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" Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect lighting;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." -Sarah Williams

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Everyone dislikes the night. It's cold and dark. It's not safe either. But there was a little girl who's story was about to begin but you may ask her why does she love nighttime so much when no normal human being does in such a cruel world ?

Night is the only time in the little girl's life She can wander around and feel free from her problems and marines don't go around town night so She can do whatever She feel like.

It was about midnight.

Your POV:
I'm starving I haven't eaten in days I stopped counting it would make me hungrier. Usually I hunt something for myself but tonight I didn't find anything I wonder's probably of those corrupt marines they've been camping here for two weeks now they're searching for someone probably me and burning down the forests.

You might wonder why I hate marines when they're helping others and love Justice. "Ha..what a bullshit never in my life have I ever seen a marine with a heart it's kinda of disappointing."

I'm on the run for half a year now. They say I'm dangerous when I never ever hurt a soul. "Well I guess it's not that bad being alone" I said while sitting down on the ground. The grass was still wet and cold I didn't mind it was actually comforting after a warm day like this.

I was watching the stars they're my friends, this is another reason why I love nighttime you can see the stars. That's when I saw a wishing star. I don't believe in stuffs like that but since I have nothing to lose why not making a wish. "I just don't want to be alone no more.." I said quietly while laying down on the ground and closed my eyes. I groaned as I imagined a happy family i recently saw but instead I imagine myself in the child's place it might be weird you think but I never had a loving family like most child my age.

I changed position and now was laying on my side facing the sea close to the sand. I hummed I can't sleep because of hunger..

I heard a footstep it was close. Oh no I can't believe I let my guard down. I immediately looked behind my back. There stood an older man. He now stopped as he was looking at the stars too. I didn't notice how close he was he was now almost standing next to me. I didn't feel in danger or threatened by his presence so I didn't move.

I waited for the older man to act.
"You are Yume Y/n right?" The man finally spoke. My eyes widened. I just let my guard down again how could I think I was safe here with this stranger. I was ready to run at any moment. As I looked for an escape route.

I could feel his eyes on me now. I'm not used to people know my name hell even use my family name. I don't even remember when was the last time someone said my whole name.
"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt a kid who's not dangerous" he said.

Why would he say that..all my life people avoided me because I was dangerous so why now why so sudden. My stomach let out a noisy signaling I was hungry. I blushed out of embarrassment.The older man started laughing very loudly. "You really remind me of someone"

That made me blush in shame and embarrassment even more. Why does this have to happen now out of all times.

He suddenly pulled out a piece of meat out of his pocket? I won't even question why he had it in his pocket. "Here. Eat" he held out his hand towards me handing me the meat.

I looked at the man in a questioning manner. "My grandson is always hungry so I always keep food with me. I was on my way to him" he said smiling.

I felt weirdly comfortable. "Do you want to come with me to my grandson he's kind but dumb as hell" he laughed again. Would it be too selfish of me to say yes I would just cause chaos. I can't let this kind man get in trouble for helping me what if the marines will know. They'll lock this poor man up for life..

"You're very kind sir but I don't think I really have the right to do so" I said
Looking at my feet I wasn't wearing any shoes but it was summer so it's okay. The man hummed.

"You don't have to worry about the navy" he said. I was shocked to hear him guessing my worries who is just this man. "Who..are you?"

"My name is Monkey D. Garp but you can call me grandpa from now on" my eyes widened. What did he just say. I don't know what made me more concerned that he is a navy vice admiral or that he just randomly adopted me.

I immediately stood up and started backing away. I could run away into the forest but my legs wouldn't move.
Would be it really the right decision. If he wanted to hurt me he already would have done that I doubt he wouldn't be able to overpower me.

He was looking at me not making any movements. "So what do you say you will come with me ?" He asked and grinned at me. I gulped and breathed in a big. "Is it really okay for me to...?" I asked not sure.

"If I wouldn't be sure I wouldn't have asked." He said now walking over to me and reaching his hand out to me. So I took it.

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My feet was in the dark and cold sand it was about 4 am I was standing in front of a navy warship my feet was hit by waves the water was even colder than the sand but I didn't mind. Not now when I have this big opportunity before me waiting for me and adventure I always wanted to go on one. I smiled the sun was now coming up the stars were less visible now but it's okay maybe I'll make other friends not only the stars.

But wait..What if this is a trap and they just don't want me to fight back.. no even if I wanted to fight back I couldn't and I'm sure they know damn well so why. Maybe they don't want me running away. I made up all the possibilities on why would anyone care to help someone like me.

Garp reassured me it was okay. I got up on the deck there wasn't anyone it was just to two us. "Where are the others?" I asked. Looking around scanning the deck.

"There's no one because they mustn't know you're coming with me you know they would capture you. I'm sure you know" he said now walking inside of the ship to get ready to start the ship.

"So why aren't you doing what others would do?" I murmured this old man was full of mysteries. I thought I loved mysteries but this man made me dislike them. I was tired so I followed where the old men went.

Inside was warm and the lights were blinding me. I saw a sofa and I laid down on it I was so tired I fell asleep in seconds. I loved sleeping it was the time of the day I could let go off all my worries and sometimes even dream.


This is it for now :))) Im sorry this story might be a little Off story because Im only at episode 529 when Im writing this and Im on a holiday I'll be fixing everything in the future so for the early readers sorry 😰

Also there Will be spoilers so i dont recommend reading this if you're not over so 460 atleast.

(A/n) but in 2023/02
Heyy it's me again I just rewrote some things and I'm going to edit the whole book so yeah

Word count:1392

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