Part 25

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I nodded as I was about to leave to pack my things from my bedroom.
"Also y/n be careful with your dreams" I stopped on my way. How the hell did he- I turned my head to take a look at his face. "How did you-"
He sighed. "It does not matter now. what matters is that they're dangerous you have to stop them"

Like I know how to. "Okay."
That's was my last word I said before leaving to pack my stuff. I'm leaving as fast as I can it's not that I hate being here it's very peaceful but rather I don't belong here Ace. He is like he was born to be here but me.
I don't know where I belong to that's why I still have to figure it out for so long I thought it was by shanks's side but maybe I was wrong all along.

I shook those dark thoughts off my mind I have to look at this from the positive side that's what they always told me so let's look at this as a new chance a new beginning. I smiled as I entered my room.

I closed my door when I got alarmed by a deep voice. "Why did you lie about your name to me y/n?" I turned around seeing Ace sitting on my bed. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." I waved my hands before me too protest. He stood up I gulped in response. "It's no use I heard your conversation with Marco" my eyes widened but my face darkened as I made sure to not look him in the eyes I looked down.

"So you've heard everything.." I asked.

"Yes and  Shanks-" he was not finished with his sentence but I just couldn't take it anymore my eyes began to water again but this time biting my lips weren't enough. I really didn't want to talk about Shanks to anyone hell especially not Ace who has as much sympathy as a fish.

My hands formed into a fist in anger.
"Shut up! You do not do not understand a single thing." i yelled as whimpers could be heard in the room. He walked closer to me as I stepped backwards but my back hit the wall.

"You never understood and never will Ace!" I yelled at him the disappointment from before on his face was now switched to a rather surprised and worried one.

"Y/n.." He called out my name so gently. He tried to reach out to me but I slapped his hand away. "No. Please..leave." He let his arm fall down from the air. He let out a big amount of air. "Alright I don't want to bare with your childish act anyways no wonder shanks got-"

"ENOUGH!" I cried out. I could see him flinch. I will not let him finish his sentence but deep down I knew what he was about to say. 'No wonder why shanks got tired of you'.

Why? Why is he doing this ? All this time I tried to help him so why does he have to hate me? Why does everyone have to- no it's okay calm down It's okay..

He probably had enough because the last thing I remember was the sound of the door being slammed shut I was relieved but also disappointed I hoped when he would figure out my identity he would be happy but I guess I'm delusional. I sighed as I grabbed my bag this whole time Yuu was sleeping on the bed I don't even know how can she sleep through such and argument but I guess after eating a lot she fell into deep sleep.


I talked to Marco he gave me medicines for my journey and also Thatch his brother he made me food and gave me store able food so now I had everything I needed I couldn't pack enough food though Yuu eats like three times more than a grown man so the food is never enough I don't even know how she's in such a good shape.

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