Part 15

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It was 18 days ago since i arrived here and only once did I even find Rayleigh that's was only because he is an alcoholic just like Shanks and wanted to buy some booze and I was walking in the village to find him. But that was weeks ago I can't even find him hell not to steal it. I even tried at nights but he just kicked me in the stomach every single time so I eventually gave up.

I now had a week to get the crystals because my birthday is very close.

I sighed as I was walking in a path inside of the forest now I know this forest very well since I'm spending my days training here so I could fight Rayleigh at night at-least.

I was deep In my Thoughts when I heard the bushes move again I immediately hide behind a tree. I could see the bush move and hear groans. Stupid Rayleigh now I got him for sure. I thought as I tiptoed over to the bush and jumped at the person who was stuck.

And I put a bag on his head and smirked now I got him! I got hit in the stomach again I doubt I'll have a baby anymore. I yelped. I soon realized the person in front of me on the ground wasn't Rayleigh in fact..
And I was sure when he grabbed the bag and got it off of his head.

"you're not Rayleigh" I said speaking facts. The man with green hair was glaring at me. "Uhm sorry about that" I said pointing at the bag I just put on his head. "are you trying to kill me women?!" He shouted. "you're not even worth that much get over yourself" I spat at him.

He got offended I could see. "Whatever could you tell me where the harbor is?" He asked annoyed not making eye contact with me. It's that way I pointed to the right and started walking away.

After two minutes of walking I noticed the green haired men still following me and decided to confront him. "Excuse me sir but could you not follow me because if you do so I might have to choke you with a bag for real this time" I said after I turned around. The man looked at me dumbfounded.

"I'm not following you I'm going to the harbors" he said "you should stop following me though I'm not interested in women" I cringed at him. I don't care if he's gay but why is he telling me this. "Uhm good for you then we'll I'm literally walking in front of you I can not follow you." I pointed out.

"Whatever" the man said getting in front of me and starting to walk. I grabbed the back of his shirt he pulled out his swords and out of reflex almost slashed my arms down but luckily I dodged fast enough with my small knife

"Woah chill out moss head I just wanted to tell you that you're going in the wrong direction" I told him. He looks strong though maybe he could help me beat Rayleigh. "Like I need your help" I groaned whatever I doubt he'll ever help. "We should make a deal hm?" I asked getting the male's attention.

"And why would I make a deal with some strangers?" He said raising his eyebrow. "Well you clearly bad at directions so I could help you get to the harbors if you help me get a bag from someone" I said smiling .

"So you're asking me to steal?" He asked now stopping and turning toward me totally. "Uhm well not really"

"Look I might look like a thief but I don't steal from no one" he said making himself clear. "And I don't even know your name" he spoke again.

"Well I'm y/n a pirate and I need to get a bag from an old men who is playing a game with me" I said.
The guy looked like I'm some kind of animal.

"Look I don't have time to play pirates with little girls like you like I said I'm-" I didn't let him finish. "forget it I hope you starve in this forest alone" I said while walking away into the village's direction.
I could hear him mutter. "Crazy women" as he also started to walk in a totally random direction. I sighed why do I care if he gets lost I don't.

<Four days left till my birthday>

The last few days I was able to find Rayleigh but not fight him he always got away.

I was walking in the village My wallet is almost empty because I had to buy so much food and drink for Rayleigh this isn't good I sighed. I heard people shouting and yelling. "ROBBER STOP HIM" i looked at the sounds direction and saw a women holding his head with tears in his eyes.

I charged towards the robber to catch up to him it didn't take long till I caught up to him and smashed him into the ground making sure the bag he stole won't get dirty.

I took the bag away while holding my knife to the robber's throat. I saw tears In his eyes. "P-please don't hurt me I have k-kids to take care of" he said I sighed and figured he is stealing for his children. I stood up and walking over to the women giving her back her bag.

Then walking back to the man and giving him the last bits of my money I had left he kept telling me how amazing I was while crying. I heard clapping. I looked at my side and noticed the annoying man I met two days ago clapping. "That was impressive I thought I will have to help" he said and walking over to me.

I was sitting on my knees so I could give the money to the man who was now gone. I sighed. "Still haven't found the port?" I said teasingly and I chuckled after. I heard him scoff. "You know I was about to help you get up but whatever" he said turning away. "Awww no I'm sorry" I said apologetically while pouting.

The green haired man smirked and turned towards me and held out his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up. "You know you're not as moronic as I thought you were" I said laughing. "And you're as childish as I thought you were" he said but finally not in an annoyed tone. "Thank you" I respond fully proud of myself. Then my stomach let out a growling sound signaling I should eat.

My face went back to normal. The man looked at me. "Hungry?" He asked I nodded ashamed that I am broke and have no money left. He sighed. "Follow me" he said I was about to confront him that if I follow him we will get lost a hundred percent but I knew he wouldn't but me food I'd I said that so I just. "Uhm I know a good and cheap restaurant" I said grabbing his hand and pulled him. I guess he didn't mind since he let me drag him around the village to find a restaurant.

"So what's your name?" I asked between eating my soup. "I am Roronoa Zoro the one and only" he said very proud of himself. "Cool" I said looking at my soup I had no idea who he was. "Wow I thought everyone heard of me well I guess I was wrong. I am a swordsman and I'll be the best swordsman in the world" he said.

"Hmmm remember me when you're famous 'kay?" I asked smiling at him.
"Alright you'll be the first to get my autograph" he joked

We finished eating and I told him I'd help him get to the port so I lead him to the port.

"Here we are you won't get lost from where will you?" I chuckled. "No I don't think so. You live here?" He asked.

"Hm, no I am on a mission I have to get these dumb crystals from an old man who constantly kicks my ass" I said in a tired tone as I sighed. "Ouch must be rough" he responded.

"It is I've been trying for weeks and he makes me buy him drink and food and I'm basically his slave but I'm out of money so I have to leave now I guess" I looked at my sailboat that was still parked at the harbor and sighed.

"Do you want my help?" Zoro asked I looked at him with sparkling eyes. "YOU WILL?!" I held his hands while giving him a huge grin.

"Sure after all I have to help helpless women" he said with a flirty manner.
"Aww thank you my prince in disguise" said as I fake fainted into him he was a bit annoyed. "Don't make me change my mind" he warned.

"But I'm just a helpless women~" I repeated what he told me just a second ago.


Votes and comments are appreciated

Word count:1535


𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵  𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓷𝓮Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora