Part 14

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After a day I was finally able to notice my destination the island I was looking for that had the bag that I myself didn't know what it contained.

I set the sail down as made sure the boat won't sail out alone while I'm away as I got off board.

I put my cloak on since I'm wanted and on the loose and my bag on my back and started walking into the village searching for a man not gonna lie I didn't even know if I were supposed to ask for it or just steal it since shanks didn't tell me.

I sighed as I walked over to an older women. "Good evening. Do you maybe know this person?" I asked as I showed him a picture of an older man who had glasses. "Oh Rayleigh San? He lives by mountain you can get there the fastest by the forest" the old women said while smiling.
I smiled back nodding.

"Thank you very much" I bowed and left to find my targets house.
I was hoping not to get lost in this huge forest but I realized I already did it was getting dark now.

I liked darkness and night but not when I'm alone in a forest I was used to it when I was young but I got unused to it if that makes sense.

The sun was fully set now and I was freezing this adventure neither this island will be my favorite that's for sure. Yuki was sleeping in my back pack good for her I'm also lucky because my devil fruit ability makes me able to see in pitch dark I found out a year ago.

After a lot of walking I saw a house next to the mountain. "Yess finally" there wasn't any light inside so I figured that Rayleg or I don't know who was probably sleeping now.

It was awfully quite as I sneaked to the house's window. And peeked through it I noticed a bag I was sure that's the one because it was red and shanks told me it was red so I know for sure.

I also noticed a  white haired man he was totally wasted by the look of it I could see a lot of booze next to him on the table his head was rested on the table and next to him on the chair
Was the bag.

I grinned imagining my victory and how easy it will be to steal the bag. "We'll then I'll invite myself inside" I smirked and opened slowly the window.

I tip toed to the table and grabbed the bag I turned around and started tip going back. Suddenly I felt weak on my legs and I almost fell.
"What tha fu-" I said under my breath haki! Shit. I turned around as I sensed a presence behind me and the lights turned on and I felt a sharp pain in my head and fell to the ground as everything went black.

I tried to open my eyes but it felt like a lot of weight was over it so I had a hard time opening it I was in a unfamiliar room. Tied to a chair ?! Shit. I looked around and saw the man sleeping at the same spot.

Was it him who did this? Or is there someone else? I looked around no one. Then- "oh you're awake" I heard the man talk I immediately snapped my head back to his direction.

I shouldn't have done that since my head started to hurt again. I groaned.
"Shouldn't make sudden moves yet it's pretty unusual for anyone to not fall from my haki for the first time" he said I was hella confused I couldn't fully open my eyes as the lights still hurt my eyes.

"Shanks sent you didn't he?" He chuckled. I didn't respond why would I talk to someone like him anyways I sighed as I knew I was fucked I was preparing to die. "I already told him I won't give him this crystal" he said annoyed. Crystal I went through this for a freaking crystal?!

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