Relaxation and Realization

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Claire's pov:

I woke up on the couch of the traphouse. I get up and grab my phone, "12:30 pm god damn I slept in" I go to the kitchen and only Jake is up. "Surprised your up Jake I expected maybe Elton but you? Nope" I chuckle. "Damn well now you know I can get up early" I roll my eyes. "Wanna wake everyone up with water?" I say grabbing a cold water bottle from the fridge. "Yes" Jake catches the bottle I throw at him and I grab another one as we head upstairs. "I do Elton you do Corey I do Colby you do Sam?" "Sounds like a plan" Jake enters Corey room pouring water in him as i enter Elton's room pouring water on his face. "WAKE UP" I yell as Elton falls off the bed. I run out and see Jake running to Sam's room quickly and I run into Colby's room. I pour the rest of the bottle of water on him. "WAKE UP BROTHER" I yell, "GET BACK HERE" Colby yells before I run out of the room. "CLAIRE WE HAVE TO BOOK IT" Jake yells at me while running down the stairs. I jump over the stairs to run quicker. "HOW THE FUCK" Elton yells. "IM A NINJA" I yell. Me and Jake run into a dead end aka top of the pool. "We are fucked." Jake says. "Got anything on you like ur phone?" I say quickly. "No?" Jake says looking at me. "We have high ground so jump into the pool" (the pool has a hot tub which is where they are at and if they jump they go into the pool.) "Looks like you guys are stuck" Colby says smirking at me. "We aren't, you are. JAKE JUMP" I yell as I yank Colby's arm dragging him into the pool with us. Before I knew it everyone was in the pool. "This is too early for the shit, let's dry off" Elton says. Corey runs inside to shower. Sam was on the couch because he didn't enter the pool. I head quickly upstairs to enter the shower.

After the shower I change into ripped black jeans and sea green hoodie with a white hood. I walk downstairs to see the guys chilling. "So what are you doing today Claire?" Colby ask me, "well I plan to maybe go do some errands because I need some cash and yeah" I say grabbing my car keys. "I'm head out" I walk out and enter my car. I start to drive to Starbucks to get a drink before my errands. I park my car and enter inside. "Hi can I have a Strawberry Açaí with lemonade, peach juice and light ice?" "What size? They ask, "A venti please" "I hand them my Starbucks card and walk to the seat and wait for them to call my name.

Sam's pov:
"WHATS UP GUYS ITS SAM HERE!" I yelled doing the intro. I quickly do the intro as we wait for Claire to come out the tiny Starbucks. "Today we are following Claire for 24hours because why the heck not! And I'm here with Corey aka our driver" "Hi guys, Sam Claire is leaving!" Corey says as we wait for her to enter her car.

Claire's pov:
"Claire!" One of the workers yell, "thank you" I say before I head out.

I head back to my car to see a note on my car. I look around before I grab it and head back into my car. I start to drive to start my errands. At a red light I grab the note and open it up.

"Don't forget it's today at 11pm"

I close the card up and put it into the cupboard in the car. "I have to head back to my house to get the other one" I say before making a U-turn heading back to my house. I make it into my house before I grab stuff. I grab my pocket knife, the first envelope, and my iPhone charger. I run back downstairs and enter my car. Before I turn back on my car I put in the address to the place. "Half an hour away okay" I ring someone my phone and start to drive. "Hey Alex!" I put him on speaker.

Claire: C
Alex: A

A: Hey Claire! What you up too
C: Some errands and to get cash
A: Damn nice
C: How is the trip going?
A: It's been good, we got another place to head too
C: Alright I feel like your busy so I'll call you tomorrow.
A: Thats fine, talk to you tomorrow
C: Bye Alex.

Sam's pov:
"So guys we made a pit stop at Claire's but we are heading somewhere currently we will update u when we arrive" I cover my camera with my hand for a transition and stop recording. "So what's up with u and Claire?" Corey asks as we pull into a bank which I can't even film so back to waiting. "Nothing" I nonchalantly say. "You sure because it seems like you guys have been hooking up 24/7" Corey says. "It's really nothing plus she even said it herself so" I say semi-annoyed wanting to drop the topic. "Claire is leaving" I say pointing at her so we start driving again.

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