Part 22

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Oh no i went back in time?! No way I did. I quickly looked around looking at every direction to find a mirror or something I could check myself.

"Who even are you?" Asked the teenager who looked just like shanks but younger next to him stood a clown? I almost choked on my saliva and snapped my hands on my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

The blue haired boy didn't seem to like my attitude. "Oi are you laughing at me?!" He said now irk marks all over his face as tears were about to escape from my eyes. "N-no it's just I looked into the sun and-" I burst out laughing as I look at his nose again like an apple.

I think he was now about to fight me or push me off the ship but Roger stopped him the blue haired boy didn't seem to like being ordered to why join a pirate crew if you can't take orders.

When I finally calmed down I noticed how everyone was looking at me like I murdered their whole family. Jokes on them I didn't care.
Giving them my real name probably wouldn't be the best idea since it could mess up my original timeline then I realized what if I can never go back into that timeline and I meet Luffy as an old women I gasped no!

Wait maybe being here isn't so bad I can save people. No wait that would also mess up the timeline Luffy wouldn't meet shanks so me neither and he wouldn't want to be a pirate.
I can not do that.

The pirates were still waiting for my answer on just who the hell I was.
"Uhm i am F/n" everyone seemed to calm down and believe it so that relieved me but when my eyes shifted to the crimson haired boy damn he looked not even a little convinced. I gulped as I immediately broke our eye contact but I still could feel his glare at me.

Slowly the big crowd off pirates disappeared leaving only a few behind Roger and the one that was still looking at me with a glare like a hawk's.

I felt like a pray under his gaze. "Can you stop checking me out please."

I asked rather annoyed. The boy just hummed as he started walking into my direction sadly I didn't notice his movements until he was too close for me to escape.

He stopped right in front of me as he leaned closer to my face. I looked at his arm. Then the other one. My eyes widened he still has both of his arms wait why is he so close.

"Uhm-" I said as I leaned back as far as I could without falling off the ship.
I looked over the red haired boy's shoulder to give a 'help me' look to the Pirate king.

"How do you know me?" The boy finally spoke. I blinked a few.
"Pardon" I asked.

"Don't act dumb you just said my name earlier but I'm sure as hell I never seen my life" he added the last part unsure. Weird.

"Oh no, I just have a dog called Shanks but I doubt that would be you right?" I innocently smiled at him he groaned in a annoyed manner.

As he leaned back and turned his back to me as he walked away leaving me and the captain all alone.

"We arrive to the next island in a week so you should make yourself comfortable sadly we don't have a guest room so you have to sleep in the main dorm or with Buggy and Shanks" Roger informed me.

And not gonna lie sleeping in a room with a lot of unknown man or to sleep with a room with shanks who I known I don't know who buggy is but I'm sure he's okay.

"I'll take the second option I think.." I said as my stomach growled signaling I was starving. I sweat dropped why always times like this why I front of the pirate king I expected the king to cringe at me and let me starve.

I heard the man now laugh as he patted my head I looked up at him. Damn he was tall. Wonder if Ace will be this tal- wait no I don't I should be thinking about food right now.

"Dinner will be in two hours but you can ask Zeff to cook you something" he said turning around and leaving. Sweet and everything but who the hell is Zeff and where the hell is he at??!


After wondering around the ship for I think... I don't even know more than an hour I was about to give up when I saw the crimson haired boy leaving a room and shutting the door behind himself. He looked at me then turned around and was about to leave "h-hey" I shouted at him to get his attention he stopped but didn't turn around.

"Could you show me where is the kitchen?" I asked him he finally turning around with an emotionless face. "You know I don't like liars and most importantly I wouldn't help them" he spat as he turned around and started walking.

The audacity this man has i swear to who ever is above us I will make him choke on a spoon. I glared manners at him as he was getting further away.

Then a brilliant idea popped in my head let's follow him and annoy him he has to help me otherwise I wont leave him alone or he has to eat sometimes and then I'll get to the kitchen. So I did just that.

It didn't take Shanks too long to notice me following so he sped up but so did I. After five minutes of following him we were now outside when he stopped.

"Could you stop following me?!" Shanks whined as he turned around to look at me. "I'm not" I said with no emotions Shanks just groaned at that.
When his eyes lit up. "Okay. You won I'll help you get to the kitchen" he said smiling. Okay he switched up too fast this is suspicious and it's not like Shanks to admit loosing.

Well whatever I'm starving. I just gave him a big grin. "Alright!" I said while he grabbed my hand and started pulling me in a direction. He pulled me towards a dark alley and then in a even darker room.

It was weird at first that the kitchen was in such a dark place. That's when I heard a loud slam behind me I quickly turned around and saw Shanks were nowhere to be found that's when it hit me. "YOU-" I shouted as I tried to open the door I heard shanks laugh.

"We'll goodnight and I hope you eat well" I could hear his laugh fade as he got further. I was making up various ways to get revenge on shanks but my brilliant ideas got interrupted as I heard someone snoring loud very loud.

I cold went through my whole body as I realized I wasn't alone in this room.
I looked at the source of the sound and noticed a bed and someone sleeping there. I walked closer so I could see it better. I'm actually surprised my yelling didn't wake him up.

I leaned closer to him to see his face in the dark. It's him! The blue haired boy from before the clown. Wait why is he here. As I was thinking I didn't notice that the earlier mentioned boy was now awake and aware of me and the fact I was way too close to his face.

When I noticed I saw that his eyes were wide open. He tried to push me away but somehow I fell and I fell on top of him just like in those romantic books but this was way more awkward since not long ago this boy was trying to kill me. "Uh- well good morning" I said not sure what to say in a situation like this.

The clown under me just stayed silent and still. processing what I just have said and why.

"What are you doing here idiot?!" He said finally pushing me off and sitting up I also sat up looking at him. "Shanks." He still looked confused so I continued. "He has locked me inside." The blue haired boy raised an eyebrow. "Wait don't tell me we're locked together-" the boy said with a sweat drop.

"We'll seems like it so you might want to get along." I grinned at him in a teasing way. This is going to be a pretty long night.


Hope you like it so far. Comments and votes are appreciated.


Word count:1477

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