Part 8

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I was walking now for about an hour and a half my legs were sore and about to give out. I didn't sleep the whole night and I was chased by a tiger also when I fell I hurt my leg badly so it's pretty much hurt right now.

I was limping on a path in the forest that's when I noticed the forest had ended. I saw a village not so far. Wait isn't that village is that same where i arrived here first with garps.

"Oh well" I sighed looking at the map it was the right direction so I started walking towards the village.


When I finally arrived in the middle of the village I could see a lot of people already awake i mean it's already about 7 am so it's not that uncommon in a village, especially that in the middle of the village there was a market so the elder people were flooding the streets.

It wasn't a very big village though. When I finally got through the old men and old women. I could see that I still had to walk to get to the treasure on the map. Now I doubt it's actually a treasure I mean why would there be a treasure in the middle of a village. I sighed not stopping my walking.


I finally arrived to my destination I was standing where the X was on my map. I looked up confused. "A tavern? Really?" I wasn't expecting much when I entered the village but come on. I looked at the map then at the tavern again. I did that for about ten times passerby people thought I was crazy. A drunkard must had this map before me.

I sighed. "We'll what ever" I said pushing the doors open.
When I entered I heard loud chatter and laughing even some singing it was early but people were sure lively here. Meanwhile I was fighting for my life there exhausted. The place smelled like booze. The people were in a very good mood some of them even dancing I was dumbfounded.

Now what kind of treasure is this ?! I cringed. While looking through the whole Tavern. Maybe I read the map wrong. I pulled out the map and.
"Huh?!" I said that a little louder confused but no one seemed to notice I'm glad though. My eyes widened and my hands were shaking.

It's and empty paper now b-but it was a map I know I'm not crazy- am I???
I turned the paper around but nothing. It was an empty white sheet. Maybe I was hallucinating because of the lack of sleep? I quickly grabbed my bag and pulled out the ring. I sighed in relief that I still have it and that I'm not crazy.

That when I felt someone's presence behind me. Shit I let my guard down. I stiffened and I was breathing slowly.
"Hmm nice ring ya got there" the man said behind me" I quickly put away the ring before someone else could notice and hell even steal it away from me. I mean they pretty much look like pirates to me and pirates are famous to be stealing from anyone they sure won't pity a child.

The man behind me chuckled because of my actions. I still didn't turn around preparing myself mentally to run. "Don't worry I won't steal it or anything it was just long time when I last seen a ring like that"

Huh? He saw a ring like mine? That means he must know something about it maybe even the weird map. I collect all my courage to turn around and face the man who was crouching behind me.

So I did just that I turned around. I wanted to ask him about the ring but I just couldn't form a word hell even a sentence. I was taking in his features he didn't look intimidating now that I get a closer look and I'm pretty sure he's drunk.

He had rad hair and a wound on his face more specifically three. "Hello there little one" The red haired men smiled at me. Somehow I felt safe. I didn't say anything thought I felt a sharp pain in my head and I collapsed luckily the man.caught me. "Oi don't die on me now your mother will kill me" he said visibly stressed.

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