Part 5

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We were running so fast I didn't know where I didn't care I was just hoping Luffy was alright. We finally reached the end of the forest but we still didn't stop.

We finally stopped next to a abandoned house so rounded by trash every where the eye can see. Ace grabbed my hand and pulled me and Sabo to a hiding place.The sight we could see terrified me. I couldn't even move. I was shaking. I saw Luffy's chained body all beaten up and tortured.

The two boys next to me didn'tseem to notice my current state because they were too focused on the scene as well. I stood up and picked up a big wood that had nails sticking out of it and started running at the big man's direction who yet didn't notice us being there. At that point I couldn't care that he had a sword and was like five times bigger than me neither that I would probably die.

I just want to save Luffy the other things doesn't matter right now. I jumped a big and aimed at the big pirate's head. I hit it and now he was laying on the floor. "Y/N?!" Luffy shouted in shock. I shushed him and quickly tried to unchain Luffy..but I was too slow. The pirate I hit earlier was now up again and kicked me in the stomach so I flew away from Luffy. I hit the wall then I fell on the ground.

I groaned in pain.. "tch asshole" I said looking at the pirate standing in front of me. I held my stomach where I got kicked to ease the pain.

My head was now bleeding due to me hitting the wall hard and I was starting to see blurry but I can't just give up yet. I saw a gun on a wooden box not far away from me I ran there and grabbed it. Yes! I thought.

I pointed at the man. He stopped how movements looking rather shocked...

His shocked was replaced by a sick grin. Then he started laughing. Now I was the shocked one. "AHAHAH a little girl like you with a gun this is hilarious" he continued to laugh. I scoffed and aimed the gun at his head...

I pulled the trigger...nothing?! Now the whole group of pirates were laughing.I know how to use a gun so why doesn't it wor- I got shook out of my thought as the pirate threw the bullets at my face.

"Hahah I'm quite impressed that a kid like you actually was ready to kill somebody. Too bad it wasn't loaded."
My eyes widened. I messed up big time.

The man smirked as he started walking towards me. Out of reflex I stepped back but my back hit the wall. Shit I'm screwed I just hope Ace is using this as an opportunity to help Luffy escape. The man grabbed me by the neck and pulled me closer to his face choking me.

"You're quite pretty I was thinking about killing you but maybe we will play a little before. Then sell you for a good amount." Disgusting pig..

I was now getting dizzy and my wound on my head didn't help either. I looked at where Luffy was before he was no where to be seen. I was relieved. I mentally laughed atleast he's okay I guess and I'm not dying for nothing. Now my vision got black.

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I slowly opened my eyes and it hurt it was too bright I was in a forest.I put my hand up to block the light that was blinding me. "Am I in heaven?" I asked still barely seeing anything because my eyes were sensitive. I was laying on a futon.

"You wish" I heard a familiar voice next to me laugh. "I bet you would go to hell" the familiar annoying boy said. now the other two were laughing as well. I groaned realizing who they were.

I was now perfectly seeing the three boys sitting around me. "For a minute I was relieved to be alive but now I wish I have died"

I said annoyed of the boys behavior. "Well It's not like I wanted to save your ass" Ace said annoyed.

I didn't expect much from sabo or Ace but damn Luffy you're the reason I almost died so why are you laughing as well. I sighed while I sat up more likely I tried to sit up because halfway through I got stung by a very heavy pain in my head. I groaned. As I held my head I could feel bandages on it.

"Hey hey take it easy" I heard Sabo say. "You're still not fully recovered you know" he said holding my back to help me. I laid down back and sighed. "How long was I passed out?"

"One and a half day" Sabo said.
I just hummed in response not really wanting to start a conversation with them. My eyes were now on Luffy who was grinning at me. "Y/n I brought you food yesterday!!" He said smiling. Wow Luffy giving someone food that is he's I must be importan-

"But I ate it since you didn't wake up sorry~~" he said while giggling. I sighed. "It's okay I'm glad you're okay Luffy" I said after that i closed my eyes and let the tiredness take over my body just again.

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Where am i ? I looked around oh right I am in the forest I stood up and made sure my clothes aren't dirty and started walking back to the house of the mountain bandits. I finally arrived back but it was.. on fire.. my eyes widened.

I just stood from a far watching the house being burnt to ashes. I didn't notice as my vision was blurry I was now tearing up. "W-what happened?" I asked now tears rolling down my face.

Then it hit me. "LUFFY ?! ACE ?! SABO?! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS ?!"
I looked around. No it can't be they must not be in the hous- no don't even think about it y/n. They're probably safe.

That's when I heard whimpers and coughing.I ran in the direction of the sound that's when I noticed Sabo being heavily injured. I ran over to him helping him get away from the house.

I was holding his face in my palm he was staring at me. "Y/n...why didn't you save us?! Why didn't you leave?! Why did you have to stay here?!" He said now his face turning blurry but not from my tears.

"S-Sabo what are you talking about"
"It's all your fault Luffy and Ace is dead and now it's my turn. You should have left long ago and we could have lived but no you're so selfish!" He's eyes full of hatred and his voice is full of venom it was suffocating.

His words making me paralyzed I couldn't move now I was shaking as tears rolled down my face.
"THEY KILLED US BECAUSE OF YOU" I let go of Sabo's head letting it slightly hit the ground. As I tried to back off of him.

"S-Sabo what d-do you mean who hurt you guys?" I was petrified.
"YOU Y/N! AND THEM" He shouted I flinched and crawled backwards. Now he stood up.

"You're so should have left so they don't kill us.." I could see Ace and Luffy appearing behind Sabo.

I looked up at them hoping this is a sick prank or joke. "Y-you guys please stop this isn't funny please.." I begged them. "Y/n you think we're joking?" He started laughing. "Y/n they killed us because they wanted you"
Ace said looking down at me. Trembling on the floor.

"P-please I don't understand wh-"
The last that I sAw before it all went back is that the three boy in front of me looking at me with a look full of hatred. Then a huge men appeared behind them with a weird cape he seemed familiar and he had this shitty grin on his face that was terrifying.


Cliffhanger sorryyy~~~~

Love all of you please vote and comment it keeps me motivated.

Word count: 1386


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