Part 4

268 11 0

We run ?


It was now a month that you first met Garp. You haven't meet him since he left you with Dadan and the mountain bandits. it's not bad here it's lively it's way better than your last 'home' if you can even call that place home.

The bandits tell me stories everyday. They're really just like a family. About Ace and Luffy yeah.. Luffy won't give up on Ace even though I told him it's not worth it. He keeps going after him and getting hurt.

Ace and me aren't in the best terms at the moment. We just don't talk. After I left Sabo and Ace's weird base. I found Luffy he was injured...again. I can't believe that he still does that I mean he already has me so why does he need that jerk.

This past month he keeps talking about Ace I'm not jealous or anything just feel unappreciated I do everything for Luffy and he still likes Ace better and Ace already has Sabo.
I pouted unbeknownst that I was actually jealous.

I heard the shared bedroom door open. It was Ace. I didn't even question about Luffy's where being because "he never knows". I'm still pretty sure he's behind all of this. I mean let's put this together Ace leaves Luffy goes after him Ace comes back without Luffy and Luffy comes back way later all injured it's pretty obvious.

He sat down on his Tatami. He didn't say a word. I realized how late it was and usually Luffy is back by now.Should I go out and look for Luffy. No it's his fault for getting into trouble I have to work for two more people because Ace and him won't help with the house work now he'll learn his lesson.

"Ace" I said quietly. He hummed signaling me that he is listening but he didn't face me. "Did something happen to Luffy?" I asked not wanting to show my concern but I failed hard it was heard in my voice.

"Why do you care about him so much we're not even blood related" my eyes widened. I can't believe he just said that. I stood up I was about to punch the hell out of this guy but decided to be generous so I threw a pillow at his face. He let out a yelp and a groan in annoyance

"Don't..ever say that.." I said in a low tone. He now faced me he could see I was mad but he was just confused.
He was about to say something when I spoke again. " I don't know about you but I always wanted a family and now I have one and I won't let you get in the way no matter what." I said rather in a threatening way.
"I don't care if you don't want to be a part of this family but atleast don't ruin it for me.." I stopped talking.

He was shocked he never ever seen me so mad. He didn't say anything.
"Luffy got caught.." he said switching the topic. All the anger I had was now gone and it was replaced by fear.

"He- what? Where? When? By who? Why?" All the questions were floating my mind. Ace stood up as well. "By pirates in the forest he knew our hideout and's my fault.." he said looking down ashamed.

I didn't even question it I just ran out of the house in the hideout's direction. I'm not sure if Ace followed me or not I was just running faster then I ever did before.

I can't believe it he really doesn't care about his family why...why would he even let that happen. I know Luffy can be Annoying sometimes but he doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

I also knew that Luffy have most likely been suffering for more hours now. Hell I'm not even sure if he's alive.. no what am I thinking he might be a kid but he's Luffy he's strong I'm sure he'll be fine untill i arrive.

Okay but what will happen when I arrive.. Wait I don't even know where they are when I realized that I was already standing in front of the huge tree where I met Sabo for the first time. I'm here but now where should I go? I was about to turn around

They're pirates right they must have a ship or I- "AAAAA" I screamed and punched the figure standing
Now I front of me. I heard a yelp.
"Wha- you're not Ace" the voice said.
"Woah you really connected the dots on that one" I said ironically.

"Y/n?" Said the figure I still couldn't see because he was now sitting on the floor and the moonlight didn't reach his face. He stood up. "Sabo?" I asked I was confused. "What are you doing here? Wait no where's Luffy ?!" I changed the topic looking in every direction. His hands were now on his face rubbing the spot where I have punched him.

I punched harder then I supposed to.
"So harsh.." he said looking at me.
I was giving a death stare to him. "Oh about Luffy.. follow me" he said grabbing my hand.

I heard noises coming out from the bush. Sabo seemed to notice it aswell.
Then Ace came out of the bush. He was panting. "Ace ?" We asked in union. "Y/n you run fast as hell.." he panted while standing straight up.

"Let's go rescue that idiot shall we?"
He said. Sabo smiled. I just stood there annoyed just out of his presence.

"I'm sure he snitched on us so it weird they didn't come to our hideout yet." Sabo said. Ace's eyes widened. "H-he didn't snitch on us I??..was sure he would" I didn't understand shit but Ace's terrified face told me Luffy was in huge danger. That's when Sabo also understand. "Shot we have to hurry" Sabo said then We started following Sabo. We were running.


I hope you liked this chapter!
Comments and Likes are appreciated

Also merry Christmas <333

Word count:1026

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