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I get home and turn my phone on silent since Colby and everyone else was spam calling and messaging me.

I change into my pajamas and take out all my makeup and head to bed to sleep.

September 16, 1pm
I slept in, I was so tired and my right hand hurts from punching Brennen. I get up and wrap my hand so it can heal. I grab my phone and head to the living room.

*50 unread messages from annoying bro*
*20 miss calls from annoying bro*
*20 unread messages from sam*
*10 miss calls from sam*

"God damn" I say as I open all the messages.

Annoying bro: Claire come back
Claire answer me
Claire please
Claire call me please
I need to talk to u

I call him hoping I don't get yelled at.
Colby = CB
Claire = C

CB: Hello?
C: hey..
CB: CLAIRE omg why haven't you answered my texts I've been so worried
C: sorry I fell asleep and put my phone on silent
CB: are you alright?
C: yeah I'm fine don't worry
CB: are you sure?
C: yeah I'm fine colbs, is it fine if I come over I don't have any food here.
CB: sure you want me to pick you up or?
C: I'll drive myself
CB: Okay see you in a bit sis
C: bye colbs
*ends call*

I get up from the couch and start to get ready.

I mobile order myself a Starbucks refresher to pickup and a ham and cheese croissant

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I mobile order myself a Starbucks refresher to pickup and a ham and cheese croissant.

I start up my car and head to Starbucks vibing to the Heathers the Musical sound track. I get to Starbucks and pick up my drink and croissant and head to the trap house.

I get into the trap house with my food and tote bag with my laptop, charger, airpod case and phone. I open the door to the trap house surprised for it to be very silent. I head to the living room and open up my laptop to do my research for work.

"Hey didn't know u we're here" I heard Elton say too me. "Sorry about that but I came since I had no food and I was kinda bored thinking y'all were gonna be doing something" I said going back into typing my word document. "What are u doing?" He asks siting next to me.
"Searching up stuff" I say. "Are you alright after what happened yesterday?" He asks "a video ended up online of the argument and the comment are supporting u" He shows me the video and I take his phone looking thru the comments.

User263: That idiot deserved that he shouldn't have been able to grab a girls ass without permission

User837: Did anyone else hear Sam say that girl was his girl?

User683: I hope the girl is doing alright, she seems like she has gone thru a lot

I was shocked. I didn't think a video would end up online. I didn't think people would actually support me, for some reason I thought they would be mad that I beat up a YouTuber. "Wow, I-I have no words" I said to Elton. "Do you me to get you anything?" Elton ask "nahh im fine where are the rest of the boys" I asked "they are all asleep. Colby went out to get breakfast and I was awake" he said. "Well then. Let's go wake them up" I say saving my work and closing my laptop.

I get up and grab a pan and a metal spoon. "Record this if u want maybe for one of there vlogs idk" I run upstairs and quietly go to Sams room Elton behind me recording. I start banging the on and pan with the spoon. " WAKE UP" I shout then run too Corey's room and doing the same to him and Jake. Then I run downstairs pretending I didn't wake them up.
All the guys come downstairs with tired faced. Colby walks in with donuts, "BREAKFAST AKA DONUTS" the guys run to the donuts. And sit down with me. They start talking but I'm not sure what they are talking about since I'm focused on the research. "So do u guys know where we are going to on the 20th?" Corey says and that sparks my interest and I stop my work while I wait for it to save and listen. "Yeah I do we are going to another hotel" Sam says as Colby nods. "What hotel?" I ask. "The Cecil Hotel" Sam says. "Damn are you all going or?" I ask. "Yep it's a group one this time" Colby says "good luck your gonna need it" I say "what time are I guys going" "8pm and staying till 3am or later" Sam says. I nod then go onto my phone and text Alex.

Alex = A
Claire = C
C: Hey Alex
A: Hey Claire have u done the research
C: yep I have I just have to write it down on my notebook then I should be set
A: okay
C: oh btw remember my brother and his friends right?
A: yeah what about them?
C: so they are coming to the place as well but don't know we are going to be there so I wanna have some fun with that.
A: they don't know u do this job right? So I'm guessing we are gonna scare the shit out of them
C: exactly the plan
A: okay well we talk more later I have to go
C: alright cya

I go onto my social media pages and see I have gained a shit ton of followers. "WTF?! HOW THE HELL DID THEY-" I say not realizing I was shouting. "What happened?" Jake asked.
"I went from 900 followers to 8k" I say "Probably because of the video they can find stuff very quickly" Elton says and Colby looks at him confused. "What video?" Colby asks. Elton shows the group the video. "Damn you really beat his ass" Corey said. "What can I say, don't get on my bad side" I chuckle. "Sam why are one of the comments saying that u called Claire ur girl?" Colby looking at Sam. "Oh yeahhh I forgot about that" Sam says "me too tbh" I agree. "So you guys left and I stayed there and then Claire called my name cus she saw me and then from there on the whole situation happened" Sam says looking at me. I nod. "Okay then.." colby says.

This felt long idk why but yeah!- there is about to be a time skip but yeah-
Words: 1105

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