle Perce, Auntie Annabeth!"
Annabeth called back
"Nico? Are you ok?"
I screamed as the water started to splash me, why was it splashing me?! The water soaked me and my diaper puffed up. I cried
"Nico you need to open the door"
"I uh I don"
Percy yelled out
"Nico please!"
I walked or waded over to the door. My soaked onesie and heavy diaper made it hard to walk but I reached the door, unlocking and throwing it open
surprisingly no water flooded out. It stayed in the bathroom. I stepped out, tears still falling down my cheeks and fell to the floor, Annabeth knelt down next to me.

"Am sowy Auntie Annabeth!"
"Its ok Nico, now let's get you changed and let Percy deal with all-"
She gestured to the bathroom
She leaned into the bathroom, over the water and grabber a large towel. She wrapped me in the towel and lead me to my nursery.
"Nico do you want me to leave and let you pick what to wear and what not?"
I nodded and she left, closing the door behind her.

I shed the wet clothing along with the soaked diaper and dried myself off with the towel. I changed myself into another diaper and perused my closet for options. I ended up picking another pair of pajamas cause we're not going out so there's no point. Plus daddy will never know!

I stepped out of the nursery after getting changed where Annabeth waited for me

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I stepped out of the nursery after getting changed where Annabeth waited for me.
"Now Nico are you going to finish your lunch?"
I whined
"Nico, if you don't eat your lunch we can't watch your movie and you won't get your stuffies till naptime"
"well you have to eat lunch then"
I huffed and nodded.

We walked back to the kitchen but as we passed the bathroom, it was perfectly dry. As if it never happened.
"And Nico, remember you only apologised to me, you need to apologise to Percy too"
I hung my head

Percy was sitting at the table absent mindedly spinning a pen in his fingers. I ran over and hugged him, taking him off guard.

"Am sowy uncle Perce"
He ruffled my hair
"Its all good Nico, anyway I reheated your food, so eat up"

I sat infront of the plate of food and stared at it. Dino nuggets were my favourite and Daddy doesn't usually do chips so it was special but I didn't want to eat. I looked up at Annabeth with my best puppy eyes but she shot me down
"Eat Nico"

Begrudgingly I ate my lunch, Percy and Annabeth ate theirs too.

As I shovelled the last bite into my mouth, I jumped up and ran back to the movie, eager to keep watching. Percy yelled from the kitchen

"Hey Neeks you want some juice?"
"Wes pwease"
Percy and Annabeth came in soon after, Percy holding a sippy cup of juice. The mess I made had been cleaned, I don't know by who but it was as if it never happened.

Percy handed me the juice and they sat down on opposite sides of me. I guzzled the juice as the movie continued.

Authors Note:

What's up lads!

If any of you don't know I put out a new story called, Far too Little, if any of ya wanna check it out.

remember i respond to comments and love feedback and requests!

so don't forget to vote and comment, it really makes my day :)

buh byeeeeee

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