Part 13

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Years have passed by since you joined when I say years. I actually mean almost 7 years out of that me and shanks's crew spent 5 years on the same island just partying and training. shanks taught me how to use armament and observation Haki he even helped me to use two swords but I don't really use swords. I use combat and sometimes my two knife.

I am turning 15 soon. I yawned as I sat up in my bed I got a bigger room by now thanks to Shanks and the crew.

I walked out of my room in search for Shanks. Obviously I found him drinking. "Y/nnn~~~ who is turning 15 this year hmmm~~???" Shanks said while putting his hands on my shoulder. "Shanks.. you're drunk" I reminded him. "I'm not thattt drunk" he said pouting between hiccups.

I took a glass and filled it with water and took a sip. Benn handed me a newspaper I looked at him confused but took it anyways. When I saw what was on the first page I almost spat out my water.

Portgas D. Ace sailing out?!

My jaw dropped after swallowing the water. Did he actually become a pirate. This newspaper wasn't famous but it was one of Benn's favorite and he thought I might care. So he informed me.

My face went dark. "Why are you giving me this?" I asked in a mad tone. "I guessed you might want to know" he said now turning away. I grabbed the newspaper and went back to my room. Shanks looked after me confused.

I closed my door and slammed the newspaper on my desk glaring at it. I don't even know why was I so mad it's not like I saw him in years or anything. His simple existence annoyed me.

And I knew if he's a pirate sooner or later I'll meet him again and maybe I was just scared I would never admit that thought. I sighed and sat down on my bed still looking at the newspaper.


My birthday is in a month. I walked on the deck finding Shanks because Benn gave me mission that might take me more months to be done with.

I decided to check in his room again I already checked once or twice but he wasn't there I was searching for him for a hour I was getting mad.

I knocked and opened his door. Luckily he was there. I was about to speak when. "I know what you're gonna say and no. I'm not letting you go on a mission and spend your birthday away y/n." Shanks said not looking at me. I sighed I know it will be hard to convince him but this mission was pretty important.

"Shanks please this mission is important you also know that and I'll be able to finish in a month I promise" he looked at me not convinced.

"Please?" I asked now begging. He sighed. "You promise to be back by a month?" He asked I nodded fast. He sighed again.

"Okay but in only one condition. I'll let you go on the mission if when you get back you'll let me to white beard as my daughter" he smiled I smiled back.

"Alright. I won't disappoint you Shanks" I said bowing and leaving to pack my things. For the mission I'll go to in a day I heard a lot of about white beard but I have never seen him so I'm excited to see him.


I went inside my room and noticed the bag I got 7 years ago from Yuu my fox spirit I completely forgot about it I quickly opened it and saw that the ring was still there even the map I grabbed both and looked at the map first.

I noticed that the x was in a completely different place now I was confused it but just ignored it and put it back inside the bag. I want to my bed And patted Yuu she's actually my best friend since I joined the crew have was looking over me I only realized after a year though when she kept stealing my snacks.

I always give her food but she randomly disappears for days I got used to it by now so it's alright.

I decided to put myself to sleep for tomorrow because I am tired. And I'll pack my stuff tomorrow.


I was ready for the mission I decided to leave early so I'll eat breakfast and I'll leave right away. The boat I will go with was now ready and I ate my breakfast quickly so I packed my stuff on the smaller ship.

My mission was to get a bag and bring it back to shanks originally I wasn't the one to do this but the person who was sent originally got injured and I volunteered it was long time ago I went for an adventure anyways.

"Don't get a cold y/n and take care" Shanks said wiping away his dramatic tears with a tissue. I sighed annoyed how dramatic he can be. "I will don't worry" I said with that I set the sail and the ship started going I waved to my cruise till they weren't visible on the horizon.


I kinda messed up the line of the story so I had to rewrite from this chapter so sorry about this inconvenience and this is the reason this is a shorter chapter and I'm sorry if you still see any mistake in it please let me know so I can change it <33

Word count:938


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