The Denied Question

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Narrator pov:
*timeskip,  few weeks forward, October 8th*


Claire is walking from the traphouse to her car and sees someone leaving a note. She grabs the note and opens it inside the car.

"Meet me in **** at 9pm sharp, don't be late"

Claire thinking it's a joke she starts to drive back to her place. She arrives to her place and goes to unlock the door and sees another note.

"This isn't a joke, don't call the police or you will be hurt, Don't tell anyone just be there on time"

Claire looks around her place and quickly enters her house. She grabs her pocket knife and a hoodie before running out back into her car. She puts on her hoodie over her shirt and places the knife in her pocket. She jumps by hearing her ringtone go off.

'Incoming call from Elton, answer?'

Claire answers, "hey what's up Claire" "hey Elton nothing much just doing things right now" "oh alright do u want to come over to drink?"

Claire looks at the time seeing it's 8:30

"Sorry I can't right now maybe tomorrow because I do plan on coming over" "Okay that's fine sleep well!" "Thanks Elton" was the last thing she said before she hung up.

Claire puts the address in the gps and starts to drive. She drives and sees it leads to an alleyway. She gets a bit nervous and parks. She gets out the car clutching the knife in her pocket. She takes out her phone and sees it's 9pm sharp. "Surprised you showed" a random voice said. "Who are you?" Claire asked putting her phone away and clutching her knife. "Woah sweetie no need to pull out the weapon, I'm here to make a deal with you" The random dude says, "forgot to introduce myself but I'm Oli, I already know your name Claire." Oli looks at Claire. "How do you even know me, what do u want from me?" Claire asked. "Look this is the deal, someone is coming for you, but I can't tell you just yet because they are coming." Oli said. Claire pulls out her knife. "Woah don't stab me, I'm trying to help you. We are against the people going after you. But you have to trust me first." "How can I trust you if you are a random person?" Claire opens her knife up holding it down. "Look here is an envelope it has some info on there, and a date and time and address we are meeting at" Oli says handing her an envelope. Claire takes it, "Look Oli, I will think about it." "That's fine Claire, remember just don't tell anyone, nor let anyone see that info. Also don't worry the next meet up place won't be as scary/sketchy but from the outside it might." Oil says giving Claire a little smile. "Bye Claire, Stay safe" Oli lastly said before turning around and walking away.

Claire now back in her car heads back home and straight into her room. She opens the envelope and pulls out the paper and reads:

You know them but ended on bad terms, I promise I'm not dangerous as it looks. This person is a powerful but you are more powerful then you think. There plan won't work if you trust us/me, Thursday October 14 is the day we meet. I don't want you to be nervous but I'm letting you know in advance, there will be 3 other people joining us that day. I recommend wearing some leggings. Also don't judge the outside because the inside is much nicer. Hopefully this convinces you enough to join us.

Location: BayShore RoundHouse 11pm
(This place is in San Francisco but in this story we are pretending it's in California)

*flashback ended*

Narrator Pov:
*present, October 13*

Claire is in the traphouse playing rocket league with Corey and Jake.
"IM BEAT YOUR ASS" Jake yells as he stands up about to win before Claire blocks him. "HA EAT THAT" Claire shouts before winning. "Pay up boys" Corey and Jake hand her 10$ each. "How are you better then us" Corey says turning off the game. "I have my ways anyway want Taco Bell?" Claire says, "ME" Corey and Jake yell. "Alright I'm gonna go get some, Sam wanna come along?" "Sure"

Sam and Claire hop into the car and start to drive to Taco Bell. "Hi can I get a Variety Taco Party Pack  and 2 Steak and Chicken Quesadillas" Claire says to the worker in the drive thru speaker. "Yeah that will be $40.75, pull up to the next window." They pull up and pay and get there food. Sam holds the tacos meanwhile Claire holds the quesadillas. They pull back to the traphouse parking lot. "Claire can I ask you something" Sam says before they exit the car. "Sure what is it" Claire asks taking out the key. "What are we?" Sam says nervously. "Like are we a thing or?" Claire  sighs, "no we aren't official I guess one way to put it is that we are friends with benefits since we really don't have a label" Claire says. "Would you like to be official though?" Sam asks. "I have a lot on my mind right now so I feel like it wouldn't be the best" Claire looks at Sam seeing it looks like he had been shot, "oh okay.." Sam gets out of the car. Claire sighs knowing she messed up. She gets out the car and walks through the door. "WE HAVE THE FOOD COME DOWN" Sam yelled as he placed the food down. They all sat down and ate while laughing.  "Thanks for the food Claire, do we need to pay you back?" Elton asked cleaning up. "No it's alright, my treat." Claire says turning on her phone on. "You guys plan any new videos?" She asks, "Well we just did reacting to roasts." Corey says. "That's nice" Claire says going back on there phones. "Bro I have to go I'm late" Elton says, "Bye guys" Elton rushes out the door. Claire went upstairs and hanged out with the dudes before falling asleep on the couch.

Sam's pov:

I know I'm probably just over thinking this type of shit but I'm scared. I have no clue why but I feel like Claire doesn't like me like I like her. Probably just some overthinking shit. But her saying she has a lot on her mind kinda gets me worried. I don't want her to over worker herself. I head to Colby's room to ask him what my video should be for my channel. "What if you spy on Claire for a day, but you might need help for that so ask Corey" Colby said, "I like that idea I'm going to ask him." I walk out his room and head to Corey's. I knock on his door and hear a come in from inside. "Yo corey I have a question to ask you" I say, "shoot" "so do u wanna spy on Claire with me for my video?" I ask knowing he will agree. "Let's do it, what's the plan?" He asks, "So we hide in our car and then follow her around. If she goes somewhere we follow her inside and we see what she does tomorrow but this also includes in her house and at night. So are you sure your in, like no complaining tomorrow, you sure?"

"Let's Get This Plan Started"

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