Part 6

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I sat up Panting heavily. I quickly looked around. When I saw the three boys lying next to me I let out the worlds biggest sigh of relief.

Thank god  I now laid back I was back in our shared bedroom I guess now Sabo also lives here. That's when I realized. That My dream there's a 99.9% chance it's true and that it's going to happen..I don't want to risk their lives I looked at the three boys sleeping next to me. I smiled.

I have to appreciate things till they last right...? My smile faded..I have to let them go. it's better for them. I don't want to be selfish. I can't be selfish. Even thinking about leaving made me feel terrible and the fact I knew someone is searching for me and probably will come after me didnt ease my mind either. My stomach hurt because of all the feelings I felt right now.

What the hell should I do? I am just a kid I shouldn't be suffering like this.. I shouldn't be making decisions like this. I should be playing in the garden and roll around in mud and play ball games with other kids, make friends.

Too bad our world is rotten to the core. I pushed the blanket off of me and stood up and went outside silently not to wake up anyone.

I heard a snore from Luffy I flinched and accidentally stepped on Aces hand I immediately stepped back.
"Shit" I whispered as a pretty much shocked and scared expression was visible on my face. Ace just groaned and turned to the other side of me.

I sighed in relief and opened the door quickly and went outside. Outside I saw a log and sat on it and started admiring the stars.

I could see the stars perfectly there weren't any clouds. I appreciated the moment. Untill I heard. "Oi what are you doing out here you're gonna catch a could im not taking care of you again" heard a voice groaning behind me.

I turned around. "Ace? Did I wake you up?" I asked. He started walking in my direction when he was next to me he sat down. "Yeah you stepped on me but I don't mind" he said not looking at me but the stars.

"Ace?" I said in a questioning way.
"Hmm?" Ace hummed in response. Not looking at me

"What would you do if I disappeared?" I asked being curious if he wants me gone.

"I wouldn't care" he said in a cold tone. Ouch I kinda expected it so why do I care maybe I shouldn't have asked it in the first place. I let out a big sigh that didn't go unnoticed by the freckled boy.

"But Luffy would miss you." He said now observing me and making eye contact with me. "Why ? Are you planning on leaving? Where?" He asked I figure he already knows my real intentions.  "I am" I said. He kinda looked disappointed at my response.

"It's not like I can stop you right?"
He asked to make sure. I chuckled.
"You said you wouldn't care anyway and no you can't" I said looking away from him. I don't want to be having a staring contest with him in a conversation like this. I don't want to look him in the eyes at all. I sighed

"When are you leaving?" He asked.
I realized. I myself dont even know.


"Soon." I said coldly as I appreciated the beautiful stars.
"I see" he said standing up and dusting off his clothes. "I'll be going inside it's cold don't wake me up again" he said while turning around. "Okay whatever" I said rolling my eyes. It's not like I did it on purpose.

After half an hour I also went back inside and went to sleep.

٭⊹¤.•⨳•.*☆✬ ★ ✬☆*.•⨳•.¤⊹٭

It was already morning I looked around to check if the boys are still there. They weren't I was kinda panicking untill I heard them yelling.
"IM GOING TO BE THE PIRATE KING" I heard Luffy yelling. After that I heard a loud thud and Luffy whining. I immediately stood up

Did something happen to Luffy?!
I rushed outside of the bedroom and went inside the kitchen where I heard the noises coming from.

I almost broke down the door with the force I opened it up with. "LUFFY?!" I yelled looking around in the room. That's when my eyes widened and I gasped.

"Garp?" I said I was shocked because I was pretty sure he abandoned me and Luffy and him using violence on Luffy I thought he was kind.

Garp's face immediately lighted up at the sight of the girl. I noticed Ace having a black eye and Sabo just treating his wounds I guess Garp also got to him. Well I'm only worried about Luffy anyways.

"MY LITTLE SUNSHINE" Now my head turned to Garp who was now coming my way I looked behind me. wait did he mean me? The last thing I knew that I couldn't breath.

"T-too tight-" I said trying to get oxygen into my lungs I was squished by Garp he was hugging me a little too hard. I was slapping his shoulder as a sign he should let go off me and he finally did.

I started breathing heavily. "I'm so good my only daughter won't be a pirate not like his dumb brother" he said glaring at Luffy who was now sleeping while standing.

I guess he is talented?

"So Y/n did you ever think about becoming a marine?" Garp asked.

"Uhm I don't think so" I respond unsure what I was supposed to say.
"Oh well it's the right time to-" Garp was just about to finish his sentence when Luffy rushed towards me grabbed my arm and yanked me with him. I let out a yelp. "Y/N WILL BE IN MY CREW AND WE WILL GIVE MY HAT BACK TO SHANKS TOGETHER" Luffy yelled to Garp and stocked his tongue out.

Luffy was rushing to the door now the shocked Garp was just staring at us with wide mouth and eyes we, who were getting further away.

Now we finally stopped after running trough the whole forest and stopping at the end of the mountain. Luffy let go off me and sat down.

He patted the ground next to him signaling me to sit down. I gulped having a feeling this won't end well.
"Say Y/n.." Luffy finally spoke.

"Hmm?" I hummed in a questioning manner. "Is it true that you're leaving?" He asked. I could see he was fighting back tears.

That stupid Ace told him.. but he really is a crybaby  my thoughts made me smile. "Yeah" I said smiling at Luffy. "I will go with you!" He said.
"You can't Luffy. And Ace needs you more than I do.." I said

"That's not true Ace got Sabo you have no one other than me..I don't want you getting hurt" he said.

How cute but ironic at the same time
I chuckled "don't worry Luffy I don't need protection I'm stronger than you anyways" I stuck out my tongue to make Luffy annoyed.

It didn't work thought he gave me a huge grin. "It's okay I'll get stronger so I can protect you Y/n wait for me will you??" He said leaning closer to me having a huge smile on his face.

He's so sweet I'm starting to doubt I even deserve him.. "for sure Luffy I will wait but I still have to go soon but when it's time again I'll see you again alright?" I asked holding his cheeks and screeched it. It was so funny him tearing up with a red face while I screeched his face.

"Luffy it's okay don't cry" I patted his head. "We will meet sooner than you think" I give him a reassuring smile.
He nodded and took something out of his pocket. "Here..I made this for you" he blushed because he was embarrassed. It was a bracelet that he found somewhere In the forest.

Good now I'm about to cry. I pulled Luffy into a big hug before I pulled away and stood up. "Alright Luffy then I promise you we will see each other on the seas again I'll wait untill you become a feared pirate" I grinned.

He was wiping his tears and gave me a thumbs up. "And I'll make a huge welcome back party for you y/n!" He yelled and stood up.

"Deal!" I said and put out my hands so Luffy could shake it.
"Deal!" Luffy responded


I hope you liked this part too ^^ likes and comments are very appreciated
And they keep me motivated.

Word count:1473


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