Part 7

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It was night when I finally left the Bandit's house after our little talk with Luffy we vent back to the house and he helped me pack my stuff so the others don't notice i want to leave.

I wrote a letter to Sabo thought I'm not that close to him but closer than Ace and Luffy already knows anyways and it would be mean if Ace and Luffy knew but he didn't. I asked Luffy if he could give it to him he said alright.

Now I'm walking down in a path at a forest. I soon realized leaving at night wasn't the best idea the forest was so creepy. I always heard weird noises I was panicking. Sabo told me once there was two huge monsters in the forest. I was shaking from fear of the thought.

Well that's what I get for being so dumb. I sighed and when I looked up from the path a saw a beautiful lake. My eyes lit up. And I let out a "woah" as I walked over the lake it wasn't so big but there was a lot of light source since I could finally see the moon it was full moon so it wasn't that dark now. I decided to stay here a little until it becomes a little lighter.

I was now throwing rocks into the lake and I was counting how much the bounce. I was pretty cold. I only had a coat and a cloak on and my backpack with me. In the back pack we put four sandwiches apple and a bottle of water and money. I don't even have only two change of clothes.

I sighed. That's when I heard a noise behind me when I say I jumped I literally mean I was on my feet in just a second. "W-who's there?!" I asked
Shit why did I stutter now I look like I'm scared I mean I am but they shouldn't know. I stepped one backwards. That's when I saw the same fox I helped a few days ago coming out of the big grass.

I sighed kinda relieved. I doubt it's here to hurt me I mean I helped him right? I was gazing at the fox when I noticed it was holding a bag. "Huh?" I said while crouching down to be on the same level as the fox.

The fox walked towards me and stopped a few feet away and it put down the bag. I was confused. "For me?" I asked. why the hell was I talking to a fox anyways it's not like it will understand-.

That's when the fox did a nodding head motion. My jaw dropped. IT ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDS ME?? my eyes were wide open the fox smiled? And then turned around and left.

I stood in the same spot for a few minutes till trying to proceed what just happened. I gulped. "Uhm alright" I said under my breath and walked towards the bag and picked it up. It wasn't a big bag so it would still fit in my backpack luckily.

I opened it. It had a ring? in it I was confused.. "uhm" I took out the ring and put it on....I was waiting for something magical to happen but nothing did. "Oh well it's still a pretty ring" it was a golden ring with a white crystal in the middle. Then I opened the bag again. I noticed a map. It was of the island.

Thank god I would get lost otherwise. I sighed. Even thought I have been living on this island for months I still don't really know it well. But the relived face soon turned into a stressed one again. "Why is there only one spot on the map?!" I asked more like yelled. I mentally facepalmed myself for being so dumb to scream in a forest. The sun was getting up now.

I looked around to make sure no one heard me there weren't any monsters so I think I'm okay! That's what I thought untill I heard growling behind me. I turned around slowly my legs were like a jelly. I was having a hard time even standing. My life flashed before my eyes. I didn't notice but I was tearing up now.

It was a huge tiger. "H-hey little Tora"
I said while trying to sound confident and smiling obviously it was a fake smile. Someone said tigers can smell your fear so I'm damned. I could see the hunger in the tiger's eye. The tiger was so huge I was sure I won't be able to out power it so I did what every saint people do. I picked up my backpack and bag and ran for my life.

It didn't take a long time for the tiger to start chasing after me I looked at the map in my hand. I was running to the right direction but it was way too far there's no way I can get there running my stamina is below a chicken's I cried mentally.

It's okay I just have to be smarter than a huge monster right? I thought still running it was still dark even though the sun was rising. I was sprinting until I accidentally got tripped by a wood. And fell on the floor this is it I'm dead. In reflex I clutched my hands the ring was still in my hand the map was now on the ground a little before me.

I turned around to see where the tiger is and it was still dashing to my direction. I knew this was the end for me. I closed my eyes and I started praying for my life quietly not moving. I could feel something warm in my hand.

My hand It was now shining I couldn't even see anything because everything was so white. The tiger stopped I think because I can't hear it running. My eyes got used to the light coming out of my hand.

Wait maybe I died and this is the afterlife.I got interrupted of my thought with a growl. Wait no there's the tiger but why did it stop running isn't it hungry anymore. Waugh it must be the light. I have magic powers haha dumb cat. Oh.. I looked down my hand and opened it.

It just the ring. WAIT ITS THE RING?! So it's not actually useless. Thank you fox so much i noticed the tiger turning around and leaving. I let out a sigh of relief and laid down on the ground. I was catching my breath and calming my heart down.

I appreciate the moments of my life when I'm not in danger. The sunlights were getting through the foliage. I sat up and grabbed the map that was still on the ground I looked at it and hummed. "I think I should go there now" I said to myself while standing up and dusting my clothes.

I grabbed the bag and put my ring inside. I think it was about 5 am.
I started walking in the direction the map had and X. Maybe it's treasure?! I grinned I will be rich I smiled to myself.


Okayyy let me know what do you think of the book so far ^^ you soon will meet a mystery character so keep reading.

Also likes and comments are appreciated <33

Word count: 1239

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