Exploring time, #2

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Alex's pov:
I wake up at 7:30 and look to my left of the room to see Sam and Claire cuddling. I had to take a picture. I wanted to post it, well I'm going to post it but not tag Sam because I feel like it will cause drama.

Alex0923: caught these 2 cuddling like a cute couple, @ClaireLover(The guys face is crossed out so people don't see)

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Alex0923: caught these 2 cuddling like a cute couple, @ClaireLover
(The guys face is crossed out so people don't see)

Claire's pov:
I wake up and see me and Sam cuddling, "Sam I have to get up" I say quietly. "No I don't want you too" Sam says hugging me tighter. "Sam I have to get up I need to get ready and so do you, plus you need to change" I say the last part very quietly. He doesn't quite understand. I sigh and grab his hand and I put it on his own crotch which made him get surprised. He gets up and runs to the bathroom. I grab him some pants and a hoodie for him to change into. I hand it to him and grab myself an outfit. He walks out of the bathroom and I walk in to change.

Colby's pov:
I fucked up and I know I did. I stayed in my room while I went through all the emotions in the damn dictionary. I at this point threw about everything besides my phone, laptop, and AirPods. My face is red and I can't control my emotions anymore. I'm tired, stressed, in pain mentally and physically. I have no clue on how I'm planning on doing tomorrows video without sam. The whole base between Sam and Colby was for us to stick together. I want to text Sam seeing if he can meet us there for at least an hour of footage to get it over with. I grab my phone and text Sam.
Colby: hey Sam I know your not talking to me but if you want to pass by the hotel tomorrow for an hour so we can get some footage and if anything lmk so I guess we can reschedule.

Sam's pov:
As I wait for Claire to finish getting ready I get a text from Colby. I miss him and I'm not going to deny that fact but he shouldn't have hit me. I decide to go with my gut and text him back.
Sam: sure, I'll meet you there. If the guys ask just say we are still doing the video. I'll see you guys there then.
After I text him back, Claire comes out of the bathroom. I look at her and smile.

Narrator pov:
Sam, Claire and Alex leave and head to the Cecil Hotel, once they arrive they all get down and Sam gets down with his camera. "Oh yeah forgot to tell you guys, I posted a picture of you too but cover Sam's face not knowing if you wanted it to be public." Alex says, "your lucky Sam's here because I would've let the evil spirts get you." Claire says looking at Alex. Sam puts his camera up and points it to themselves. "Ready?" Sam says, "as we will ever be" Claire says opening her notebook. Sam does his into like if it was his personal channel. Claire starts to state info on the hotel as they explore.

"The Cecil Hotel opened in 1927 but started building in 1924, 700 rooms, marble lobby, stained glass windows and a opulent staircase which equaled to about 1 million or more. Besides the amazing beauty it had 16 different murders, suicides and paranormal activities. Today our plan is to explore and tomorrow we plan to talk about Elisa Lam, which you guys would figure more out later." She says casually, "if you guys want to know why she knows so much it's because she does the research behind the place we go to and meanwhile I make sure we are able to go to the place and search up rituals." Alex says looking at the camera. "I have no words, why am I here?" Sam says laughing meanwhile Claire answers his question as Alex take his camera. "It's because you don't want to be without me baby boy" Claire says making Sam flustered. "If you want to know what happened, Claire made Sam get embarrassed" Alex says point the camera to him then to Claire and Sam. "MOVING ON" Sam yells grabbing his camera back laughing. "Oh wow I forgot to mention that I am smarter then Alex" Claire says. Sam laughs making Alex roll his eyes. Then they continue walking. "Don't move" Claire says as she walks in front of Sam. Sam moves the camera so it shows Claire in front of him. "This is near the murder of Louis D Border who slashed his throat with a razor. He was also an Army Sergeant, how can I figure out? The guys it walking around" Claire says calmly. "The vibes are bad here so our best bet is to move on from this part" Claire says.

Few hours pass by its 12am. "Okay let's go back to the hotel we have to get a good rest for tomorrow we start early and end very late." Claire says walking backwards to face Sam and Alex. "Claire careful, I feel a bad vibe." Alex says. He was right of course. Sam still recording as they leave to see 3 cop cars in front of them pointing a gun at them. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP YOUR UNDER ARESST FOR TRESPASSING" One cop yells out. "No we actually aren't, but next time you want to mess with 2 detectives don't pick the ones who have permission to be here" Claire says grabbing Sam and hold him in his arms giving Alex the camera. Claire pulls out her badge and so does Alex. "What about the blond one" a different cop says. "OI don't worry about him, he's with me so don't even try it." Claire says.

Alex recording the whole thing using his phone since he turned off the video camera. Alex walks to the car and starts it. Sam hugs tightly Claire more in fright. Claire notices and puts his AirPods in his ears on full volume and plays his favorite song. Claire brings Sam to the car leaving the AirPods in, while Alex came out of the car. Claire pulls out a gun and so does Alex. "It's a fair fight now. Listen to me, you SCARED my boyfriend and nobody gets to do that. Understood, Maria, Ramirez and Kyle?" Claire says. "How do you know our names?" Maria asks, "well it's quiet simple, when you can talk to spirits they say a lot. Besides the point, we are on a case so you guys can go, meanwhile we are going to head back" Claire says. They nod and all go into there cars. Cops head first as Claire and the gang go behind them. Claire takes out Sam's AirPods and puts them away.

They get inside the hotel and go to there room, Claire is carrying Sam since he is tired which is understandable. Claire places Sam on bed so she can change to her pjs and braid her hair to sleep. After she finishes getting ready to sleep, Sam had changed into his pjs and was laying down peacefully. "Night Alex" Claire says, "night Claire" Alex responds back. Sam scoots closer to Claire, Claire wraps her arm around her. She try's to sleep but something feels different, she gets up and walks to the bathroom. She turns on the light and sees a cut on the side of her neck. "ALEX" Claire yells, Alex comes running in and shows him the cut. Alex starts to treat her wound when Sam walks in. "Why was there yelling?" Sam asked, "don't worry love just head back to bed I'll be there in a second" Claire says, "your going to have to tell him" Alex says, "I know but I'll wait till the morning." Claire says as she heads back to bed. They all go back to sleep.

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