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"ah. Ahh it's such a great time to drink here all alone at night when you had a really crappy da-" Michael Immediately stopped talking when he saw the bag laying there wide opened. He thought to himself,

The fuck????? Thats not mine? Did anyone else found this lake?? Is that father's bag?? I couldn't see the
Him anywhere though.. And this bag is also empty.. But there are footsteps going through towards that water haha.

"FOOTSTEPS WHAT?!" The boy quickly reacted by dropping his alcohol on the ground. His eyes was quickly wide open and his mind went berserk. The first thing that went to his mind is someone killed themselves by drowning in his favorite lake. But the second thing that went on his mind is, someone is on a vacation.

If someone is here, footsteps will probably be everywhere. But this.. FIRST OF ALL, THAT FOOT PRINTS DIDN'T CAME FROM THE FEET. THAT'S LITERALLY SHOES. second, IT LITERALLY ONLY LEADS TO THE WATER.

He rubbed his eyes actually see if what he's seeing is real or he's just imagining things. But no matter how hard he rub his eyes, footsteps and the bag is still there.

He started following the footsteps out of curiosity. And As he follow the footsteps, He noticed bubbles are bubbling not from a far when he looked at the lake. Cold Shivers quickly went down to his spine.

"FUCK IT'S STILL ALIVE!" he yelled. He started to question himself What to do. Save that drowning person? Or just pretend like he saw nothing and run away like a coward.

"FUCK WHOEVER THAT IS!" But even all the second thoughts,he did it anyways for the soul might hunt him when he sleeps because he didn't saved it. He quickly took his undershirt off, reviling his so called good body.

He walked forward nervously. When the water finally reached his chest, he then took a deep breath and started to sink himself to find you.

Opening his eyes was quite the pain but it doesn't matter to him anyways. He started swim deep down at that lake. And After diving pretty far after a while, he finally saw you. You were continuously sinking and you looked pale. Your eyes were shut closed but your mouth was freely open. Your hair flows with the water creating such a unique kind of look. The moonlight was shining brightly as expected making your face glow.


He started to swim towards you and when he finally reached you, he grabbed your jacket first and took them off.

He is quite loosing his breath so all he could ever do for now is to take those rocks off of your pocket. He Then started to swim you both up with his left hand clasped on your waist and his body touching yours.

At this point he wouldn't even notice that his body is indeed close to yours because his head is totally messed up and full of messed up thoughts.


After he checked your pulse, He leaned his ears close to your mouth to see if you were still breathing.

She's still breathing but she's weakly breathing. Not to mention her pulse too..

The boy took a glance of you then started to have second thoughts again. Seems like his second thoughts wouldn't ever end.

Kiss??? No! I'm just going to save her life!! CPR!!! But the thing is... Our lips... Touching each others.... SHIT NO! SHAKE IT OFF MICHAEL! YOU'RE TRYING TO SAVE A LIFE!!


No shit. I'm not so sure how to do cpr. But father taught me. If this doesn't save her life I'll kill myself too so her soul wouldn't haunt me.

Though he doesn't know what he's doing, he just started pinching your nose, hold your chin using his other hand, then let his lips touch yours. He then started puffing air out. He quickly took his lips out then started doing cpr.

He just kept on going and going even though he doesn't know if what he's doing is right, hoping you would wake up soon.


He let your lips touch again to puff air out then the boy kept on hoping as he just repeats the process again.

Then finally, the coughing he've been waiting to hear finally came. You opened your eyes as you coughed the water out and started to gasp for air desperately.

"FUCK! FINALLY!!" Michael yelled as he wrap his arms around your head gently.

You're still not conscious on what is happening. You didn't even know what happened. All you can recall is sinking in the water while watching the blue lake surrounded by you.

"Thank God you're okay!" a familiar voice that somehow made you kinda get back to your consciousness .

"Michael..?" you weakly whisper with a raspy voice, still trying to focus your vision. As soon as you saw the soaking wet boy you've always despised, you quickly pushed him off despite what he did to save your life.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!" you shouted in great rage while weakly repeatedly pushing and punching him away to escape from his manly grasp.

"LET ME GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!! YOU HEAR ME?! I SAID I HATE YOU!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!" That rampaging temper tantrum slowly is burning out, turning into painful tears full of hatred and anger.

Michael didn't bother to say anything and just accept all your punching and pushing since he knows what he did wasn't right. And he knows he's the one who to blame for your attempt of suicide.

"I fucking hate you" you painfully sobbed.

"I know.. I know what I was doing wasn't right... And I-I still kept on pushing you to your deep end.. I was a total bastard towards you and I made your life total living hell here, I hurt your feelings, I made you miserable and made a really big mistake. And I know a simple sorry wouldn't fix all the things I did.. I am not forcing you to forgive me, and I am also not worthy for your forgiveness at all but, I am still truly sorry. About everything." he apologized. Sincerely. You can totally see in his eyes that he is truly guilty about it. And his tone doing his apology is quite soft compared to the usual voice of him.

"I fucking hate you so much.." you sobbed again, but weakly. Your eyes seems like it has gotten even more heavier making you fall asleep on Michael's arms without even noticing.

Fuck... I really did messed her up.. Shit.

Michael carried you on a bridal style while his destination is towards his home. He couldn't take you home like this after all. Your mom would be worried and might think Michael kidnapped you.

He doesn't even bother to give a single shit about the few people that is weirdly looking at the both of you and just continued walking.


The both of you finally reached Michaels home. The lights are off and everything is so quiet.. Seems like his dad is busy working as usual.

Michael carried you upstairs and went straight to his room. He plopped you down on his bed with his unfixed blanket on the corner. It seems He didn't mind getting his bed wet. He would get very angry even if a little drop of water landed on his bed but, this case seems a bit different.

She should change clothes. Should I wake her up? No no she'll probably be mad if she sees me... And I can't be the one who'll change her clothes. I am somehow a pervert but I will NEVER cross the line like that.

Wait, what is she doing here anyways???? Ugh.... Just, what was I thinking..

The boy groaned and pinched his bridge nose in stress.

How am the hell am I even going to deal with this??????

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