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Sam and Colby went on a trip with Corey and Jake and Elton, leaving me here since I have work. I was at the traphouse alone with circa when I decided to watch tv.

"What show should I watch circa?" I asked the dog. Circa just barked at me. "Yes yes I should watch Manifest"

I started to watch manifest and got through a ton of episodes and a ton of juice. I paused the show and got up to use the bathroom. I went to use the bathroom and I came out and heard a loud crash behind me. Circa started barking and I turned around to see the window broken. I grab a knife and walk towards it when someone behind me puts a something in my neck.

All of the sudden my vision is got blurry then I saw darkness..

Persons pov:

I stuck a syringe into her neck as she collapsed in my arms I grabbed my phone and called boss. "Hey boss, yep, got her bringing her now" I say and hang up. I put her over my back and start to walk out. I enter the car and place her inside. My buddy went inside to grab any evidence like her phone and keys. Then we were off. See you soon...

Sam's pov:

We went on a trip for our channel. I had a bad feeling when we got here. I didn't know if I was worried for Claire or this trip but I decided to ignore it. This trip was a very quick one. 4 days. I decided to call Claire to check up on her.

*ring ring*
"you have reach voicemail box of" I hang up and text her.
"Hey I wanted to check up on you, call me when u can" I press sent. A day goes by and I text her again.
"Claire you there?" Finally today was the day we went home. I texted Claire before we entered the plane.
"Claire I'm getting worried" The flight finished and I texted her one last time before we got home.
"Can you hang out Claire?"

I zoned out thinking about what could've happened with Claire when I heard someone yelling my name I turn to see Colby looking at me concerned. "Hey man you alright?" He asked. "Yea im good dont worry" I lied, I put on some music in my AirPods and waited until we got home.

When we got home I heard Elton say something. "Guys don't enter" he said, "why?" Corey asked. "It's a crime scene now" he said pointing to the broken window. Colby called the police and I waited in the car trying to call Claire but no answer.

Cops arrived and questions us before one cop said, "WE FOUND SOMETHING" They put it in a bag so we couldn't touch it but it looked like a note. I grabbed it and read it before I started to cry I ran back into the car and cried my eyes out.

Took your precious girl, she looks so nice. Probably amazing to fuck her at any moment. Her silky hair is amazing to pull if she wasn't going fast enough, maybe it turns her on. She is beautiful her body looks amazing. I bet she would love us more then she loved u. I think we took the right girl to love and fuck. Don't worry she's in good hands for now..


(Hey I just wanted to say thanks for the patience, I've been going through a ton of tests in school which sucks but stuff is going better so I will try and type more)

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