Part 11

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I woke up to a loud thud turns out it was my door being slammed to the wall. I sat up in my bed rubbing my eyes. "Y/nnnnn~ are you ready to learnnn how to fight" I finally was able to see who said that. It was obviously shanks. "Shanks.."

I gave him a death glare. "Oi oi don't give me that look that looks more intimidating than my congruous haki" he laughed. I didn't find it funny since I don't even know what he's talking about. I just turned my back to him and went back to sleep.

"Y/nnnn~~~~~~~~" Shanks whined playfully trying to get me out of bed good luck to him because I will not get out no matter wha- "AAAAaA" i screamed as grabbed my leg and pulled me out of my bed now I was hanging upside down. He's so annoying and stubborn I sighed.

"Y/nnn~ finally you're out of bed now come on" he said outing me down on my feet. "You want to become stronger right??" He's too excited.
"Yeah-" I said looking away finding this whole situation embarrassing as hell.

"Okay come" he said walking outside of my room. I would have the chance to lock him out of my room now.. I thought eh- no he would just broke down my door I sighed in defeat and started following him.


I was sweating and panting a lot. We started at the early morning and it's now getting dark I can't see the tiredness on Shanks actually he even wants me to do more but my body just can't train anymore.

I sat down on the floor ignoring him. He was pouting and whining. "Come on y/nnn you're so good at combat just so this kick and we're done okay?? This last one" I nodded and stood up. "This is the last one!" I confirmed.

Okay y/n you can do this. The training was about me punching and kicking a dummy. I was now aiming at the dummy's chest because the head was still too up for me.

I did a spin and kicked the dummy and it fell over. I heard clapping and I looked back it was Shanks Benn and Yassop. Benn wasn't clapping but he looked like he was proud of me.

I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment and let out an awkward chuckle. "You're like a pro just in one day" Yassop yelled in a happy tone I blushed a little bit I'm still not used to compliments.

"Anyways Captain tomorrow we will arrive to the next island monster told me" Benn said to Shanks. "Alright then. Y/n you can go now I know you're exhausted" I nodded and left.
But I am so glad tomorrow we will finally see land it's been about a week I last saw an island and I am not used to be on the sea for so long.


Shanks woke me up again but this time not to train but because we arrived to a new island and he wanted me to explore and buy myself things.

Now I'm standing in a market in the middle of the village with a lot of money in my hand. I sighed and I started walking to the market.

I saw a lot of scammer who wanted to scam me because I was a kid. Bold of them to assume they can scam me. I saw a comfortable looking dress so I bought it. And I brought other shirts pants and everything that looked comfortable. I still had money so I decided to spend it on food and sweets.

So I did now I was walking back to the harbor when I got pushed over. "The heck-?!" I asked looking behind me where the person went it was also a kid about my age or a bit older. I could only see her black hair I couldn't see her face clearly.

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